The Start of a Revolution

The next morning Jayde woke up early, she wanted to catch Elder Ryunzo before he left for the day. Leaving Reiko behind with Yinxin and the Wyrmlings, Jayde hurried to Tardide, arriving just as the sun was rising.

Knocking on the Ryunzo's door, Jayde waited impatiently for someone to open it. Finally, Mrs. Ryunzo opened the door, she was surprised to see Jayde standing outside her door so early in the morning.

"Jayde is everything alright?" she asked with concern, she thought that some must be wrong for Jayde to here so early in the morning.

"Everything is fine Mrs. Ryunzo," said answered smiling reassuringly.

"I need to speak to Elder Ryunzo privately though"

"Of course," Mrs. Ryunzo said leading Jayde directly to Elder Ryunzo's study. Jayde was the village's benefactor, she would never dream of making her wait.

Once Jayde was seated, Mrs. Ryunzo rushed off to tell her husband that Jayde needed to speak to him. While Elder Ryunzo rushed to get dressed, Mrs. Ryunzo hurried to the kitchen to organize some snacks for the two.

Not even five minutes later Elder Ryunzo walked into his study, apologizing for keeping Jayde waiting.

Waving off his apology, Jayde said: "It really my fault for coming through so early, I apologize for causing you trouble by coming so early, but I wanted to speak to you before you left for the day."

"It's no trouble at all Jayde, what can I do for you?" Elder Ryunzo said smiling, he really liked this young mage, he and Mrs. Ryunzo didn't have any children, but if they had been blessed he would have been delighted if they could have had such a wonderful child like the one sitting in front of him.

"Elder Ryunzo the reason for my visit is about the tools you and the villagers were using yesterday, I couldn't help thinking about how inefficient they are" Jayde said surprising Elder Ryunzo of all the things that Jayde could have bought up the last thing he expected was that she wanted to talk about their farming tools.

Pulling out her diagrams and handing them over to Elder Ryunzo Jayde went on to say "I spent a lot of time thinking of ways to improve the way that you plow your fields, and I would like to discuss it with you."

Looking over the diagrams that Jayde had given him Elder was really confused about how these things could help the villagers, seeing his confused look Jayde went onto to explain how the plow would work in detail.

Initially, Elder Ryunzo was skeptical about Jayde's designs but as Jayde explained how the plow would be pulled by their Bildeson Elder Ryunzo became increasingly excited. Elder Ryunzo was different from most non-magical people on Telia, as he was originally from a wealthy merchant family and as a child, he had been privileged to have had a teacher. Unlike many people Elder Ryunzo could read and write and as a young man, he had traveled widely — which made him very open-minded about new ideas.

Looking over the drawings again he could imagine how her mechanical plow would work and the more he looked at the drawing the more impressed he was.

Jumping to his feet he exclaimed, "By the gods, this will really work."

Grabbing Jayde's drawings he rounded the desk then he grabbed Jayde's hand pulling her to her feet.

"Hurry we must quickly go and see Master Whitestone at once," he said as he pulled Jayde along with him. Opening his study door Elder Ryunzo nearly ran poor Mrs. Ryunzo over as she was just about to enter the study with the snacks she had prepared.

Too excited to even notice, Elder Ryunzo quickly rushed past Mrs. Ryunzo heading for the front door.

"Er... husband what about these snacks," Mrs. Ryunzo called out, she was a little perturbed by her husband's strange behavior.

"No time" Elder Ryunzo said hurriedly rushing out the door pulling Jayde behind him.

Throwing Mrs. Ryunzo a helpless look, all Jayde could do was hurry to keep up with Elder Ryunzo as he nearly ran all the way to Master Whitestone's smithy. Elder Ryunzo was too excited to really think about what he was doing, he had totally forgotten that Jayde was a Mage and that he was pulling her like a pet behind him if he had, he most likely would have fainted from the shock of his behavior.

Arriving at Master Whitestone's smithy Elder Ryunzo banged on the front door loudly.

"What in the blazes in going on?" a man bellowed from inside the house.

Just then the front door opened and a giant of a man with wild black hair and with emerald green eyes stood half naked in the doorway.

"Elder Ryunzo what in the blazes are you doing here at this ungodly hour," the man said in a deep baritone voice.

"Master Whitestone you have to see what this little girl has come up with" Elder Ryunzo said excitedly waving Jayde's drawing in front of Master Whitesonte's face.

"..." Master Whitestone was quite taken aback by Elder Ryunzo's behavior, in all of his years he had never seen the staid old man acting so enthusiastic — it was totally out of character of the elder, the old man was normally very calm and collected.

"Come on in old man" Master Whitestone invited as he took the drawings from Elder Ryunzo. After Jayde and Elder Ryunzo entered the small house, he closed the door behind them. Then walking over to a small wooden table which four chairs placed around it he sat down on one of the chairs.

Master Whitestone had a look at the diagrams, like Elder Ryunzo he was also pretty confused when he first saw the drawings, but as he was busy perusing the drawings, Elder Ryunzo who was too excited to sit down, was leaning over and pointing out features of the plow that Jayde had come up with.

It didn't take Master Whitestone long to see how miraculous these designs were, looking over at Jayde he asked: "You came up with these?"

Jayde nodded, she felt really guilty claiming these designs for her own, but how could she explain that this was something that the ancient people of old Earth had come with over 5,200 years ago [1].

Master Whitestone was astonished, he could immediately see how this plow would revolutionize how farmers could cultivate their lands.

Master Whitestone and Elder Ryunzo talked for an hour on what was needed to get the first plow made. The biggest problem was that Master Whitestone lacked enough steel to make the plow, as he had already used most of his steel to produce weapons for the warlord, and due to the Direwolves that had plagued the village for so long, all mining had ceased a couple of years back — it would take too long for the young men of the village to mine enough iron, fortunately Master Whitestone had enough carbon stored to use with the iron to create steel.

The biggest obstacle was that by the time the young men had mined enough iron, and the plow had been produced the village would have lost the best time to plant their seeds.

Both Master Whitestone and Elder Ryunzo were feeling frustrated about the situation when Jayde interrupted their conversation.

"I have enough iron," she said.

"What?" both of them exclaimed simultaneously.

Elder Ryunzo and Master Whitestone's heads whipped around to stare at Jayde.

"I said I have enough iron, I will have to return to my camp to collect it," Jayde said slowly. Well the iron was in her spatial ring, but she couldn't just whip it out in front of them, so she would have to pretend to return to her 'camp' to collect it.

"Oh you darling girl, hurry up and go and get it," Master Whitestone said, practically pushing Jayde out of the door, with Elder Ryunzo behind him shooing Jayde to hurry up.

Smiling faintly at how these two men were acting, Jayde left the village to return to her 'camp'.


[1] The people of Egypt and Mesopotamia came up with the design on the plow using cattle 2,000 year BC. Thanks to the plow, early farmers were able to till more land faster than before, allowing them to produce more crops in a shorter time. The plow also helped to control weeds and bury crop residue. It was such an efficient tool that there wasn't much difference between the first plows that turned the sandy Mesopotamian soil and those used in medieval Europe thousands of years later.

Even in the early 1800s, American West pioneers were using a similar style of plow fashioned out of wood and cast iron to furrow tough-as-nails prairie soil. It was only in 1837 that a blacksmith named John Deere in America came up with the idea to use steel instead of cast iron.


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