Mysterious Agenda

Professor Floren gloated as he watched the student reactions, what these students did not know was that the same lecture was happening at all the schools in the Lower Realm. There were also many high powered meetings taking place across the Lower Realm with every royal and noble family as well as many elite clans carrying part of today's message.

By tomorrow the news that the Mages Guilds in all the realms were working together would spread to the furthest corners in the Lower Realm — tomorrow the Lower Realm was going to wake up to a change in power.

"Reunification, can you just imagine it?" a young man in front of Jayde exclaimed excitedly.

"I heard that the Mid Realm has ten times more Qi than we do."

"No, I heard it was twenty times more."

"Wow really, twenty times more?"

"Yes! Can you imagine just how powerful we will be when the realms are all reunited again?'

Jayde shook her head slightly at the animated conversation between the two teenagers in front of her.

Fools, she thought, all they could see was the short term benefit, but none of them realized what would happen to them if this 'reunification' ever did happen, the people in the Lower Realm were the weakest, they would lose all their prestige and power if the realms ever united. They would be turned into servant as best or even slaves by those who were more powerful.

Looking around at the students around her, Jayde noticed that not everyone was caught up in the excitement of Professor Floren's announcement, some of the students had grave looks on their faces, among those were Ash and Raven.

Professor Floren gave the student a couple of minutes before bringing them back to order. He had overheard the excited conversations, everything was going to plan. Professor Floren did take notice of the students who were looking serious, but he paid them no heed. They would change their attitude very quickly, once they heard what else he had to say.

"You all most likely wondering why anyone would want to stop such a wonderful thing from happening?" asked Professor Floren.

Professor Floren question raised a clamor as students shouted and demanded to know.

Hmm, this guy is pretty good, Jayde though watching how Professor Floren controlled this group of students.

"It is sad that we humans have such traitors among us," Professor Floren lamented, "Certain people are agents of others races, who are trying to stop reunification from happening, those alien races like dragons, demons, elves, and dwarves don't want to share their STOLEN resources with us. They want to deny you what should have always been your right!"

"No way!"


"Burn them!"

"Arrest them!"

"Down with the traitors!"

Jayde watched as the mob mentality took place, she wasn't surprised by what she was witnessing, she had seen this countless of times when she was with the blacks ops unit for Xi Corporation. Often there would be small radical groups that would spring up, the ones that were anti-corporations would be handed over to Jayde's team to handle.

Not for assassination, that would just have martyred them, no the best way to deal with this sort of thing was to discredit them. But this Mages Guild would be no easy task, they had hit all the proper buttons. Fear, xenophobia, and greed only thing missing was a religious aspect.

Waving his hands to quieten down the group, Professor Floren gave the students a fatherly smile.

"Fear not, we at the Mages Guild have been fighting these dark forces for hundreds of years, we know all their tricks, they can never succeed, do you know why?"

Not waiting for the students to respond, Professor Floren exclaimed: "Because the gods are on our side, we are their chosen ones, our brothers and sisters in the Mid Realm, the Upper Realm, and the Radiant Realm are fighting by our sides."

Radiant Realm?

Seeing the bemused looks on the students' faces at the mention of the Radiant Realm, Professor Floren gave a delighted laugh.

"Yes young mages, I am delighted to inform you that there is a fourth human realm, the Radiant Realm, you all know it as the Gods Realm, they have been in close contact with the Upper Realm, their Temple of Light has been desperate to contact us for thousands of years, and finally they managed to contact our brothers and sisters."

Pure pandemonium broke out at Professor Floren's announcement, the Mages Guild had finally confirmed the existence of the Gods Realm, it had been pure fantasy up until now. Many students expressed disbelief, while others shouted in joy.

Oh shit and there is the religious connotation, Jayde thought.

It took quite some time for Professor Floren to calm everybody down. After order had been restored, Professor Floren clapped his hands together once. Two servants walked onto the stage carrying a large crystal globe, while another carried a table. The table was placed in the middle of the teacher's area, and the crystal globe was placed on the table. The servants then hurried out of the teacher's area.

