
Jayde beat both her opponents in the fifth and final six round, ranking first for combat for the first-year students, while Raven beat Nova, but lost to Ash. Ash was ranked first, Raven second and Nova third for magic combat.

At the end of the day, Jayde official rank was three hundred and twenty-five on the Damonia martial battle board, while on the magical combat board Ash was ranked three hundred and eighty, Raven was three hundred eighty-one and Nova three hundred eighty-two.

Due to magical combat having more student who took part Ash, Raven, and Nova had more competition, but now that the first year students had their official ranking as of next week they could challenge high ranked students.

Jayde immediately walked over to the lobby area and issued a challenge for the hundredth-ranked a student by the name of Ethin Noril.

"Hey, Jayde aren't you being a bit too hasty?" Nova asked his tone laced with concern.

Jayde scratched her chin, as she looked blankly at Nova.

Seeing the blank look on Jayde face, Nova leaned closer as he whispered, "Wouldn't it be better to challenge someone weaker."

"Too weak," Jayde said bluntly.

Too weak? Nova wailed silently, please boss leave me some dignity.

Jayde had thought about it before she made her challenge, she had initially wanted to challenge the fiftieth ranked person, but decided it might raise too much attention. So she had decided to start at the hundredth-ranked person and move her way up the ranks. She had barely used any of her strength defeating these first years, and she couldn't see how any of the second year students on the board would be any challenge to her, so she had decided to compare herself to a third-year student.

Just then Sor Durio walked up to the group. Nova seeing his swordsmanship teacher immediately saluted.

"Sor Durio," he said respectively.

"Nora, you fought well, congratulations on ranking third for your year," Sor Durio said smiling.

"Jayde you swordsmanship is brilliant," he said turning to look at Jayde. "Would you be interested in joining my class?" he offered.

"No stealing my disciple Tycho," Elder Citro interrupted as he walked over to the group.

"Master," Jayde greeted as she saluted.

"Your disciple? This is the genius you have been boasting about?" Sor Durio said pointing to Jayde.

"Uh-huh," Elder Citro uttered as he bobbed his head affirmatively.

"Jayde well done!" Elder Citro congratulated her, his old face beaming as he looked at his disciple proudly.

"Jayde this old man is too decrepit to teach you properly, you really should think about moving over to my door," Sor Durio said, sending Jayde a small wink.

"Decrepit!" Elder Citro roared, "Why you young pup I will show you decrepit."

"Now, now Elder Citro, you really shouldn't get yourself all worked up, that old heart of yours won't take the stress." Sor Durio teased.

"Old heart," spluttered Elder Citro, "Damn boy you are really asking for it."

And with that statement Elder Citro started to weave a complicated spell, seeing the old man all fired up, Sor Durio sent him a cheeky smile as he said: "Really, old man, what sort of role model are you?"

Remembering where they were, Elder Citro quickly undid his spell while throwing Sor Durio a dirty look.

"Just you wait brat, I will teach you some manners," Elder Citro threatened.

Sor Durio had heard all about Elder Citro new disciple. He had been interested in meeting the student who had fired up the old guy. Elder Citro and Sor Durio grandfather were really close friends, so while Sor Durio often teased the old man, he had a lot of respect for him.

Jayde was surprised to see someone teasing Elder Citro, everyone else tended to treat him utmost respect, so it was refreshing to see someone address him so familiarly. Nova in the meantime was staring at his teacher gobsmacked, everyone knew just how stern Elder Citro was, so Nova was even more impressed that his teacher had the guts to treat the Elder Citro like he did.

While Sor Durio realized he wouldn't be able to steal Jayde away, he was still adamant about training her. He just needed to find a way to share her with Elder Citro, with that thought he threw his arm around Elder Citro shoulder trying to lead him away from the group.

"So old man, I have just received a couple of jars of honeydew wine, why don't we share a couple of cups, hmm?" he cajoled.

"Honeydew wine? Ha, want do you want, you young scamp."

Looking over his shoulder at the four teenagers, Sor Durio threw them a cheeky wink as he led Elder Citro off.

Jayde didn't realize that in a couple of hours time Elder Citro would "sell" her to Sor Durio for a couple of jars of honeydew wine, and as of the following week she would train two hours a day with Sor Durio, while Elder Citro would train her in magic for two hours after lunch.

As the four students strolled back to their private cottages, they made plans to meet after breakfast the following day. When Jayde had expressed her interest in visiting the auction house in Aeris, the other three had quickly expressed their eagerness to join her.

Once they reached Jayde's cottage she bid them farewell, she and Takara then entered the cottage to find Lucia waiting for them with a scrumptious dinner laid out, Takara immediately leapt off Jayde's shoulder to sprint to his designated space at the dinner table.

While Jayde had bought him snacks to eat during the day, he was starved. Meowing plaintively he tried to hurry Jayde up as she washed her hands. Once Jayde was seated Lucia dished up for them. Lucia had spent the day watching the duels, and she was so proud that her mistress had ranked first.

She couldn't help lifting her head proudly as she strutted about with the other servants, she had enjoyed seeing the envious looks on their faces. It was a massive change from the usual disdainful looks that she was accustomed to receiving.

At Damonia a servant's ranking was based upon their masters ranking. Lucia had always been masterless, so she had one of lowest rankings at the school, but now that her master was ranked first for martial combat in the first-year students her own ranking had jumped up, while still not considered a first rank servant, she was no longer without any rank.

Lucia couldn't wait for Oneday to come, as she would be giving her official rank as well as an increase in wages, and as Jayde's status increased in the school so too would Lucia's which would only benefit her in the future.

After dinner and bathing, Jayde raised her defensive wards and teleported directly to her cottage. For the past couple of days, Jayde had been feeling as though she was close to breaking through. Entering her meditation room, Jayde sat down and started meditating. It was a pity that she used up all her fire crystals before to break through to Bishop of the first rank, but at least she still had her monthly Qi gathering pills.

After taking the last Qi gathering pill, Jayde began to absorb the Qi around her as she assaulted the barrier. A couple of hours later Jayde successfully broke through to Knight of the Seventh Class. As usual tremendous amount of Qi gathered around Jayde as she broke through allowing her to bypass beginner stage and pushing to mid-level just shy of advance sub-rank.

Just after Jayde's breakthrough, White arrived to collect Jayde for her usual training.


The next day Jayde meet Raven, Ash, and Nova outside her cabin for their trip to Aeris. The four of them walked over to the school's stables where they hired two Griffins to fly them to the base of the mountains.

Inside the artifact, Reiko was sulking, he didn't understand why Jayde would want to use such an inferior beast as a mode of transport when she had his beautiful self available.

Jayde could feel a headache coming on as she listened to Reiko complaining. It was only after Yinxin reminded Reiko that it would raise too many questions on how a small girl like Jayde had managed to contract a shadowbeast that he shut up about it.

Although he did spend the entire time that Jayde was flying pointing out all the mistakes the Griffin that she was flying was making. Forcing Jayde to concede that Reiko was such a gifted beast that it was no wonder no other animal could match him, and if she had a choice she wouldn't fly such an inferior spirit beast.

Hearing Jayde compliment, Reiko proudly strutted around the dimension space, causing Isha and Yinxin to grin secretly at the shadowbeast.


📌 Quote of the day

"If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs." – Dhirubhai Ambani


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