Cauldron Hole and Diagon Alley

We do not manufacture magic, we are just magic transporters.

That was Flourish and Blotts.

Hogwarts' first to seventh year textbooks were located inside, as well as very useful random books like "Hogwarts, A History" and "The Tales of Beedle the Bard."

The first step in understanding the world of magic would begin naturally with Flourish and Blotts. But how to enter the bookstore?

Jonathan remembered that Flourish and Blotts was in Diagon Alley and that the Cauldron Hole was the entrance to Diagon Alley. But the problem was that a magic wand was needed to open this passage.

What to do! Anyway, let's get the first amount of funds.

After a while, thanks to the faithful depiction of history books in the recording of the history of this period, Jonathan quickly accumulated his first sum of funds and the plan to get into Flourish and Blotts could finally begin.

The Bored Cauldron was a dirty little pub on the streets of London, and some sort of Muggle-repelling spell had been cast into it. So even though people were pacing up and down, no one had noticed that. The business inside the bar was rather scarce, while Tom, the bar owner, was half reclining on the counter, reading the Daily Prophet who had just left the printing press. Everything was as usual.

But today it also seemed a bit different from the usual in the eyes of the customers of the Blowhole Cauldron who saw this scene.

A six- or seven-year-old brat had entered the bar. He then looked left, to the right, and occasionally scratched his head.

Whose child was that? The present-day customers and the owner of the bar that Tom had questioned.

After a while, the brat approached Tom and asked, "Excuse me, how do I get to Diagon Alley?"

"What do you want to do in Diagon Alley?"

"I have to go to Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley."

"What do you want to do there?"

"Mom says not to talk to strangers much."

All the witches and witches began to laugh after their words, with huge black lines over Tom's head.

"The child is so cute." One of the witches could not stand it any more, along with a child who looked like 5 to 6 years old said. "I'll take you to Diagon Alley myself."

They will then pick up Jonathan and walk through the balcony of the Cauldron Hole, reaching a small walled courtyard. There was only a litter of trash against the wall and a thick growth of weeds. The witch counted three bricks on the wall of the dustbin - and two others to the side. She then picked up a wand and hit the brick wall three times. The brick she touched began to tremble - the middle of the wall began to squirm violently as a small hole appeared - growing larger and larger. An arched door big enough for two to cross appeared in front of them after a second. This arched doorway led to a street paved with cobblestones. The street squirmed and turned in front of them until they could no longer see.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." The witch laughed.

Although Jonathan had simulated this scene in his mind many times, he was still incredibly surprised when he actually saw it happening. The witch smiled faintly at him as they walked through the door together. Behind them, the door quickly turned into a solid wall again afterwards.

The light was much brighter after entering the Diagon Alley than when compared to the Cauldron Hole. Jonathan noticed that the friendly witch had a head full of blond curls. Her lovely face had a pair of blue eyes like the ocean. She did not look that old, about twenty-five to twenty-eight, and it was probably a pharmacy because of the slight smell of green or herbal potions, the child beside you, dressed as if you were a boy, you could say it was a girl because the witch and the girl had a similarity

of 80% of each other.

"I need to go and trade for some galleons first." Jonathan said to the friendly witch. "Will the big sister take me to Gringotts?"

"You're so sweet to one so young. By the way, my name's Marry. You can call me big sister, Marry, and this is my daughter, Julie. Little girl Julie said. "Hello, my name is Julie." Although she introduced herself formally, she looked very cute for hiding behind her mother while holding on to the long black robes of the witch Marry. The witch Marry chattered happily for a while as the three of them followed the cobblestone path of Diagon Alley, walking toward the wizard's bench.

Jonathan kept a firm grip on his curiosity to look less like a little wizard who had escaped from his Muggle home. As they took to the streets, his eyes constantly moved everywhere and scanned everything, memorizing everything he saw, such as stores, out-of-store items, etc.

There were large cauldrons stacked outside the nearest store. There was a sign hanging above saying: Cauldrons - of all sizes - copper, brass, tin, silver, auto-mobile, collapsible.

A fat lady was standing outside a pharmacist not too far away, turning her head vigorously and shouting aloud: "Dragon liver, 17 scythe a jaguar ..."

A soft, low chirp came from a dark shop. The signage in the store read: "Eeylops Owl Emporium - Screech, Barn, Tawny, Brown and Snowy".

Many boys who seemed to be the first few years had firmly smashed their noses into the window of another store. Jonathan knew that the magic brooms of his dreams were inside.

There were also many stores selling clothes, binoculars, and strange silverware that Jonathan had never seen before. Bat spleen and eel-eye buckets were also stacked inside the window. Tottering piles of spells, parchment scrolls, jars and all sorts of round objects also joined the mess.

"This is Gringotts, little brother!" The witch Marry said.

They had come in front of a white building with snow. This building towered over the neighboring little shops. Creatures that were obviously goblins wore scarlet and gold uniforms while flanking a set of polished bronze doors. Jonathan went up the white ladder toward a goblin. The goblin was about the same height as the current Jonathan. He had a dark-colored, intelligent face and a pointed mustache. Jonathan had also noticed that his toes and hands were very long.

As they entered, the goblins bowed to them. They were now facing a second set of doors. Those were silver and had some words engraved on them:

Come in, strange, but be careful.

With what awaits the sin of greed

For those who accept but do not earn,

Must pay more expensive in turn.

So if you look below our floor

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you were warned, be careful not to

find more than treasures there.

"Little brother, you're not thinking of stealing the place, are you?" Marry joked.

"Whoever steals this place would be seriously insane." Jonathan shook his head and silently added a phrase at the same time: at least for now.

As they passed the silver doors, two more goblins bowed to them. They then came to a vast marble hall with about a hundred goblins sitting on the benches behind the counters. They were scribbling in checkbooks, using brass scales to weigh the coins and using magnifying glasses to scrutinize the gems. There were countless doors opening into the hallway, and even more goblins leading people in and out of doors. Marry, Julie, and Jonathan walked directly to one of the counters.

"Good morning," Jonathan said to a goblin who was not busy. "Can you change pounds in galleons for me?"

"Yes". The goblin said. "Over here, please." The goblin took Jonathan to the counter after he had finished, and Marry and Julie moved gently away. Jonathan took a large sum of money and traded for a thousand galleons. He then took two galleons to the goblin as a hint, and then took out another twenty to ask the goblin to cast an extension spell on his little purse. This charm could increase the space inside your bag, and could be refurbished again to further increase the space. The goblin helped to increase the space inside Jonathan's backpack to one square meter, and Jonathan put the rest of the galleons inside him. He then gave the goblin two other galleons. When he saw the goblin's beaming expression, Jonathan knew that these galleons were well worn. It would be much easier to conduct business with this goblin in the future.