To The City - 1

As the first ray of sun shun onto their face , Nodus who was not bothered by the sunlight saw two horses coming from the village in the far distance. "Mom , Dad!" Luru shouted as she waved at her parents. Noticing their little girl behavior , made the couple happier. As their daughter went through a lot and was more mature than any other kids , Luru did not have many friends. With Nodus and co around her now , Luru was slowly reverting back to her childish behavior that fit her age more than the mature version.

Noticing that the horses weren't afraid of Sasha , Nodus looked at the couple and stared at Lati , who was smarter than the husband. "They are Breezing Horses , a gift from the village chief." She explained that these horses were also magical beast and mainly known for being smarter than most early ranked beast. Other than being smart and having good endurance in most terrains , the Breezing Horse had a weak combat strength and they could be sold at the cities or merchants to feed the entire village for a year."Too bad the village didn't have any carriage or it would of been perfect with these horses." Said Naires as he guide his horse past Sasha. A carriage... I might as well let Sasha gather energy around the road with this opportunity..

Not wanting to bother using his technology to save energy , Nodus did not mind investing some to gain more so he told the couple he could build one if he had the materials. "I can make the carriage , I just need to get some trees." The couple decided they would help but he told them just to wait here and told Sasha to run into the forest. The two little girls felt the wind hitting their face as they held dearly onto Nodus who sat peacefully , unaffected by the wind. I should make a windshield... with the force field it should be easy but such energy wasting.. Nodus decided to implant the module later as he spread his qi and formed a psychic barrier around the girls. With the lack of wind , the girls looked at white energy around them and sat normally beside the young man with a blush on their face.

"T--thankyou " Said Ali and with a nod , Nodus didn't pay attention to them any further. He doesn't speak alot but he actually cares.. Luru had many thoughts going through her minds as she witness him easily spreading his qi around them , she couldn't even spread her mana shield this big and much less maintain it for this long. Infact not even a peak beginner warrior or magician could. Is he a enlightened warrior or higher?.. Luru shook her head and halted her ridiculous thoughts as she did not know the higher ranks in details.

"Do you think his artifact could really make a carriage? I understand the door , but the carriage is way bigger.." Said the husband who always looked like he was never serious. " I am sure he can , the child won't make up stories and beside..I feel that he can do much , much more.." Lati looked at the husband and held his hand. "Mhmm I feel it too.. that child is very mysterious.. And also he would be extremely adorable if he smiled often." Added Naire as he laughed with his wife.

Within the forest , the young man held a black device and pointed at the tree , with a flash of red light , the tree decomposed , leaving a tiny hill of sand. "Z1 , Transfer the decomposed trees into the blue storage." With a flash of light from the watch , the sand of wood flew toward the wristwatch and disappeared into the screen. Pew pew , After collecting collecting dozen of trees , his storage box was almost full. "Return." After one word , Nodus jumped and landed beside the two little girls who were always intrigued around him. "Nodus.. You are so magical." murmured Ali while Luru , deep down , also agrees with her.

Arriving close to the road , the white leopard slowed down and Nodus released his psychic qi. "They are back!" Upon seeing the white leopard the couple descended from their horse and held the reins."Step back and make sure nothing bothers me." Nodus instructed Sasha as he jumped on the side of the road. With the blue chips in his hand , he threw it to the ground and with the storage open , Nodus began to type with his left hand on the watch hologram keyboard with lightning speed.

This child has many mysterious artifacts thought the couple as they did not bother him at all while keeping watch. The little girls and leopards were already used to Nodus by now , they just quietly sat and watch him talking to his watch. "Z1 , show me all the blue print of wooden carriages , change wheels to rubber , set the interior...." As Nodus was modifying the carriage with the options shown by Z1 , the snow began to fall from the sky. "I hope it won't be another blizzard storm again." Said Lati as she looked toward her husband , filled with worries. Noticing the little snow fall , he remembered that most of the people here weren't like him and added a metal pipe for heat through out the carriage. With the confirm button pressed. The black device flashed out in a blue color above the road and from top to bottom , the wooden carriage was slowly formed as if it was being printed on all side at the same times. With 1% for the trees and 2% for synthesizing and transmuting , Nodus had 13% energy left.

