Fate’s Last Joke [II] (Edited)

Saphira had just reached the clan meeting hall when the library exploded. Turning around she looked in the direction of the explosion.

By the gods! That's the library, she thought.

Her face paling in fright, she stared dumbly at the building that was collapsing.

The legends and rumors of the mysterious golden tome floated through her mind. Disaster. Huge calamity. Family exterminated, these thoughts were continuously repeating through her head.


🏠 Freehold Clan Meeting Hall.

The elders were enjoying the luxury banquet set out for them. In the center of the room was a large rectangle table. The table could seat over thirty people, was covered in silver platters overflowing with various exotic dishes. Everything you can think of, and things you have never dreamed of, lay on the silver platters. The amount of food displayed was more than enough food to feed over a hundred people but was prepared for just over fifteen people.

On one of the silver platters, there were fleshy pink strips of fish, garnished with a dash of green herbs, another contained some sort of shellfish, their black shells lay open, the beige insides spilling out. Huge platters of fowl stuffed with savory fruit and nuts as well as many kinds of cheese, loaves of bread, vegetables, sweets, cakes, and tarts.

In the middle of the table a full spit-roasted dire boar, its skin a sizzling, mouth-watering golden brown, the jaws of the dire boar prised open around some sort of forest green fruit.

The elders and Za'thul laughed and chatted in loud voices, their crystal glasses inlaid with precious gems overflowing with expensive wines.


"What the fuck?" one of the elders shouted.

"Who dares attack the Freehold Clan?" another elder yelled.

All the elders and clan leader Za'thul jumped up and rushed outside.


🏠 Prophet Hall, Demon Realm.

In a large room, filled with dusty stone tablets, a tall stone statue, covered with strange glyphs started to glow softly.


🏠 Demon Palace, Demon Realm.

In a sizeable luxurious marble room, empty except for a giant crystal ball in the middle of the room. The crystal ball was balanced on a black stone tripod. Inside the crystal ball was filled with a strange mist, that had been stagnant for thousands of years.

All of a sudden the mist began to move ever so slowly.


🏠 Strange Mountain, Unknown Realm.

An old man sitting in a lotus position opened his eyes.

"Finally, it's about to begin," he whispered and with a gentle smile, he closed his eyes, returning to his mediation.


🏠 The Skies Above Doha.

A small red star, unseen to the naked eye appeared.


🏠 Overlord's Palace, Zartonesh Planet.

In a dark room, a large stagnant pool of blood began to gently boil.


All over Doha, small and strange things started to move - very slightly, with such a small movement no-one noticed.


🏠 Outside The Freehold Clan Meeting Hall.

Saphira was still standing there staring dumbly at the destroyed library when the elders and Za'thul ran outside.

"What the hell happened?" Za'thul demanded.

Shaken, Saphira turned to gaze at Clan Leader Za'thul.

"I don't know," she said shaking her head.

The plan to frame Jayde was thrown aside, there was no way she could be implicated in this matter. The clan would have her head for this disaster. Hopefully, Edvard and the trash were dead. Saphira couldn't believe their simple plan had gone so catastrophically wrong.

If anyone found out, she was the masterminded behind this plan, not only was her life forfeited, but also her mother, her younger brother, and sisters.

Calling the guards Za'thul and the clan elders rushed to the site of the library.

Jayde had been knocked unconscious by the explosion, when she came to, she heard the sounds of many people moving the rubble away, looking at the chaos around her she was shocked she had been saved from grievously bodily harm. The area around her was clear all the debris — everywhere else were piles of rubble, tomes, and scrolls littering the area.

Part of the roof had partially collapsed. Part of the roof's wooden beams had fallen to the ground. Edvard hadn't fared so well. His legs were trapped beneath some lumber, and he was still unconscious.

Hearing the clan elders and her father's voice shouting for more people to help with the clearing of the rubble, Jayde trembled in fear and her eyes filled with tears. She was done for. With this thought running through her mind, she was filled with the desire to flee.

Like a cornered rat, she looked around frantically. Seeing one of the windows in the rear wall was broken, she carefully made her way to it. Using a piece of broken wood she found lying nearby, she smashed the broken glass still stuck in the window frame so she would not get cut by the sharp pieces as she climbed through the window.

Once the window frame was clear of all glass, she squeezed her way through the window. It was a tight fit, but she made it through. Thankfully the people clearing the rumble outside were making so much noise, it covered up Jayde escape.

Lucky for Jayde the library was near a deserted courtyard, and she managed to sneak her way into the yard without anyone seeing her.

Being Restday, most of the slaves and servants had already left the Freehold Estate to enjoy their day off, and those that were still in the Estate had been called to help with clearing the debris away at the library.

With a clear path, Jayde made her were way back to the slave pits. Knowing if she stayed at the Freehold Estate she would face certain death, Jayde hurried into her small shack and quickly packed up the stolen food she had hidden away.

Years ago Jayde had discovered a small fox hole, hidden behind some bushes in a secluded area, she often snuck out as the area located in the northern part of the Freehold Estate bordered a small forest.

She would sneak into the forest to forage for food. There were many bushes filled with berries, nut trees, and root vegetables that she was could harvest. It was the only way that she had survived up until now.

If she could make it through the small forest, she had a clear shot to the mountains, which lead directly to the Dark Forest. While the Dark Forest was considered one of the most dangerous places in the Lower Realm, at least in the Dark Forest, she would have some slim chance of surviving.

With an escape plan in mind, Jayde made her way to the fox hole. Squeezing her tiny body into the hole, Jayde wiggled her way through. Exiting from the fox hole Jayde didn't wait around she immediately started running north – her only goal to reach the Dark Forest.

Unknown to Jayde while she was running through the small forest, the people gathered to clear rubble had made their way to Edvard. Edvard father Kato, Za'thul younger brother and Jayde's second uncle was distressed at the condition of his beloved son, after making certain his injuries weren't life-threatening, he sent Edvard off to the medical hall for the clan doctors to heal.

Kato did not accompany his son to the medical hall as he had a more pressing issue to worry about, why was his son in the library and what did he have to do with the explosion. With the elders demanding to know what had happened and seeing the furious look on the face of his eldest brother, Kato was anxious and quickly walk up to his eldest brother.

"Clan Leader, Edvard has been sent to the medical hall, once he wakes up we will be able to find out what happened," he said nervously.

"Mmm," Za'thul acknowledged, then he turned around and pointed to one of the guards.

"Go to the medical hall, call me when my nephew is awake."

The guard turned away and hurried to the medical hall, just then one of the servants let out a loud gasp attracting Za'thul attention.

"What?" he growled.

"M...m-y Lord, the golden tome case has been smashed," the servant stammered.

Flashing to the servant's side, Za'thul looked down and immediately he saw the broken glass, a small pool of blood, and the broken case — scanning around him he did not see the golden tome.

"Where is the Divine tome?" he howled.

Za'thul shout drew the attention of all the elders, and they rushed to his side. Everyone began looking around, meanwhile, Kato knowing that this was a much bigger disaster than he was expecting, quickly ran off to the medical hall. He had to speak to his son first.

What the hell happened, he thought, that spoilt little brat — has he any idea just what a catastrophe he had involved the whole family in.


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