Contact - 1

Underneath the moon, a vast sky filled with tiny bright dots.

"Brrrrr." A little girl covered with furry clothes, trembling in front of the fireplace that was the only source of light surrounded by half-broken wooden furniture and a big broken wooden bed frame.

"Mom, is dad going to be home soon?"

The little girl with pure black eyes that reflected her innocent heart stared at the back of her mother who stood beside a window frame covered by a fur curtain." Soon dear seems like dad took the long path home tonight."

The slim woman with blue hair carrying a brown leather backpack replied to her daughter as she took a peek at the forest through the window frame while lifting up the curtain.

Knock knock

The little girl and her mom snaps their head at the door with a hint of happiness and expectation in their eyes

"Little Blue! Hurry up and open the door."

A young, immature voice sounded from the other side of the door as she bangs on it nervously.

"It must be Ali, what is she doing here so late ?"

Said the mother as she walks toward the door, but before she could reach it, her daughter already rushed past her and opened the door for her friend.

Seeing her brown hair friend with small dimples on each red cheeks with an excited expression

"What's the matter, Ali?" Says little Blue while tilting her head

Ali ignored her question and looked at the blue haired woman

"Aunty, I'm going to borrow little Blue for a bit! We're going up the hill to make a wish." The mother smiled and nodded in reply.

Ali took little Blue by the hand and ran outside. Deeper into the forest lies a small hill that was the highest peak on this mountain and at the top, there was nothing but a simple wooden bench that can fit two adults. Little Blue, confused, let her friend drag her away.

"Ali, could you tell me making a wish? I don't quite understand how can something grant you a wish."

"Right, little Blue, I forgot you were just brought in here by uncle a couple of months ago, every elder told me in the village that when the stars fall, we have to be on the bench hill to pray for our wish to come true! I heard grandma Lan once made a wish underneath a star for a healthy son and then a year later she got uncle Aren and now uncle Aren best hunter in our village."

Little Blue seemed a bit skeptical, but she did not want to spoil her friend's mood since she was a year younger. "Although Ali is older than me, she believes everything that the elders tell her, is this what they call maturity?"

Little Blue giggled quietly as those thought words in her mind.

As they approach the hill, Ali and Little Blue could see a bright orange and yellowish dot with a trail of white dust in the dark cloudless sky. "Here we are! See I told you little Blue, a star is falling just like what the elders said in their story."

The two little girls who looked no older than 13 stood in front of the bench covered in snow and stared right into the sky. Ali closed her eyes, held her hands together underneath her chin and started whispering. Little Blue who stood beside her revealed a little smirk and instead look at the falling star that was getting bigger and bigger.

"I always wanted an older brother, didn't I..."

Little Blue sighed as she reminisces about her past,

a big mansion situated in the middle of a kingdom surrounded by substantial stone walls, the crowded roads and most importantly, her school where she attended with her childhood friends.

"Why aunty....?"

Little Blue closed her eyes and copied Ali

"Please give my family hope."

In the corner of her eye, a teardrop slid down to her cheek and froze into the snow. "Little Blue! Look it's coming closer to us!" Ali shook Little Blue's shoulder as she pointed toward the star. Little Blue Hurried and looked at the sun, with a frightened expression she turns around.

"It's not coming closer; it's coming directly at us! Hurry and follow me!" Little Blue gasped the situation and quickly lifted her hands to chant a spell, a blue circle smaller than her palms with an ancient symbol, slowly forming a magic graph, Little Blue then pointed toward the bottom of the hill.

A stream of water flew out from the blue circle and went down the hill surface, because of the cold temperature, the that landed on the slow quickly froze. With the slippery slide, Little Blue made down the hill, into the forest she then grabbed the confused girl by the wrist to slip down the slope.

"Alert, alert, impact in 0.5 seconds, deploying force field and repulse field at max capacity."

The focused Nodus quickly open his glowing golden eyes and with god-like speed, he spread his arms side way, with an open palm on each hand a transparent layer of white qi went through the entire spaceship. The force field protects the spacecraft while the repulse field helped the vessel from going any further by possibly bouncing on a hard surface.

Nodus used his qi to immobilize the White Jade that was flying at a terrifying from sliding down the hill and the glow in his eyes faded away quickly, Nodus felt unconscious.


Ali and Little Blue felt onto the snowy ground as they felt the tremor caused by the crash. Looking back at the bench from the forest, they could see that half of the hill was gone, replaced by a big, white, smooth-looking jade object that was inches away from the old wooden bench. The heat melted the snow away rapidly causing the hill to appear green again.

The villagers all heard a loud sound and quickly came out of their homes to see what was happening while asking everyone questions, as they did not felt tremors, none of them were panicking.

"Probably that man and his family concocting some medicine and failed. " Said the old elderly grandma as she shook her head while staring at the forest hill." Should we check on them?" Asked the grandpa

"And do what? If that man cannot handle it, then no one can in this northern lands." Said the grandma as she remembered the strong aura that the warrior released. The grandpa just stood there quietly as he recalled three years ago a pair of Magician and Warrior came into their village while the Warrior carried an unconscious lady that seemed to be their daughter.

"I am going to check on them." Said the middle age man who was wearing a brown bear skin with a longbow on his back. "Be respectful to them Aren, after all, those pairs destroyed the Red Rock savage tribe by themselves."

