

Please skip the first 6 chapters (anything marked under Volume 0: Auxiliary Volume). These are reference chapters and will be boring and contain a lot of spoilers - they are only meant for readers who need to check up something later on.


Hi Readers,

I wasn't always an avid reader. My love for books started when I was 13 years old. I was a tomboy sent to a really posh girls-only boarding school. Needless to say, I ended up with a lot of detention, 3 hours of detention, meant 3 hours of twiddling my thumbs, bored out of mind.

Lucky for me, a roommate gave me a book to pass the time, it was one of those old Mills & Boons cheesy romance novels. Reading made my detention pass in a blink of an eye. A year later I was hooked.

I think most avid readers have an idea about writing a novel, especially when you come across a horrible story, you always think to yourself I could have written something better.

Well, I was one of those, but coming up with a plot is a lot easier than actually sitting down to write a novel. For over 20 years I have had this little dream to write a novel, but life got in the way. Working 12 - 16 hours a day 6 - 7 days a week, made that dream fade away.

Every now and then it would rear its head, I would daydream about it sadly sigh, and get back to being a single mom.

Long story short, 2018 was a horrible year for me, a lot of things happened and at the end of 2018, I came to realize that life is too short, we spend so much of our time just trying to survive that we forget that we are actually meant to live our lives, it was with this realization that I decided to follow my dreams and try to make them come true.

We are really lucky to live in a world today, where platforms like Webnovel exists, so aspiring authors can get their creative work published.

I would also like to warn my readers upfront, while English is my home language, it was one of my worst subjects at schools — I was always weak with languages, and to someone who had to take four compulsory languages (English, Afrikaans, Latin & Xhosa) at school — well you can imagine my horror. I was always more inclined to mathematics and the sciences. I think if my English was still alive and he knew that I was trying to write a novel, he most likely would fall over in a dead faint. So please forgive any mistakes you do find.

I hope that you will enjoy this reading this story, as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Please don't be shy — I would love to hear back from you in the comment section, and if you have time please do leave a review.

I do welcome feedback and constructive criticism, after all, it is only by someone willing to point out our mistakes that we will learn.


DJ Rogue

Note: I don't have an editor, so I would like to apologize for any errors that you may come across, I will review my own work and correct any errors that I do find.

PS: I am South African so I was raised with British English, I have made an effort to use Americanized English (xD so you might have both spellings in the book)