Back to School?

Jayde and Isha discussed Jayde attending magical school for a while, after listening to Isha reasons, Jayde had to agree with him, that attending magical school would be the best path for her to follow at present. Right now she had no allies or any forces to rely on, and she had little opportunity to meet anyone stuck in the Dark Forest, at least by attending one of the magical schools in the Lower Realm, Jayde would have the opportunity to meet talented young mages.

Another good argument that Isha made, was that only by attending school would Jayde be able to compete with mages that were on the same level as her, which would help with her combat abilities, and as a bonus, she would also have access to learn new skills like Pill Refinery, Weaponsmithing or Rune making.

The most compelling argument though was all magical schools had access to their own secret areas, these hidden lands were special areas left behind by the Protoss that was specially created to help with the development of talents on Doha, and these hidden areas had numerous treasures and artifacts and even inheritance from past masters that Jayde might be able to win.

Listening to Isha, Jayde realized that by training alone, she would be denying herself a lot of opportunities.

"Isha, I agree with you that attending one of the magical schools here is the right thing to do, so how do I can about getting into one of the schools?" Jayde has no knowledge of how the schooling system in Doha worked, as the previous soul had no knowledge of this.

"In three months time, it will be the beginning of the new year, most of the magical academies will hold assessments, all you have to do is pass the assessment to be accepted into the academy."

Jayde didn't think that too difficult to accomplish, but she was worried about her looks, when the first level of her seal was undone, it had removed the magical enchantment placed on her by one of the Freehold elders, and her looks had reverted back to her original appearance, and while the lifting of the first level of the seal and refined her looks a bit, she was worried that if she into anyone from the Freehold clan she would be recognized.

Her biggest problem was her amber eyes, the color was very distinctive. Isha and Jayde discussed the issue of disguising her looks, but even if they used a potion or magical artifact, there was a chance that should one of the professors at the school would be able to see through any magical disguise.

Turning over the problem in her mind, Jayde had a radical idea, everyone on Doha relied on magic, but she was from a technologically advanced world, and while cosmetic procedures had advanced to such a degree that these sort of procedures where now DNA based, in ancient times on her old world they had used things like colored lenses to change a person's eye color, and she even remembered reading about people using color dye to change their hair color.

After bringing the idea up with Isha, Isha agreed that no one on Doha would ever suspect something like this, and magical senses would be able to see through it as it was a physical disguise, not a magical one. Jayde had no idea about how to manufacture these type of items with the current resources available on Doha, but she did have a cheat — the inter-dimensional market system.

Activating the inter-dimensional market, Jayde browsed through hundreds of posts, but she couldn't see anything similar to what she was looking for. While slightly disappointed, she decided to put her own trade up, maybe someone somewhere would see it.

Tapping on the buying tab, Jayde typed out her two requests

[Looking for colored lenses to change a person eye color, color preference: brown — will exchange for 5 points. Doha, Dimension 23]

[Looking for colored dye to change a person hair color, color preference: black — will exchange for 5 points. Doha, Dimension 23]

While ten points was a bit expensive, Jayde was willing to spend them to prevent anyone from the Freehold clan recognizing her.

The system asked her to confirm her request, after confirming her request, Jayde noticed that the system deducted the ten points immediately from her one hundred and eighty points available, and then just underneath the one hundred and seventy points, she saw a new entry shown. Points reserved: ten.

Just as she was about to log off, Jayde noticed a small envelope flashing on the top of the left-hand side of the screen, curious about this, as she had never seen this icon before, she tapped on the small envelope.

Surprising it was a note from one the people she had dealt with over a year ago, asking her if she had any Red Blossom Lotus available.

Jayde had totally forgotten about the herbs she had stored in her ring, as when she had arrived a year ago, she went straight into training with Green, she hadn't had a chance to sell any of the herbs that she had collected in the Dark Forest.

And in all the time that she was training with Green, she had forgotten about the herbs she had planted, that was still in her storage ring.

Sending her consciousness into her storage ring, Jayde was happy to see that the herbs that she had planted where thriving, and she a lot of herbs that she had collected stored away. Thankfully her storage ring kept everything fresh, else all the effort she had put into collecting these herbs would have been wasted.


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