Planet Eating Monster

Scanning the area around her Jayde couldn't pick up any threat.

[Yinxin, what wrong?]

Yinxin sensed Jayde anxiety, looking over she saw that Jayde had her sword drawn and was battle ready.

[Sorry Jayde, there if no danger here, but there is something seriously wrong with Doha.]

Frowning Jayde asked [You sure there is no danger to you here?]

After receiving Yinxin confirmation, Jayde breathed a sigh of relief. Sheathing her sword she strolled over to Yinxin.

[What do you mean that there is something wrong with Doha?]

[Jayde, there some kind of darkness eating away at the planet.]

Shocked Jayde looked at Yinxin, what the f*ck? She thought. How is it even possible to eat a frigging planet?

[Yinxin how the hell is that even possible?]

[I don't know Jayde, I have never heard of anything like this before.] Yinxin answered helplessly.

[All I know is that when I was communicating with Doha, she showed me this dark mass here in the Lower Realm. When I tried to probe the mass I sensed a deep malevolence from the mass.]

Yinxin didn't know how to explain it to Jayde, with their minds connected, she used their bond to 'show' what she had seen and felt to Jayde.

Jayde was appalled when Yinxin 'showed' her the mass, it was deep beneath their feet. From Yinxin Jayde could 'see' a pulsing globe of oily blackness, Jayde felt filthy just being near the putrid mass.

Yinxin was right though, the black mass gave off a sense of malevolence. Is this f*cking thing sentient? Jayde wondered.

Whatever it was, it was definitely feeding off the planet, Jayde could 'see' how tendrils of darkness spread out from the black mass. The area around those tentacles was grey and dead. Just looking at those disturbing tentacles made Jayde feel nauseous.

This is so f*cked up, Jayde thought. For the first time in her life, Jayde felt out of her depth. She did not know where to even start in combating this thing.

She could understand blowing up a planet (the Xi Corporation had done that once), a natural disaster such as an asteroid hitting a planet, even something like the man-made ecological disaster the ancient humans had created on old Earth, but something eating a planet — that was something she was finding hard to even comprehend.

How the hell was she suppose to fix this?

The one Jayde did know was that she couldn't ignore that monstrous black mass. Whatever it was it was destroying Doha. Worst of all she couldn't approach anyone for assistance either. Besides her small group, she had no allies.

Even if she approached the Mages' Guild, they wouldn't believe her, and the only evidence she had was Yinxin and there was no way in hell she was going to jeopardize Yinxin life, which meant fixing this had fallen directly onto her shoulders.

Calming down Jayde tried to think of a solution. Why did Doha show Yinxin this thing, she thought, was it only to warn Yinxin or did the earth think Yinxin could help?

[Yinxin can you asked Doha if it knows a way to kill that thing?]

Like Jayde Yinxin was horrified and disgusted by the black mass.

[I can try Jayde, but she doesn't communicate as we do.]

[I understand, just try your best, I will contact Isha and see if he has any ideas.]

While Yinxin tried to communicate with Doha, Jayde contacted Isha.

Jayde explained the situation to Isha, remembering how Yinxin projected her memories to her, she tried to do the same with Isha, so he could 'see' the same thing.

[By all the gods!] Isha exclaimed when he 'saw' Jayde memories.

[In all of my life Jayde, I have never seen or even heard of something like this.]

[Isha, we can't leave this thing, it's EATING the planet.] Jayde stressed.

[I, know.] Isha tried to reassure Jayde.

[You said that Yinxin is busy talking to Doha?] Isha asked.

[Well she is trying too, she says Doha 'doesn't communicate as we do'.]

[Alright, let me call all the trainers together and see if any of them know anything, or have any suggestions.]

Isha was perturbed by what Jayde had shown him. If they couldn't find a solution themselves, then he would have no choice but to summon the Overseer again, and he didn't want to even imagine what the repercussions of that would be.

But Doha was too important as a whole to the universe, Isha would have no choice but to report this issue to the higher-ups if they couldn't find a solution.

What terrified Isha was the Overseer and the Custodians would obliterate this whole dimension to save the universe, especially if they decided this planet eating entity was a risk to other dimensions.

With Yinxin and Isha busy, Jayde contacted Reiko and informed him about the problem. Although bored playing lookout, Reiko assured Jayde he would guard the perimeter.


Deserted Island, Oceanus Domain, Upper Realm

The Oceanus Domain had no interaction with the other domains of the Upper Realm. The creatures and races who lived here had cut all ties with the other realms thousands of years ago.

Ala loved visiting this domain, the vast expanse of turquoise water stretched in every direction to the horizon. Small islands dotted the watery landscape.

The ocean was as still as a pond, the sun reflecting off the placid surface, clothed the ocean in a million shimmering stars. Not too far in the distance, a pod of fairy-rays broke the surface with their black fins flaring out.

The sun had just peek above the horizon, causing coral, lavender, turquoise, and fiery orange-red streaks to cut into the awakening sky.

Ala flew to a distant island, cloaked in a thick white mist. Entering a secret tunnel, Ala plunged deep into the bowels of the earth.

In a small cavern, slept huge feline creature. With a body shaped like a tiger, his fur was orange with distinctive black stripes, his long tail ended in flames, and two large fiery horns on his head proclaimed his status as the king of all beasts.

Fahmjir, her old friend and companion.

Ala had come to wake her old friend, to beg him to send one of his guardians to protect Yinxin and Jayde.

Fahmjir had slumbered for thousands of years, having lost interest in Doha. He would not appreciate being woken, but Ala had no choice. He was the only one she could turn to right now that could protect those two.

Walking up to the slumber giant feline, Ala softly called out to him to awaken.

After what felt like hours, Fahmjir opened his ice blue eyes. Roaring loudly he turned to see who had dared awaken him.

Seeing his old companion he slowly climbed to his feet, after stretching out his large body, he stalked over to Ala.

[Ala, what brings you here to my den?] he growled.

[Fahmjir, I am sorry to disturb your slumber, but I really need your help.]

After explaining the situation to Fahmjir. Ala sat down and waited for his decision. Fahmjir was never one who would make a hasty decision, and Ala knew after being with him for thousands of years that it was best to let him think things over.

Over half an hour later Fahmjir finally stirred.

[I agree to your request, I will send Takara to them, he will protect your daughter and the one you call Jayde.]

With that Fahmjir called out mentally to Takara, one of his elite guards, giving him his orders to go to the Lower Realm and guard the two.

[Do not let them know who or what you are.] Fahmjir order sternly.

[But my liege, how will I get close to them.]

[Simple they females, all females love cute creatures] Fahmjir said impatiently.

Takara was appalled, cute — he had to be cute. Just as he was about to argue with his lord, Fahmjir roared.

[Go! Don't test my patience.]

After hearing the anger in his lord's voice, Takara quickly gave up the notion of arguing and quickly fled. Stepping into the in-between space, he traveled to the Lower Realm.

Grumbling the whole way, about how he had been demoted to protect two females.



Image of Fahmjir: