Strange Black Rock

"Hmm, here let me show you," Jayde said taking some charcoal, she placed it in a bowl, then using her flint she lit the charcoal.

Mrs. Tunson watched Jayde and her charcoal intently, she was really curious about this black rock. After fifteen minutes the coals where ready, calling Mrs. Tunson over Jayde showed her the hot burning red coals.

Placing her hand above the red hot coals Mrs. Tunson was amazed. The heat that the coals gave off was incredible and best of all there really was no smoke.

"What a miraculous black rock!" Mrs. Tunson exclaimed.

"Where are earth did you find such an incredible rock?" she asked Jayde excitedly.

Seeing the reaction of Mrs. Tunson Jayde came to the realization that the people of Telia really didn't know about charcoal. Jayde found it mind-boggling. How can these people have something as advanced as steel, but didn't know about something as simple as charcoal?

Thinking about it, she remembered that she had noticed that Master Whitestone had used piles of hardwood when making his steel, and he had complained often about not getting enough heat, it was only with Jayde using her fire magic that they had managed to create the steel they had needed in time.

At that time, she had been more worried about the steel that she hadn't taken notice of how strange it was that he was using wood.

"Mrs. Tunson, would you mind if we carried on this lesson later, I need to speak to Elder Ryunzo urgently?" Jayde asked.

Mrs. Tunson was so engrossed in observing the burning coals, that she just nodded her head absent-mindedly.

Leaving Mrs. Tunson house, Jayde went over to her bag sitting by the door, again she pretended to be looking for something, while she filled up her bag with charcoal, then she walked over to Elder Ryunzo's house.

Elder Ryunzo was just leaving, when Jayde walked up.

"Ah Jayde my dear girl, how are you this fine day?" he asked jovially.

"Elder Ryunzo I am fine, I was wondering if we could talk?"

"Of course, my dear girl" Elder Ryunzo said leading Jayde into the house.

Seeing that he was going to his study, Jayde suggested that they go to the kitchen, as she wanted to show him something. Curious about what she was up to Elder Ryunzo quickly led Jayde to the kitchen.

Mrs. Ryunzo was busy in the kitchen preparing the evening meal. Seeing Jayde and her husband walking into the kitchen she was surprised.

"Husband, Jayde is there anything that you need?" she asked them.

Smiling Jayde answered, "No nothing Mrs.Ryunzo, I just wanted to borrow your kitchen for a bit to show Elder Ryunzo something."

"Ah ... ok, then I will just leave and give you two some privacy."

"There is no need Mrs. Ryunzo, I would like you to stay — I would appreciate your input as well," Jayde said.

Surprised, but pleased that Jayde was including her Mrs. Ryunzo quickly sat down at the table.

"Have either of you ever heard of charcoal?" Jayde asked them.

"Charcoal ... no never, you husband?" Mrs. Ryunzo said turning to her husband.

"Me neither" Elder Ryunzo replied.

Opening up her bag, Jayde took out a couple of pieces of charcoal to show them both. Picking up the pieces that Jayde handed them, both Mrs. Ryunzo and Elder Ryunzo inspected the charcoal.

After inspecting the charcoal, both of the Ryunzo's shook their heads, indicated that they had never seen this black rock before.

Jayde then went on to explain what charcoal was. The Ryunzo's were shocked, like with Mrs. Tunson, Jayde performed the same demonstration. Just like Mrs. Tunson the Ryunzo's were amazed by the charcoal.

After feeling the heat the charcoal gave off, and that there was very little smoke, Elder Ryunzo jumped up.

"Master Whitestone has got to see this" he blurted out, then turning around he rushed out. Jayde and Mrs. Ryunzo stared at the disappearing back of Elder Ryunzo, then they looked at each other and burst out laughing. Elder Ryunzo was becoming more outlandish by the day.

Ten minutes later Master Whitestone and Elder Ryunzo returned, with Elder Ryunzo still explaining excitedly about this miracle black rock.

Seeing Jayde sitting at the table munching on some biscuits that Mrs. Ryunzo had insisted that she eat.

"Jayde my girl, just what have you come up with now, you have gotten this old man all bent out of shape," he said grinning at her.

Shrugging helplessly, Jayde went on to explain about the charcoal, as she handed a piece of charcoal to Master Whitestone.

Looking at the piece of black rock in his hand.

"This stuff can really burn hotter and longer than wood?" he asked doubtfully.

Jayde indicated the bowl of burning charcoal for Master Whitestone to check, she had already added some new charcoal to the bowl just after Elder Ryunzo left to fetch Master Whitestone, so the charcoal was red hot.

Master Whitestone held his hand above the bowl, feeling the heat being emitted his eyebrows shot up nearly disappearing under his hair. Not only was the heat given off much hotter than wood when it was burned, but there was no smoke coming off the burning charcoal.

"By the gods!" he cried out.

Staggering to a chair, he plopped down on it, then looking incredulous at Jayde.

"Gods girl, where did you find this stuff?" he asked.

Really this girl, she was a walking miracle worker he thought.

Jayde, went on to explain how charcoal was made, the more she explained, the bigger their eyes became.

"By the gods, Jayde where did you learn all of this?" Master Whitestone asked.

Jayde had already realized that she would need to come up with some sort of story when Elder Ryunzo had rushed out to collect Master Whitestone.

"My master taught me, I grew up deep in the mountains, with only my master to teach me. It was only when he passed away that I left the mountains. It was only by chance that I came across the mission quest for Tardide, so I decided to check it out. I have never been around many people so I didn't know that people of Telia didn't know about charcoal" Jayde explained.

The Ryunzo's and Master Whitestone were not surprised to hear Jayde story. To them it was something that was quite reasonable, everyone knew Mages were a funny lot, so it was quite understandable that Jayde was mentored by a hermit — and it explained why she was so uncomfortable around people.

While Mrs. Ryunzo felt great pity for this young girl being all alone and growing up in such a desolate environment, Elder Ryunzo and Master Whitestone were wondering just what they had done to deserve such a treasure like this girl coming to their village.

"So is this the only stuff that can burn like this?" Master Whitestone asked curiously. He had never thought of anything besides wood for creating heat, but now that Jayde had shown him charcoal he was really interested if there were any other miracle substances out there.


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