Awakening the power

After leaving the orphanage, Scarlett feels her heart in a good mood. Having pressured for couple weeks make this meet with Reid, like giving water for a thirsty person. If she can find more about Reid, Scarlett thinks she can make a good story about him. Maybe this story will not as spectacular as the hunter, but it's worth to read. While driving she turns on the radio on her car and listening to the music that they played. The song was quite famous at this time, sung by a young singer with a young rapper. When the song they sing said ..."Scars on my body so I can take you wherever … like I want you forever", Scarlett chuckled when heard the words 'scars' because made her remember Reid again. And she ended singing along the way that song.

Let's back to several years before

One day after attempt on Sister Christina failed. She sit behind her desk in the office, her eyes closed and seems like thinking on something. Yesterday 'accident' has some impact on her calm manner. It's not people that want to hit her that become her thinking, but it's about Reid. She remember the first accident that involved Reid and Ricky previously and yesterday accident that happen on her. On both accident, Reid save them all in an unexplainable ways. Is that only coincidence? It's too good to called coincidence. Sister Christina knows Reid didn't lie to her, because she raises him since child, and she knows Reid's attitude and manners. 'Maybe he doesn't if he have certain power' that's what she thinking 'but if he can't control that power, something bad can happen to him'. After thinking again, Sister Christina decides to have test on Reid to make him understand his power and able to use it properly.

She asks a child to call Reid to come in her office, and not for long, Reid already appears in her office.

"Sister, do you calling me?"

"Yes, Reid. Please have a seat"

"Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Actually I only want to ask you about something"

"What is it, sister?"

"Do you remember when Ricky almost get hit by a car on the street?"

"Well … I remember that. Why sister?"

"Do you think that car just stopped at the right time?"

"Ugh, if you ask that I'm not sure either, sister because I close my eyes"

"Alright, then yesterday accident, how you explain why you could suddenly appear near me?"

"That's … I don't understand either"

"Do you know the word 'telekinesis and 'teleportation' Reid?"

"I've ever heard that words but don't understand what is that"

"Well, telekinesis is a mental power that makes a person able to move any object without touch it. And teleportation is an ability that makes the user able to move into another place within seconds"

"Do you mean I have that power sister?" Reid almost didn't believe what he heard.

"That's the only possible explanation about how you can move from roof to the road in a second Reid"

"But I don't know how I get this power and how to use it either sister"

"How you get this power, I don't know either Reid. But think that as God blessing for you, Reid. Your kind heart maybe destined to help many people in the future, that why God gives you that power. However, remember this deeply in your heart Reid, that with great power, there's also the big responsibility. You must use your power only for good deeds if you use it in a wrong way, which will cause you to lose yourself"

Reid smile wryly hearing that. While scratching his head, he answers it

"I will not misuse that sister, how I will misuse that if I don't even know how to use it"

"You'll know how to use it when you know how to awakening that power Reid"

"Is that means I can use it whenever I want it if I know how to awaken that power sister?"

"Yes, of course, you will. But you have to train it to initiate and control the power first"

"How to do that sister?"

"Teleportation and telekinesis are mental powers, that's mean need your mind to focus for the power to appears. Let's try one by one and in a slow manner first. Reid, sit relax and take a deep breath, exhale the air slowly. Focus your mind at a place you want to be"

Reid does as Sister Christina told him. He closes his eyes, inhales the air and exhales it slowly, he focuses his mind on his room. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes, and he still at Sister Christina office.

"It's not working sister"

"It just a first try Reid, don't give up easily. What's the place in your mind?"

"It's my room sister"

"Try to a more specific place in your room Reid, and focus harder like you desperately want to be in your room"

Reid following Sister Christina instruction. He closes his eyes again and starts to breathe in an orderly manner. This time he tries to be on his bed, he focuses on how comfortable that bed would be after he returns from hard work. And after more or less five minutes, he hears knocking sound and he opens his eyes.

What surprised him is he actually lying on his bed, and the knocking sound is someone knocking at his door. When he gets up and open the door, he can see Sister Christina standing there with a smile on her face.

"Congratulation Reid, you made it on your second try. I thought it would need some days for you to able awakening your power, but you made it in one day"

"Sister, I'm not dreaming, right? I was in your office before but when I open my eyes, I already here"

"No, you're not dreaming. Want me to pinch your cheek to make you wake up?" Sister Christina chuckled hearing Reid's confusion.

"What happens there, Sister?"

"You're just suddenly vanish from the chair you sitting at. Just like that. And because I know where you want to go, I go to your room and knock the door"

"I really moved from your office to my room? This is unbelievable"

"In God's eyes, there's nothing impossible Reid"

"I still can't believe I can do that sister"

"You should train that power again Reid, try with not closing your eyes, maybe you'll believe that you can do that"

"But I can't do it in place with many people sister"

"Ah, you right about that. You find a place where nobody around and try your power there. It's safer for you"

"Okay, I'll do that"

"Good. I take my leave now, if you have trouble or anything to ask about your power, just come and see me Reid"

"I will Sister"..