"I can see that many of you don't believe me. Let me state once and for all, the Mages Guild would never lie to you about something is momentum, we have always stood for truth, we are the guardians of our people, we are the light, we stand against the darkness!" Professor Floren yelled, his face glowing with conviction.

Walking over to the crystal globe, Professor Floren placed his hand on the globe: "But you don't have to believe me, listen to a message from our High Priestess from the Radiant Realm."

The crystal globe lit up and inside the globe, the mists parted. A stunningly beautiful woman appeared, she had a delicate heart-shaped face, with high cheeks, dazzling green eyes, ripe red lips, and flawless skin. Her long cascading auburn hair was woven with tiny gems. She was dressed in a long white robe, runes intricately embroidered with golden thread.

Behind her, the scene was like some fairytale. Huge ivory towers with golden steeples graced the landscape.

Placing her to hands together in front of her chest, she bowed. A musical voice filled the lecture hall.

"Greeting to my brothers and sisters from the Radiant Realm, I am High Priestess Sharlin of the Temple of Light. For far too long have we been separated. The Temple of Light has devoted all it's time and resources to find a way to contact our brothers and sisters, and I am delighted that finally, we have succeeded."

Small dewdrop tears could be seen in High Priestess Sharlin's green eyes, as she smiled radiantly. A glow seemed to emanate from her as she joyfully detailed how tirelessly the people of the Radiant Realm had worked trying to get hold of the other realms.

The glow around High Priestess Sharlin dimmed as her face paled, and a look of distress and fear crossed her beautiful features.

"Sadly, there are many other races who have schemed and fought, even going so far as to resorting to murder to stop us from ever meeting."

Many of the young teenager boys seeing such a distressful look on the angel's face were filled fiery passion, all wanted to rush to her side and protect her. Some of the young girls started to weep as this beautiful angel went on to describe the hardships the humans in the Radiant Realm had experienced in trying to bring their race back together.

Even Professor Floren who had watched this message over and over again could not help himself from reaching out to touch that beautiful face. Just like the first time when he saw this message he was filled with an intense desire to rush to her side and hold her in his arms, to protect her from the slightest injury.

High Priestess Sharlin went on to detail the other races found in the Gods Realm, the bloodthirsty demons, the beastly dragons, the savage dwarves and the sly elves.

Foul beasts! Professor Floren howled silently.

"We the Temple of the Light are committed to peace and harmony. Our only desire is to again reunite with all our brothers and sisters, to share our wondrous gifts with you all." High Priestess Sharlin said fervently.

The image on the screen then changed (much to the dismay of all the boys) and showed the beautiful landscape of the Radiant Realm.

Exclamations of amazement filled the lecture hall as the students saw the beauty of the Radiant Realm for the first time. It was a paradise beyond anything they had ever imagined. The sweeping image showed mages flying on swords, the cities were sparklingly clean and beautiful, all the citizens were smiling happily as they strolled the streets, everyone was dressed in gorgeous gowns, and jewels covered them.

"Are they flying on swords?" one teenager whispered in awe.

"Hey it that a flying boat? By the gods, it is a flying boat!"

The scene moved back to High Priestess Sharlin, she stood on a balcony smiling gently.

"We have sent you this message of peace and goodwill, praying that you will join in reuniting our realms, and more importantly our people. I personally will be working closely with each of the Mages Guilds in all the realms, to make this dream come true. I hope that I can count on each and everyone one of you to give your Mages Guild your support in this great endeavor."

Placing her hands together again, High Priestess Sharlin bowed.

"Peace be with you all."

The image slowly faded, the last image of a gentle and loving smile on High Priestess Sharlin face the last thing seen.


📌 Quote of the day

Be the light in the dark, be the calm in the storm and be at peace while at war. Mike Dolan


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