She's a Null (Edited)

Za'thul and Shyenho had high expectations for their first born child, with both of them being Silver ranks they naturally assumed that their first child would be the same. When Jayde was born she was treated as a precious treasure — the newest Freehold Clan princess — the whole clan celebrated for days.

Many high-ranked officials and clan leaders visited the Freehold Estate laden with valuable gifts for the latest addition to the Freehold clan they aimed to try to negotiate to betroth their sons to the Freehold's new heiress. Even clan leaders from some of the lesser noble houses in the Mid-Realm lowered themselves to send representatives to the Freehold Estate to snap up the newly born Freehold princess.

Matchmakers were rubbing their greedy hands in glee, they were making a small fortune with the number of fathers and clan leaders of eligible young sons of high ranked clans queuing up to engage their services. Marriages were big business in Doha, with professional matchmakers being very wealthy individuals with numerous influential contacts which led to most children in Doha betrothed before the age of five. Due to the expense of providing a dowry for daughters and grooms having to pay a bride price the majority of people only had one partner, with clan leaders being the exception, most clan leaders had the main wife with two to three concubines.

Za'thul being the cunning leader that he was, had decided to wait for Jayde's official magical reading which was carried out on children when they were three years old before betrothing his daughter. He believed that with his and Shyenho talents his daughter would be a genius, a peer among peers and he was looking to tie the Freehold clan to one of the more powerful Mid Realm clans.

Za'thul had engaged the services of the High Mage of the Mages Guild to do Jayde's reading. One Doha a child's Reading Day was the most important event for any person living in Doha. A high-level mage could determine a person's rank as well as which element affinity a child had. A child's rank determined their whole future. People on Doha were ranked according to the size of the dantian or Qi Pool. The dantian was a small area located just below the belly button which stored magic also known as Qi. The size of your dantian was an indication of your potential as a mage, the bigger your dantian was, the more powerful you could become.

Ranks were broken down into seven categories namely: Stone, Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Etherium. A mage's dantian increased in size as they advanced through the ranks, but the potential that a mage's dantian could grow was determined at birth. There were legends that there were ways to improve the quality of a mage's dantian, but no one in the Lower Realm knew how this was done, and so they had written this off as a myth.

A Stone ranked person's dantian could only grow to allow a person to reach class four. Once they broke through to class four, their dantian couldn't physically increase in size, which meant that they had no way to store more Qi to break through to the fifth class. Copper rank had the potential to reach 12th class, while a Bronze ranked person was able to break through to become a Knight, but they would never break through to Bishop class.

Silver rank mages could reach Bishop of the 12th Class. Gold rank bodies could become a King of the 12th Class, and Platinum ranks an Emperor of the 12th Class. It was rumored that Etherium ranked mages after advancing to Emperor of the 13th Class — would transfer to one of the god realms as an immortal, not much as known in the Lower Realms about this. An Etherium Qi Pool or dantian was considered a legend

One's whole future was determined on their Reading Day.

After a child's reading the High Mage would then create their Life Disk, a Life Disk was a round disk worn around a person's neck, the chain was magical that would adjust as you grew older and couldn't be removed. A person's Life Disk shattered upon their death, and the disk was manufactured out of the material according to their rank.

One the front side of the disk a person's clan totem was engraved as well as their elemental types and at the back of the disk — a person's bloodlines were magically recorded.

Many important guests were invited to attend Jayde's Reading Day, which was rare in the Lower Realm as most families kept their children's Reading Day private, mostly this to prevent embarrassing a noble family should their child potential turn out to be mediocre.

For the common folk the reason they kept their child's Readin Day was for a different reason. Should their child ended up having the potential of being a powerful mage, their child would end up being targeted by kidnappers.

It was not uncommon for high potential children to be kidnapped and raised to be used for breeding purposes. Small families were often preyed upon in the Lower Realm, as it was only by having strong mages in your clan that you could ensure your clan's future and security.

