
It did not take Jayde and Reiko long to reach the outskirts of the village. In many ways the countryside was an alien world to Jayde, coming from a highly technologically advanced society where people lived in massive mega-cities, and food came from synthesizes. Jayde had never come across such a picturesque view.

The expanse of green had more hues than what she could name, yet here in front of her, it was a delight to see. The farm houses of Tardide were built from stone, every building had mottled grey stone walls and a dark grey slate roof. What looked like hay bales lay scattered over the close-cropped stubble of what was once a meadow. Small farm animals that looked similar to pigs, pheasants, horses, and cattle roamed nearby fields.

Following the dusty path into the village, there were a few wooden buildings that looked like shops, alongside the road, one must have been a butchery as huge chunks of meat hung from hooks outside. There was also a small store that had a couple of carts outside filled with various fruits and vegetables.

Jayde and Reiko attracted a lot of attention as they strolled into the small village. Stopping at the small store selling vegetables, Jayde asked the old woman sitting on a wooden stool, fanning herself lazy with a large leaf where she could find Elder Ryunzo.

Smiling the old woman pointed out a small house not far from where Jayde was, thanking the old woman, Jayde walked to the house pointed out. Coming up to a wooden door, she knocked.

Just as she was about to knock again, the door opened and an old woman looked at Jayde curiously.

"May I help you?" The old lady asked.

Jayde bowed slightly "I am looking for Elder Ryunzo," Jayde answered politely.

The old woman was just about to chase Jayde off, when she noticed the large Ebonywolf sitting quietly by Jayde's side, suddenly realizing that the young girl standing in front of her must be one of those legendary mages, she broke out into a cold sweat.

Bowing down low, her voice filled with utmost respect she said: "Young Mistress, please enter our humble home, my husband is just outside, I shall call for him immediately."

With that, she led Jayde in a simple sitting room, after making sure Jayde was comfortable, she rushed outside to the small vegetable garden that her husband Elder Ryunzo was attending too.

"Husband" she called out fearfully "A young mage is here to see you" Mrs. Ryunzo wasn't sure what they had done to warrant a visit from a mage, but everyone knew that mages were highly dangerous, and any slight disrespect would have your own family exterminated.

"An m..m-age?" Elder Ryunzo asked stammering slightly, like Mrs. Ryunzo he was highly shocked that such an auspicious character was in his home.

"Yes husband, a young girl, she has a very large Ebonywolf by her side" Mrs. Ryunzo confirmed, everyone knew that only the most powerful mages could contract an Ebonywolf, they were known for being vicious and highly aggressive.

"Stop diddle-dallying husband, hurry and see what she wants" Mrs. Ryunzo gave Elder Ryunzo a nudge to get him moving.

"While you entertain our guest, I will get some refreshment, do hurry up" Mrs. Ryunzo urged, really this husband of hers could be quite slow on the uptake she thought.

Mrs. Ryunzo was in quite a state, they had a powerful mage sitting in their living room, and her husband was staring dazedly around, what if they upset the girl, she could blow up their whole house she grouched to herself.

Elder Ryunzo realizing that his wife was getting quite irate with him, finally realized that there was a mage sitting in his house, waiting for him and here he was lingering around. Quickly he rushed into his living room.

"M..m-istress forgive my delay" Elder Ryunzo stammered bowing down low.

Jayde was feeling really uncomfortable with the fearful and respectful reactions from Elder Ryunzo and his wife she was not use to having people react so humbly in front of her.

Smiling gently, she tried to put the old man at ease.

"Elder Ryunzo please stand up, I am here to answer your call for help with your Direwolves problem," she said softly.

Elder Ryunzo was stunned that this powerful youngster was here to help them deal with the Direwolves that had been preying on them for years. The had lost many villages to the ravenous hunger of the pack. It had become so dangerous lately, that they haven't even begun to plow their fields for their spring harvest.


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