The phase matter deviced created a wooden carriage , printed in black with 4 robust rubber wheels on the sides and oddly , there wasn't a front seat where one would sit to guide the horses. The amazed couple walked toward Nodus as they dragged their horse while Ali and Luru hopped off the big leopard with Shishi. "Amazing...Nodus , your artifact is incredible!" Said Naire as he touched the wooden exterior of the carriage. "Mhmm , tie the horse onto the front hook." Nodus instructed Naire to tie both horse onto the middle hook as he slid the door open and told them to go in. The 3 girls were excited as they ran up the low steps and went inside the carriage , the inside consisted of 2 long soft rubber seat , leaving a small space to go to the front and the back. The front was another sliding door , revealing two seats and the front view of the carriage , covered with a wooden window bar that stretched till the side of the carriage and a steering wheel.

With transparent materials being costly on energy , Nodus decided to just go with it for now , and the back of the carriage was 2 small beds on each side , the carriage was just like a big long van with a smooth rectangle shape and high wheels. As the girls were just walking around and exploring the carriage , Nodus sat beside Naire and taught him how to use the steering wheels , since it was attached the reins , he wouldn't need to be exposed outside to the cold. "Aww Nodus you are actually so cut-" Before Naire could finish his word , Nodus sent him down the seat with a smack from his qi and left the front area. "Hey! at least punch me psysically!" Said Naire as he sat back up with a red bump on his cheeks."Uncle and Nodus really get along , is this the thing they call , the boys bonding?" Said Ali innocently while Luru beside her giggled. Since they are smart , we won't need a whip , now what else.. other than a light source , everything should be fine. While Nodus was in his thoughts , Lati sat beside him and asked about the grilled vents on the wall .

After explaining that is was for heating , the girls were happy as most of magicians did not bother to temper their body and in result , they have a normal resistance toward natural elements like every one else , while the warrior are slightly stronger in that aspect. After running back and forth from the village with fire woods , Naire put them in a strange metallic container behind the carriage , easily lit it up with a flint and closed the lid of the container.

"This is my first times riding a carriage.. It feel like a moving home.." Said Ali as she dangle her foot , Luru who sat beside her giggled in reply and said. "This is nothing like a carriage.. but you are right , it's like a moving house." Luru began to talk about the life outside of the village in details so Ali could get more of a understanding toward the outside world. As Shishi was sleeping on one of the bench , Nodus who sat beside was fast asleep as he was slightly tired while the couple were in the closed front seat. Although they did not need to pay attention to the road because the horses were smart enough , the couple still wanted to spend their times together and plan together for the future.

As they traveled on the road , the snow began to pick up as the dark clouds took over the skies. "It's going to be a heavy weather for sure , should we find some place for the horse to rest?" Said Naire as his wife was the main person for this trip. "Not yet , we should go further , the closer we are toward the edge , the less pile of snow we have to deal with." Knowing that his wife was proficient with water based magic , he had no worries to be exposed to the blizzard storm , it's just that it will slow them down considerably even with the Breezing horses.

In the snowy storm , it looked like it was night times with the thick clouds above the northern lands. "Big Sister....I..I can't run anymore.." said the purple haired girl in a stained long shirt. The girl was falling to her knee but the other girl kept her from falling . They looked almost identical other than the fact one his shorter than the other. With noticeable collar on their necks , the girls were struggling in the snow as they ran with fear."Mimi..While they are looking for the others , we only have this opportunity." The taller one said as she led her sister toward the depth of the northern lands. With her sister short words , she knew that they had to go on , or else they will be captured again. The little girl let go of her sister hand and sat on the pile of snow. "Big sister Lili...I love you , please go on without me , If I hide here , they won't find me with all these snow." Not wanting to drag her sister freedom down with her , she smiled at her Lili and decided to be the last piece of bait. Lili gritted her teeth and looked at her sister with sadness as she bend down and held her. "No.. I only have you Mimi" While hugging her little sister , Lili suddenly saw a two big shadow that were slowly getting close to them.

The shadow than curved a little bit toward the direction of where they came from and stopped. Squeezing her eyes , Lili saw that it was 2 big horses with something big behind it that looked like a carriage. "Quickly Mimi." Lili pointed at the carriage and carried her little sister as she walk towards it in the pile of snow. The little sister in her arms was looking at the carriage as she slowly faded into the darkness.