All the children of slaves were tested by their owners, should a slave couple be 'blessed' with a child with a high-quality rank which was above their own stone rank, their child would immediately be taken away from their parents and forbidden from interacting with their blood families. A slave couple at least had the comfort of knowing that their child was raised within the clan, and they would be able to see them.

All signs pointed to an auspicious reading on young Jayde's Reading Day. There were hundreds of guest all dressed up, even the Emperor and Empress of the Acica Kingdom were present. The Freehold Clan members were brimming with excitement, the chance of Jayde being tied to a high ranking noble family from the Mid Realm was high, such a betrothal would propel the Freehold clan to First Ranked Clan of the Lower Realm. As a First Ranked Clan, even the Emperor of Acica would have to treat them with the utmost respect.

High Mage Saunders was adorned in his official royal navy blue robes. The silver thread glyphs decorating his robe designated his position as High Mage.

His silver Life Disk around his neck was displayed prominently. One the surface of the disk one could make out, the red flame for fire, a blue water drop for water and a yellow three knot for metal — these three symbols showcased his rare triple faceted magic.

Straightening out his robes and flickering off some invisible dust of his shoulders, he climbed the stairs of the Pavilion that had been built specially for Jayde's Reading Day.

Standing in front of this prominent crowd, High Mage Saunders was enjoying himself — performing such an auspicious reading for the Freehold clan — the awe and respect the people were showing him fed his inflated ego.

Standing in front of him young Jayde was dressed in a newly made silver dress made out of rare spidersilk. The dress was embroidered with lilies made out a gold-dust thread.

With her shiny long black hair curled into beautiful ringlets. Rosy cheeks, pink lips, pale ivory skin, her amber eyes shining bright with joy, she was an adorable sight.

All the guests could see that she would grow up to be an absolutely stunning young lady — not that there was any doubt as both her mother and father were renowned for their good looks. Jayde's mother was considered the number one beauty in Lower-Realm and Jayde was showing signs that she would definitely take after her mother, her father's amber eyes added a touch of etherealness to her face.

Amber eyes were rare in all the realms, the Freehold Clan boasted that they had dragon blood running through their veins, and it was rumored that those family members who had amber eyes had stronger dragon blood. Amber eyes in the Freehold Clan was considered a sign of strength, and barring any unforeseen circumstances, if a male child had amber eyes, he was automatically declared the future clan leader.

Jayde and her father were the only known members of the Freehold clan alive who had amber eyes. It had been generations since amber eyes had shown up in the Freehold Clan. Jayde eyes were slightly different from her father's as her eyes were circled with a dark line around the iris, making her amber eyes all the more striking.

Welcoming the guests to Jayde's Reading Day, High Mage Saunders gave a small speech, before he started the reading. Holding a magical crystal globe in front of the young Jayde, he directed her to place her small hands onto the crystal, he then injected his own spiritual Qi into the glass globe.

Once his Qi was injected into the magic crystal globe, the globe would reveal Jayde's potential and elemental affinity, but to his consternation no matter how much Qi he pumped, the crystal refused to change color.

Slightly embarrassed he called for another crystal. High Mage Saunders assumed the crystal he had been giving was faulty, but even after changing crystals the new crystal still did not change.

High Mage Saunders stared at Jayde with disbelieving eyes, never would he have imagined in his life that something like this could have happened. With cold sweat dripping down his back he was distressed that he would be the one announcing Jayde's Reading.

What upset him the most was that after he made his announcement, he would forever be tied to this aberrant, everyone would overlook all his achievements because of this child. He really regretted that he had taken on this task, but no medicine in the world can cure regret.

If he had been one of the crowd, then what he was about to announce would have filled him with glee, after his announcement the Freehold clan wouldn't be able to hold their heads up again in public.

High Mage Saunders had quite a sadistic streak, and he enjoyed nothing more than bringing pain and embarrassment to those around him, but now due to this freak, he was going to be one of those embarrassed.

Looking at the crowd in front of him, High Mage Saunders cleared his throat.

"She's a Null!" he announced loudly.


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