Merchants' Guild

They finally arrived in front of a huge marble building, outside there was an ornate sign with 'Merchants' Guild' written in beautiful calligraphy.

Elder Ryunzo and Master Whitestone climbed down, indicated for Jayde to follow them. Elder Ryunzo had a small bag of charcoal in his hand. The three of them walked into the Merchants' Guild. Some of the people milling around recognized Elder Ryunzo and greeted him, while most just turned their noses up at the poorly dressed trio.

Elder Ryunzo asked Master Whitestone and Jayde to take a seat on one of the many comfortable couches, that lined the wall, while he tried to arrange a meeting with the High Merchant Creseul, the senior buyer for the Merchants' Guild. After making sure that Jayde and Master Whitestone were seated comfortable, Elder Ryunzo walked up to one of the counters and spoke to the young man behind it.

Jayde could see that Elder Ryunzo past a small bag of coins to the young man, which he quickly hid in his sleeves. The young man then led Elder Ryunzo out of the room.

While Elder Ryunzo was busy with the Merchants' Guild, Jayde observed the people around her, she found it fascinating watching all these different characters wandering about. Master Whitestone was bored and had left a while ago to walk around and explore the area.

Jayde was busy observing two young men dressed in some strange outfit, with large, bright colored feathers attached to their heads, in her opinion the looked like walking peacocks, grinning to herself she was enjoying watching these strange people milling about when she heard a huge crash.

Startled Jayde look around to see where the commotion was coming from. To her surprise she saw Master Whitestone lying on the floor, quickly getting up Jayde rushed over to him.

As she got closer to Master Whitestone, she saw a striking young woman standing over Master Whitestone with a whip in her hands.

"How dare you block my way, you filthy piece of garbage" the woman screeched at Master Whitestone.

Arriving on the scene, Jayde had a look to see if Master Whitestone was okay, she could see a horrible whip mark across his chest. Furious Jayde turned to the young woman.

"How dare you raise your hand to Master Whitestone" she growled.

Looking at the poorly dressed young girl in front of her the woman dismissed Jayde.

"You little sl*t, do you know who I am?" she demanded.

Ignoring the woman, Jayde turned to help Master Whitestone to his feet.

"Are you okay Master Whitestone?" Jayde asked him.

Grimacing in pain, Master Whitestone waved off Jayde concern. Since Jayde was so busy concentrating on Master Whitestone she didn't notice the strange behavior of the people around her.

Attracted by the noise, everyone had turned to see what was going on, when they saw the young woman, everyone took a couple of steps back, they all recognized the woman, she was the only daughter of the Merchant Guild's treasurer, Jenfer Lastorm — she was a vicious, despicable, spoilt woman. Lo and behold anyone who crossed her, their ending would be miserable.

Feeling sorry for the duo that had the misfortune of running into this vile woman, they could only pity them as their ending was sure to be horrible. Besides her father being the third most powerful man in the Merchants' Guild, Johro Lastorm who was worried that his daughter's temper would get her into trouble had paid a small fortune for a low-level Mage to act as her guardian.

With a Mage as a guardian, no one dared to confront the woman and with the Mage, as her backing, she had only become worse over the years. The number of innocent people she had tortured and killed numbered in the hundreds.

Jenfer Lastorm seeing that Jayde was ignoring her felt humiliated — for years no one had dared to show her any disrespect. It was bad enough that the big oaf standing by the young girl hadn't rushed to get out of her way, but now this girl refused to bow and kneel before her — she should be begging for her mercy, but the bitch had turned her back on her ignoring her.

"You little bitch, how dare you ignore me" Jenfer Lastorm raged.

Turning to face the screeching woman, Jayde looked at her coldly.

"Apologise" Jayde demanded her voice icy.

Jenfer Lastorm just stared at Jayde gob smacked, sure that she had just misheard what the girl had demanded.

"What the f*ck did you just say?" she yelled.

"I — said —apologise" Jayde repeated emphasizes each word.

"Er Jayde maybe we should..." Master Whitestone voice trailed off as Jayde turned to look at him. Her face was expressionless and her eyes were ice cold. It was then that Master Whitestone realized that they had all forgotten that this young girl was a very powerful Mage who had wiped out a pack of Direwolves by herself.

While quiet, she had been so tolerant with the villagers that they had just taken her as one of their own, and pushed the thought of her being such a powerful individual to the back of their minds — but now seeing her like this in front of him, sent a chill down his back, he felt as though he was staring death in the face.

Jenfer Lastorm was so furious that her face flushed red "Oh little girl, you have just made the biggest mistake of your life" she sneered.

Motioning to her guards she ordered "Take the little slut, after you have had your fun, feed her to the hellhounds — and grab that oaf, I want his skin intact — hanging on my wall"

"No wait, Mekcos burn her face first, she yours until you tire of her" she ordered, she hated that anyone could be more beautiful that she was, she wanted to destroy that face first.

Mekcos wasn't surprised by Jenfer's order, he had destroyed countless of beautiful woman before, although just once he would prefer if he got to enjoy playing with the woman before their faces were destroyed.

But he had to admit he really enjoyed working for this vicious woman, she sent many woman to his bed for him to play his wonderful games with, there was nothing he enjoyed more than having a woman underneath him begging and pleading for mercy, he loved watching their eyes filled with despair as he rode them over and over again, he would promise them that if they satisfied his every whim he would let them go — oh how he loved it when they would degrade themselves just to survive, and then just when they thought they would be set free, he would hand them over to the guards to finish them off.

Weaving a small fireball, Mekcos cupped it in his hand, then slowly he walked closer to Jayde. He was surprised when she just stared at him, for face expressionless — by now every other female had started screaming and begging for mercy. Ah, what a haughty bitch he thought, looking into those beautiful amber eyes. It was going to be so much fun having this woman plead and degrade herself just like numerous others had. Just the thought of her begging and pleading and doing everything he desired had him growing hard.


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