Ren [4]

Ren walked to a nearby staff meeting room, he would never allow this woman access any of his private rooms, indicating to the palace guard standing near to the door to open it, he strolled in, with Sharlin following behind him.

Looking around the common room that she had just entered, Sharlin turned to Ren, raising her eyebrow questioningly.

"Is this room secure enough, surely your private study would be better?"

Without sparing her a glance, Ren reached over to a ward stone hidden discretely on a nearby self, injecting his magical power into it he activated the privacy ward.

"It sufficient" he stated.

Damn this man, Sharlin thought to herself, he has never given her even an inch, always keeping her at arm's length, no matter how hard she tried to get close him. For ten thousand years she had been chasing him, and not once had he even spared her glimpse, but we will be mine she swore to herself.

Taking a seat, Ren indicated a chair opposite to him for Sharlin to sit.

"Speak" he ordered.

Sitting down, Sharlin lazily leaned back in the chair with her elbow resting on the arm of the chair, her chin resting on the back of her hand, "what, no tea?"

Too lazy to argue, Ren got up, walked to the door, opening it he ordered a servant walking by to arrange refreshments, after giving the servant his instruction, Ren returned to his seat.

"Now speak"

Realizing that she had pushed Ren as far as she could, Sharlin sat up straight, her hands folded demurely on her lap.

"The Prophetess had a vision, she says that the entrance to the lost world will reappear soon" that was not all the Prophetess had foretold, but Sharlin would never tell anyone what else the Prophetess had "seen".

Currently the Prophetess was locked up in a secret room in Sharlin's tower, and only Sharlin had access to her, if Sharlin didn't need her power of prophecy so badly, she would have killed her when she had revealed her latest vision, the secret about Ren's truemate will never come to light she swore to herself.

Ren frowned "Is that all she foretold, she saw no other details?"

"She couldn't give a definitive time, but it will be within the next ten years, the only indicator she could see is that there will be great unrest within the spirit beasts of Doha, a huge beast tide will be a precursor to the entrance appearing"

Ren stroked his chin, thinking about the possibilities, Shaolin had disappeared over a hundred thousand years ago, it was an ancient treasure left by the creators for the people of Doha. Supposedly it had been created for the gifted youth of Doha to gain experience and was beneficial to their cultivation. It was rumored that there were many ancient ruins filled with divine artifacts. All of the divine artifacts on Doha had come from Shaolin.

With Hell's Gate about to reopen, the people of Doha desperately needed these divine weapons to help them with the war, it could have a huge impact on the outcome of the upcoming war.

"I want to see the Prophetess" he demanded.

"I am sorry Ren, but she has gone into seclusion," Sharlin said earnestly "She realized just how important this would be to Doha, so she wants to try to gather more information"

While slightly suspicious about the timing of the Prophetess seclusion, Ren did not think that Sharlin would deceive him about something so important. The Prophetess accuracy until now was hundred percent, and she was vital to the standing of the Temple of Light within the Radiant realm, as well all of the other realms. Most of the realms paid tribute to the Radiant realm just to have access to the Prophetess, and Sharlin would never jeopardize that just to deceive him.

From the beginning of time, there was only one prophetess at any time on Doha. For some reason, it was always a female, although the race of the prophetess changed. When the presiding prophetess died, a new one would be selected, no one knew how or why someone would be gifted with the gift of prophecy.

The last Prophetess has been a demon, but his cursed father killed her in rage over one of her visions. After the demon prophetess was murdered a young priestess in the Temple of Light awoke, with the runes of prophecy showing on her face. Since then the Radiant realm had gained power and prestige, and the Temple of Light while powerful before, had gained tremendous power over the people of the Radiant realm.

Sharlin, as the high priestess shared power with the king of the Radiant realm, he couldn't make a move without her permission.

While disappointed that he couldn't question the Prophetess, Ren was already making plans on what he needed to do with this earth-shattering news.

"Have you informed the other leaders yet?" he asked.

"No, that is what I wanted to talk to you about, I ..." just then the door to the meeting room opened and a servant walked in carrying a tray with tea and snacks.


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