"Don't worry grandma, and I made friends with him a couple of weeks ago when I offered them some meat."

Boom, the little cabin door slammed open in the middle of the forest as the blue-haired woman ran toward the hill in despair.

"Please be all right is coming."

"Ali! Ali!!"

Little Blue screamed as she shook Ali who was lost in a daze, staring at the felled star.

"I...It's.. beautiful..." Ali quietly murmured those words as she sat on the snow, seeing that her friend was not hurt, Little Blue stood up and saunter toward the white oval object.

As Little Blue walked up the wet green hill, voided of snow and as she slowly approaches the White Jade, the temperature went down again.

"Alert, Alert, alert, living organism approaching safe meter zone."

Z1 voice sounded from the helmet while Nodus remain unconscious.

"Commander unconscious, beep, beep."

After a quick calculation, a little cap on the roof of the White Jade flipped over, revealing a small white pencil looking object and proceed to illuminated Little Blue with a thin green light. Little Blue froze on the spot as she did not know what is happening.

"Be careful Little Blue!" Ali who suddenly snapped out from her daze quickly ran in front of her friend and spread her arms.

Touched by her friend, Little Blue slowly rubbed her ring that she was wearing on her index finger, prepared to pull her magic scroll that her mom made at any sight of danger.

"Scanning complete, Human DNA found, two young organism-... females- .. searching"

"Emergency Charging protocol initiated."

A female recorded voice came from the White Jade itself interrupted Z1 before it could finish.


Ali and Little Blue both screamed at the same times while covering their eyes with their hands as the star shone brightly. The White Jade slowly became transparent, making Nodus slip through the floor as if it was never there. As Nodus felt onto the dirt, the White Jade transformed into a little clear white bead and flew into the side Nodus's wristwatch.

"Wh..what happened to the star?" Ali asked while Little Blue was nervously walking forward the missing half side of the bench hill. "Ali! , look, there is something down there!"

Ali and Little Blue slowly made their way down. When the two girls landed in the half crater, Ali, filled with innocence and curiosity quickly ran toward the sleeping Nodus.

"Ah, be careful Ali!"

Little Blue followed up while putting her palms forward, initiating a blue magic circle in case of danger. As Ali sat on her knees and lifted up Nodus upper body that was slightly taller than them, she stares at Nodus's half transparent helmet, but before she could do anything, Little Blue screamed at the little girl.

"Ali, Hurry behind me!"

"Oh my, that little blue meat could feel our presence."

Ali who looked confused stared right at the direction of the voice and saw four people approaching from the other side of the crater, as they got closer, she could make out that all 4 of them were big , bulky men, wearing only a pair of furry pants while carrying a big axes each and hung sharp looking boomerangs on their back.


As Ali realize the situation, one of the savage quickly sprinted toward the innocent girl while the three other ran toward the blue haired girl as they thought that she was much of a more significant threat than the sitting one. Little Blue quickly lifted her palm and shot out small frozen spikes toward the three savages approaching her.

The first burly savage gripped tightly onto his ax as a dim layer of qi covered his weapon, he easily deflected the frozen spikes and grinned at her while running. Little Blue face became pale as she realizes that these savages were genuine Enlightened Warriors.

Without holding back, a scroll appeared in her hands as she unrolls down open scroll, a frightening red light was released with old characters dancing around the manuscript.


Screamed the savage as he held onto Ali's neck with his arm, lifting her entire body up.

"I..Im sorry...Wahh.." Cried Ali with snot all over the arm

Little Blue looked at the crying hostage, with a tearful expression, she slowly rolled her scroll. "Ugh...Who would have thought you to have a magic scroll, not only that but even a storage ring, HAHAHAHA? "

the three other savages relaxed and slowly surrounded Little Blue as they were cheering in their victory. "Tiny blue mea-I mean girl, surrender all your belongings, and we'll let you go, HAHA."

"You don't have a choice, or else Five will kill your mea-friend HAHAHAHA."

Said the savages behind Little Blue as they licked their lips while drooling. While being in a high mood, the barbarian who took Ali, hostage, looked down at Nodus.

"What is this? Another meat?"

He stares at the weird looking helmet with a fully covered body in black, without a second thought, the savage lifted his foot to stomp on Nodus, making sure it was dead.


Ali screamed, even though hardly any of her voice came out, Nodus slowly opened his golden eyes a by a little bit.

The savage foot suddenly stops an inch away from the visor." What are you doing Five, did the little meat scream scare you HAHAHA." The savages behind little Blue were laughing loudly until they heard Five screaming loudly


Five's entire leg twisted weirdly and was forcefully pulled out from his body; the muscles were torn apart, the bones were separated along with the pin, blood flushing out like a water fountain as he fainted from the pain.


Before the savages behind little Blue finished his word, they quickly felt the heat rising, but it was too late as their eyeballs exploded from the high temperature-


A pillar of flame went through the crater walls, shot into the sky. The unfolded scroll in Little Blue's hand disintegrated into dust and carried away by the wind.

Ali who was in a dazed, quickly recovered and ran toward Little Blue and gave her a big hug while crying.

Little Blue held onto Ali while she slowly looked at the sleeping Nodus, who, a moment ago, saved their life.