Welcome Home, Daughter

Returning to her cave, Jayde felt a sense of nostalgia. Tired, Jayde put off cleaning the cave until the next morning, walking over to her bed, she retrieved her bedding from her spatial ring, making up her bed, she climbed in and fell asleep.

Waking up early the next morning Jayde felt refreshed. Since she had been too tired the night before she hadn't bathed, so first thing after she awoke, Jayde collected the wooden tub, she filled the tub with water, then adding a heating stone, she heated up the water.

Once the water was hot, she added some scented oils that she had received as a farewell gift from Mrs. Ryunzo. After undressing, Jayde climbed into the tub. Leaning back against the edge of the tub, the warm scented water helped her relax.

The past couple of days had been stressful. After cleaning herself, and washing her hair, Jayde climbed out of the bath. Using a towel to wrap her wet hair, she dried herself off with another towel. Dressing in one of her new leather outfits, she dried her hair and tied it up in a ponytail with a piece of leather.

After Jayde emptied the tub outside the cave, she had breakfast. She didn't feel like cooking and since Reiko and Yinxin were in her pet space she did not have to worry about feeding them. Taking out one of the elven wafer pieces of bread, Jayde ate half before re-wrapping it in its leaf cover and storing it away.

It was mid-morning by the time Jayde had swept and cleaned the cave. With nothing more to do, Jayde decided to enter the Dark Forest and collect some herbs and forage for vegetables and fruits. She didn't have to worry about wood, as she had a number of sacks of charcoal stored in her spatial ring.

As soon as Jayde exited the tunnel leading to the Dark Forest, she felt Yinxin excitement through their bond.

[Jayde, oh it is wonderful, even here in the pet space I can feel a bond to the land of Doha. She is welcoming me home!] Yinxin exclaimed.

[I want to come out, I need to touch the ground with my own paws, I can feel the land is calling me.]

Jayde was unhappy with Yinxin request, she was anxious that the beasts around might perceive Yinxin if she left the pet space, but she didn't want to deny Yinxin request either.

[Yinxin, it's not safe, let me check with Isha if there is some way that I can guarantee your safety.]

Yinxin could feel how worried Jayde was for her safety. She was not perturbed by Jayde refusal to let her out yet, as she knew that it was due to Jayde fear for her.

[Isha] Jayde called out mentally.

[Jayde what's wrong?] Isha could hear how anxious Jayde was.

[Yinxin wants to leave my pet space, she says she 'needs to touch the land' is there any way I do this while keeping her safe?]

Isha could understand Jayde's dilemma, he was not surprised at Yinxin reaction. Silver dragons had always been the guardians of the land of Doha, the earth must have felt the return of one of her daughters.

[Set up a ward. That will prevent anyone from noticing Yinxin, Reiko and myself can keep watch as well and warn you if anything gets too close, which will give you enough time to summon her back.]

[Thanks, Isha] Jayde said grateful for his suggestion.

Before setting up the strongest ward that she had, Jayde sent out her magical senses to perceive if anyone was around. She stretched out her senses as far as she could. With her promotion to Knight of the 11th class, she was able to sense nearly a kilometer in all directions.

Jayde couldn't sense anyone around her. Placing her ward stones on the ground, Jayde activated the strongest ward she knew. Summoning Reiko to stand guard, Jayde then confirmed with Isha that he was observing the surrounding area.

Once Jayde had Isha confirmation, she summoned Yinxin from her pet space. Jayde had asked Yinxin to leave the wyrmlings behind, laughing at what a mother hen Jayde was turning into Yinxin had agreed.

Once Yinxin paws hit the ground of Doha, she was filled with a sense of joy, it was as though the whole planet was welcoming her home.


Deep within the earth Ala, the guardian spirit of Doha was slumbering, when she felt a familiar vibration through the earth around her. The vibrations shocked her awake. Impossible, she thought all her children had all been slaughtered millenniums ago.

The earth around her sang with joy, its song bright, beautiful and jubilant. Listening to the song, Ala was astonished. It can't be, she thought.

Sending her senses into the earth around her, she asked the earth where her child was located, once the earth answered, Ala gathered her dwindling strength, turning herself into steams of energy she flew through the earth towards the area the earth had sung to her about.


[Ah Jayde, this is wonderful] Yinxin said laughing with delight.

Never before had Yinxin felt such peace and joy. It filled her entire being. She could fell the earth embracing her, a strange song filled her mind. The tune was incredibly beautiful, each tone vibrated in her mind, such joy — but underlying that joy Yinxin could feel a sense of grief, loneliness, and longing.

Not sure what to do, Yinxin reached out with her mind.

'I am here, I have returned' she tried to project.

The song in her mind grew louder, Yinxin could almost see the magical notes.

Yinxin could now feel a sense of abandonment through the song. Tears filled her eyes, she could feel the earth crying like it was a child asking why its mother had left.


As Ala came closer to the area where Jayde and Yinxin was, she could feel the earth song, filled with so many emotions. Grief, anger, loneliness, longing but most of all joy — pure unadulterated joy.

Sensing the ward, Ala hid her corporal body as she withdrew herself from the earth. As pure energy, she floated over to where Jayde and Yinxin were.

By all the gods — it's true, Ala thought as she saw the magnificent silver dragon standing in a clear glade, the sun shining down on her, illuminated her silver scales.

Stunned to see one of her daughters alive and well, standing in front of her, Ala had no idea how to react. She just stared at Yinxin drinking in the sight of her. She had never dreamed she would ever see a silver dragon again.

Gently so as not to alarm Yinxin she sent her senses out. No, not just one silver dragon, she was picking up three little ones, but where?

Spreading her sense out, Ala tried to locate the three wyrmlings.

In that human? How could they be in a human, unless—

Shocked — no it can't be — how DARE a human contract one of her daughters.

Pure rage filled Ala, quickly she sent her mind in Yinxin to confirm her suspicions. Before she acted she needed to know more. As long as it wasn't a soul contract, she would destroy the human for the insult of contracting one of her children.

Ala's mind contact was so slight that Yinxin wasn't aware of it.

Ala quickly read through all of Yinxin's memories. Shocked at finding out that some of her children had been transported to another planet, she was heartbroken to realize that her children on Telia had faced the same persecution as they had on Doha.

Amazed at Yinxin memories of Jayde, she was filled with gratitude that it was due to this little girl that her children had returned to Doha.

Withdrawing from Yinxin mind, Ala turned her attention to the small girl standing next to Yinxin, up until now she had been engrossed in observing Yinxin and had paid little attention to the girl.

Ala sent her magical senses out to probe Jayde. Once her magical sense touched Jayde. She nearly lost her energy form she was so shocked.

Not human, she was one of HIS children, but how? All his children were dead, slaughtered just like hers.

How did one of his children end up here?