The day was anew with fresh life and beginning. The grass was dripping with dew from the previous night. Water droplets hanging on a spider web shined like diamonds, in the early morning sun. Just like morning signifies a new and fresh start, so did today for Milo.
"Son, now that you have turned 13 you must go to a new school" said Milos father.
"Dad why do I need to leave? I have become quite accustomed to my school." Milo responded.
"Milo, You have much to learn which you do not know, don't worry someone will becoming to get you"
It seemed that out of nowhere an individual popped in to the room. He was wearing formal garb, it was the kind a classical school would wear.
"Top of the morning Tim" said the home intruder.
"Good morning Edwards" Milo's father responded with a stiff face.
"Hmm" Edwards smirked and looked over to see Milo.
Milos eyes were protruding from his face, and his jaw had almost touched the floor. The sheer shock of what had happened had stunned him for a moment.
"So this must be the young'un ay, he appears quality enough." Edwards said
"Hello sir, I am Milo sir." Milo didn't think it would be wise to be rude to an individual who can appear anywhere.
"Well, trained isn't he, I guess he should be for such a scrawny thing." Edwards mused to himself.
Milo was not strong for his age but he was not weak. He laid somewhere in the middle of the two groups. Milos hair was a dark blonde with a tinge of unnatural redness speckled throughout. His eyes looked like an Emerald that lived in the ocean. He had a tall stature being almost 5.5 feet tall (168 cm) and appeared like a stringy individual. He looked peculiar but all of these peculiarities gave him an unnatural looking charm. His skin gave off a pale rosy complexion, that gave him the appearance of being healthy. He always carried a smile on his face, or at least a smirk not the smug kind, instead it was in more of a playful way.
"Are you going Edwards." said Milos dad Tim.
"You wish me to be gone so badly, that you don't even care about your son, why are you so heartless Timothy?"
"Don't call me that! Edwardo..."replied Tim
"Ohh so you wish to fight Doctor Tim, as long as your wife is not here what do I have to worry about?" replied Edward.
Milo interjected at this moment before anything could get to heated, between his father and the mysterious stranger.
Milo was quite confused in this whole situation. It was quite obvious his father knew this man named Edward, but who was he? This question would be answered soon.
"Alrighty Omnia, it is now time for you to go to that school I told you about earlier." While Milo's father said this he was holding back tears in his eyes.
"Already dad? That was fast." It was hard for Milo to imagine that he must depart already.
Edward did not agree with Tim about this idea of leaving so soon.
"I don't know Tim, It is awfully nice hear how about we stay a bit?"
Tim picked up the phone and answered it.
"Hello, Is that you honey? You are coming back? Guess who's here, Its Edward, Yup, he can't wait to see you."
As Tim hung up the phone he looked at Edward and said.
"That was the wife she's about to be home, she said she CAN'T WAIT to see you."
As Tim was saying this he had the largest smile on his face. The smile was so large in-fact, it was almost blinding to look at.
"Hahahaha" was all that Edward could say.
Milo who was standing behind Edward could see his hands behind his back fidgeting and there was cold sweet pouring off of him.
"Well I guess we should go Milo." Said Edward.
"Why not stay awhile Edward" said Tim still with that unnatural smile across his face.
"Oh no, I hate to over stay my visit, besides the school is probably expecting us."
"Alright have a safe trip, I would hate to lose my good friend, if Milo was hurt after all..." Replied Tim still with that smile, it was even scaring Milo now.
"Don't worry I will protect him with my life." Responded Edward.
"Is that good enough Ed?"
Edward was to scared to talk anymore to Tim. He put his hand on Milos shoulder and told him.
"We are about to jump, it won't be dangerous but it might feel a little funny."
It was then that everything went dark. He could still here Edwards voice telling him not to worry. Hearing Edward talking Milo asked.
"Why are you so scared of my mother Mr. Edward?"
Hearing Milo talk surprised Edward, but he soon replied why.
"Anyone Logical would be, after all she is called Auferō Susan."
"What does that mean?" asked Milo.
"Nothing you should or would want to know."
After hearing Edward say that, he did not think it wise to tell him that his dad had actually called himself...