Breaking through to 2nd Class

Yinxin and the wyrmlings were happy to see Jayde and Reiko when they returned to the cave. Little Tianxin rushed to Reiko, her little legs pumping. In her haste to get to Reiko, she tripped over her own feet, and went tumbling head over heels and landed on her little rump.

Sitting there, her little feet stretched out in front of her with a confused look on her face, she looked so adorable, that Jayde wouldn't help bursting out in laughter. Giving Jayde an indignant look, Tianxin tried to get back on her feet but ended up getting tangled in her wings. Still laughing softly Jayde bent down to help Tianxin to her feet, then gently patting her on her head she went over to Yinxin to greet her.

Shenxin and Huaxin, seeing their food mama arrive, immediately wobbled over, cooing softly, demanding to be fed. Smiling indulgently at them, Jayde gave them each a few cuddles.

With everyone greeted, Jayde then removed a carcass of one of the Albatross-Bighorn from her spatial ring. After skinning it, Jayde removed the head, feet, and viscera. Putting the bladder and skin aside, Jayde put all the discarded items into a grass basket for her to dispose of later. She placed the basket into her spatial ring.

Starting a campfire, she cut up some of the meat for the wyrmlings, which she placed in a pot with Lily pod water to boil, then cutting up larger chunks she placed the chunks of meat in another grass basket, which she took over to Yinxin for her to eat.

While the wyrmlings meat was boiling, she removed another Albatross-Bighorn carcass from her spatial ring and prepared it just like before.

Taking the two bladders she cleaned and prepared them to use them as 'bottles' for the Shenxin and Huaxin, yesterday had shown her that she really couldn't keep up with the voracious hunger of the two little dragons.

Once her 'wyrmling formulae' was ready, she filled up her two 'bottles', then walking over to the Shenxin and Huaxin, she sat down and prepared to feed them. It took a little while for the two to adjust to drinking from the 'bottles', but they quickly figured it out and drank the 'wyrmling formulae' greedily.

Yinxin looked on delighted to see her hatchlings eating so happily, she was really surprised at Jayde ingenuity. After the two wyrmlings had eaten their full, they snuggled up to their mother, their tummies were round and bulged out slightly. Sighing contently they quickly fell asleep.

Now that the two little wyrmlings were taken care of, Jayde stood up then removing two large wooden barrels filled with water from her spatial ring, she move one closer to Yinxin for her to use, then picking up the skins from the two Albatross-Bighorn, she placed them in one of the water barrels to soak overnight.

Removing the emerald grass that she had harvested from the forest earlier from her spatial ring, she placed the grass on the cavern floor to dry. Jayde placed a few fire stones around the grass to heat up the area, which would help by accelerating the drying process.

When she was in Tardide earlier she had noticed that the old women in the village had been using this grass to weave baskets, and she was sorely in need of more baskets for storage containers.

Jayde was really happy that her hobby in the Federation has been to read up on ancient Earth customs, else she really wouldn't have had the skills that she needed to survive in such primitive conditions.

Once she was done, she then spiced some meat for herself and Reiko and made them some barbecue for dinner. I must really look for some vegetables tomorrow she thought, she couldn't just eat meat the whole time. She had Elven wafer bread in her spatial ring, but she only wanted to eat them as a last resort, as who knew when she would be able to enter the Mid Realm to replenish her supply.

Yinxin was really curious about this 'barbecue' that Reiko was always going on about. So once the meat was done, she requested to try some. Jayde was happy to give her some of the barbecue meat she had cooked. Years later when asked what was her biggest regret, she would say giving that piece of barbecue to Yinxin.

Once Yinxin tasted the delicious barbecue that Jayde had given her, she fell in love with the taste, she could totally understand now why Reiko went crazy for it. It was the best thing she had ever eaten, and just like that Jayde had created another foodie. Yinxin from that moment on refused to eat raw meat again.

After Yinxin finished her barbecue, she begged and pleaded for more, Jayde spent the next hour barbecuing meat for Yinxin, which she ate with great relish. Looking at her depleted stores of spices, Jayde noted that she would have to find a way to stock up on more.

After everyone had been fed, Jayde set up a ward she wanted to take the opportunity to breakthrough to Knight 2nd Class. When she had broken the seal that Isha was set up in her dantian she had filled up her dantian, and she didn't advance as she needed the energy to overflow to give it to Yinxin. Now her dantian was really uncomfortable and with everything that had happened over the past two days she hadn't had the time to breakthrough.

Sitting cross-legged on the cavern floor and holding a fire stone in her hands, Jayde began to absorb the fire elements in the stone. Using the energy stored in the stone she hammered away at the barrier between 1st and 2nd class.

Her breakthrough this time didn't take as long as her previous breakthroughs. Within half an hour, powerful energies began to gather around Jayde, soaking in Jayde skin. Yinxin was astounded at Jayde breakthrough, she had never seen a breakthrough like Jayde's, the Qi energy that flooded into the cavern was amazing.

Yinxin quickly took advantage of the excess energy and started to meditate, in her depleted state the thick aura in the cavern was a godsend.


Jayde, opened her eyes smiling happily with her breakthrough she was now a Knight of the 2nd Class, and with the aura that she had absorbed during her breakthrough she was already halfway to Knight of the 3rd Class.

There was still so much aura left in the cavern, that Jayde decided to forgo sleeping and spent the night meditating and absorbing the excess aura.


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