The Lion and the Sword

"Show me that new fire sword of yours," White asked just as Jayde appeared in his dojo.

Retrieving the fire sword from her spatial ring, Jayde handed it over to White hilt first. Reaching out to grab the sword, White then held the sword up in front of him. Reverently he ran his hand up the surface of the sword, careful to avoid the sharp edges.

"Amazing," he said.

"Isha was right, you truly are blessed by the gods," White said, his eyes never leaving the magnificent sword in his hands.

A line etched between Jayde's brows at White's comment. What the hell, she thought.

"What do you mean?" Jayde asked.

"This is no common sword," White said matter-of-factly.

Jayde waited for White to explain further, but he continued to gaze at the twinkling black blade in his hands. Jayde gnashed her teeth, couldn't this man give her more than five words, she thought.

"What is so special about this blade?" she finally asked.

Hearing the barely concealed irritation in Jayde's voice, White looked askance at her before handing the sword back to her.

"That sword is no mere fire sword," White said. "What you are holding is one of the rare spirit weapons available on Doha."

"Spirit weapon?" Jayde repeated. Damn here we go again, Jayde thought. Why can't I just have an average day, she groused, I can't even go to an auction and come back with normal shit.

"Hmm," White said. His mouth twitched as he noticed that disgruntled look on Jayde's face.

"That date pre-dates the sundering," he announced.

"What?" Jayde exclaimed.

"Yes, what you need to understand is that when weapons are so old, they eventually obtain sentience."

"Excuse me?" Jayde squeaked.

"Are you telling me this sword is alive?" she asked horrified.

White pursed his lips, "not in the same way as you and me, but it has developed a weapon spirit."

Jayde eyed the sword in her hands warily, she had an insane desire to knock on the sword and ask if anyone was home. Dryly amused by her own foolishness, she lifted her gaze and stared at White.

"So what exactly does that entail — my sword having a spirit?" she asked bluntly.

"Simple, if you want to wield the full potential of your sword, you need to gain acceptance from the spirit dwelling within your blade."

"Oh and just how do I go about doing that?" Jayde asked raising her eyebrow.

"Give it some of your blood and pass its test," White said succinctly.

Gods, what is it about this planet and blood, Jayde wailed silently to herself, every damn thing requires my blood.

"That's your assignment for today, make that sword submit to you, I will release you once done," White said as he teleported out.

"Hey!" Jayde yelled as White disappeared in front of her. That bastard, she thought when she received no response after yelling for White a couple of times.

Eyeing the sword in her hands, Jayde shook her head. "Oh well, here goes nothing," she muttered as she sliced the palm of her left hand using the fire sword. Hold the edge of the blade against her bleeding cut, Jayde was shocked to see that her blood was being absorbed by the sword.

After nearly a minute, Jayde was worried that the sword might bleed her dry, just as she was debating whether to remove her hand Jayde suddenly found herself in a new surrounding. The dojo had been replaced by a mist filled valley. Oh great, another unauthorized hijacking, Jayde thought, could these people ask before just teleporting her.

"Hello?" Jayde called out.

"Who dares trespass?" a loud inhuman voice roared, one could hear thunder, lightning, and stormy skies were in that voice.

"Are you the spirit of the fire sword?" Jayde yelled back fearlessly.

"A puny mage dares to enter my territory," the voice mocked. "Leave now, and I will let you live—stay, and you will die."

Lightning crashed all around Jayde as the voice finished making its threat. Jayde stood still, her back straight as her eyes narrowed, a muscle in her jaw twitched. If there was one thing Jayde didn't tolerate was people threatening her.

"Show yourself," she ordered sharply. Just wait, she thought grimly, I will beat you black and blue and have you begging for mercy.

"Pity such a pretty young thing will lose it life here," the voice said dolefully.

"Cut the crap, and show yourself," Jayde demanded. "Don't make me have to look for you."


By the gods, what sort of insane female was in his territory, the spirit of the sword thought. Usually, by now anyone would have teleported directly out of his sword.

"I hope you have made peace with the gods," the spirit of the sword belittled.

Just then a huge purple lion appeared in front of Jayde, its blood red eyes glared at her hatefully, saliva dripped off it's gleaming ivory fangs. It's hot breath washed over Jayde as it let out a thunder-filled roar.

One would expect any normal human would have been shocked seeing such a terrifying sight.

Jayde pinched the bridge of her nose. "Seriously a purple lion?" she grumbled. "Why purple?"


What the hell is wrong with being purple, the spirit of the sword though. Hey, wait why isn't she running.

"What the hell is wrong with purple?" the lion demanded, "I like the color purple."

