Many people are probably wondering what a Singula is exactly. I chose the word Singula as a representation of the powers in the story, beause it stands for singular to that person. It is very important to know that each character's power is individualistic.
This might seem oxymoronic because they pass down from generation to generation, but that is not so. Each Singula gets changed through either both of the parents or just because of mutation or not all of it passed on. This means that Singulas can be either stronger or weaker between generations.
Another very important thing to understand is the rules and limitations of Singulas. I haven't gotten this far in the story yet, but I will say them, so I don't have to come back and edit this.
The limitations and rules that govern Singulas also change between generations with the change of the Singula. This means that what one's fathers Singula is weak to could be the complete opposite as what he is weak to.
Now on to the topic of how to strengthen a Singula. A person will only have the total number of Singulas as they are born with, this is a rule and cannot change. The way to strengthen a Singula lies in Vis. The definition of Vis is strength; force; power. Vis does all of these things to a Singula, it strengthens it, it is what provides the force necessary to use it, and it is what powers a Singula.
This is about all that I can say without spoiling to much of the story, I will keep on updating this so that it stays at the same pace as the novel.