Pointing at the purple lion, Jayde said: "Better if you were tawny or white, purple just looks weird."

"I don't like tawny or white," the lion whined, "purple is better, see how it shines," the lion boasted turning around to show Jayde it's gleaming coat.

Jayde tapped her fingers against her lips. "Makes you look cute, not terrifying," she said earnestly.

Snapping her fingers and then pointing her index finger Jayde said: "I know change it to black or even blood red, that would be better."

"No," the lion said shaking its large head. "I don't like those colors either, wait why are we discussing the color of my fur?"

"Well, I feel like beating up a purple lion is weird," Jayde said tugging on her ear. "So do you mind changing to something more appropriate."

"Appropriate?" the lion yelled indignantly.

"Look you seem to be confused about our roles here, you run, I chase, you die," the lion explained slowly as though Jayde was a child.

"Alrightly then, if you are not willing to change to another color, I guess I can just pretend you are black," Jayde grumbled.

"For all the gods' sake, can you stop going on about the color of my fur, and start running!" the lion roared.

"Whatever," Jayde said as she retrieved her sword from her spatial ring, then she sprinted — towards the lion instead of away. Seeing the mad woman rushing towards him, the lion spun around and dashed off with Jayde fast on his trail.

Wait something is wrong here, the spirit of the sword thought, it took the spirit a couple of seconds to figure what exactly was wrong, why am I the one running away, the spirit of the sword suddenly thought, isn't she the one suppose to be running away and me chasing her.

Coming to an abrupt halt, the lion wheeled around to face Jayde. Seeing the lion was now facing her Jayde leapt up into the air, the sunlight gleamed off the blade as it swung through the air, seeing that the blade of Jayde's sword was about to impale it, the lion yelped while flashing out of the way.

"Are you fucking crazy?" the lion roared, "you nearly killed me."

Nonplussed Jayde stared at the crazy lion. Resting her left hand on her hip, Jayde pointed the sword in her right hand at the lion. "Isn't that what I am supposed to be doing?" she asked arching her eyebrow in question.

"What? No!" the lion said emphatically. "You are not supposed to kill me, you crazy woman. I am meant to kill you!"

Raising her left hand, Jayde pinched her nose. "So you expect me to stand here and let you kill me?"

"Yes," the lion said bobbing his massive head.

"Do I look like I have stupid tattooed on my forehead?" Jayde demanded.

Learning his head closer the lion peered at Jayde forehead.

"No, I don't see anything," the lion said seriously.

"That was a rhetorical question," she snapped, rubbing her forehead.

"Huh? Rhetorical was does that mean?" the lion asked.

"It means I was just making a statement—Agh! Never mind look I am not going to stand here like an idiot and allow you to kill me."

"Why not?"

"Cause I am not stupid!" Jayde yelled.

"Oh!" the lion said, "now what?"

"Submit to me," Jayde demanded, "or die."

Jayde was feeling extremely frustrated dealing with this stupid lion, she just wanted to complete the test and have the spirit of the sword acknowledge her so she could go home and sleep.

"Okay," the lion said.

The spirit of the sword was not happy, never before had he run into this problem. Ever since his master had disappeared he had been left all alone in this place, a couple of mages had managed to appear, but each time he had scared them away, this was the first time he had met such a difficult mage, and he had no idea how to handle her.

Also, he was bored and lonely, ever since his master had left, he had nobody to talk too, and while he thought that this mage was a bit crazy, he didn't really want to fight her. The spirit of the sword would never admit that Jayde scared him and he was worried that she might actually kill him.

Jayde's eyes widened as the lion agreed so quickly, she had been expecting it to attack her or at least start arguing with her again.

"That's good," Jayde said quickly before the lion had a chance to change its mind.

"Okay spirit of the sword, I have beaten your lion, what's next?" Jayde yelled out.

Why is this crazy mage yelling, the lion thought, I am right here.

"I'm not deaf," the lion grumbled.

"YOU the spirit of the sword?" Jayde asked with disbelief.

"Of course, who else would be here?"


Jayde jumped as lion yelped out in surprise, as she looked on she saw the lion disappearing in front of her, the next moment a tiny purple fox sat on the ground in the same spot where the lion was standing.


"Argh, damn it, I forgot holding that form took so much energy," the small fox squeaked.

A smile danced on Jayde's lips as she looked down at the cute purple fox. "So this is your true form?" she asked amused.

"So what if it is? You have a problem with it?" the foxed demanded.

"No, no problem at all," Jayde said while trying hard not to laugh.


📌 Quote of the day

"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense." — Tom Clancy


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