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This is amazing! Ali and Mimi were both rolling on the soft beds while Luru was trying out every features of the carriage like a curious cat for 'study' purposes she said. The little girl really wanted to roll in bed like them but she was too shy to do so in public. Maybe at night.. I shall roll to my heart content on the highest bed. Nodus who stood in the room decided to climb all the way up to meditate for the entire ride as he ordered Bu One to follow and protect the carriage. "I am going to sleep." The young man told Ali before he went up because he knew out of everyone , Ali would clung around him the most. "Mhmm sleep well Nodus! I will wake you up for dinner, Ah! lunch! Did you eat yet Nodus!??" The girl halted her rolls as she remembered that Nodus was gone before he could enjoy the lunch with them.

The young man nodded while climbing up and sat on the top bed of the right side. With window covered , Nodus began to glow in a dim pink light. I've been at the 8th Gate long enough..The stars in this universe is simply too weak. A transparent Nodus was flying across the stars , swimming through a big galaxy , every star he encountered were just tiny dots , even small than his own projection image. If it's like this then I can't break through to the 9th Mystic Gate any times soon.

As he was inspecting his dantian , Z1 gave him a suggestion. "Magic Beast energy can be use as a supplement and commander should consider training with mana." Absorbing energy from the core is simple but the foundation is lacking but by getting used to mana I should be able to create another Gate. "Show me an example of a mana foundation." Without any technique from this planet , Z1 could only show him a brief information on how would mana work in ones body. The screen on the watch simply showed a water bottle without a cap in a human outline , the bottle was slowly being filled by a blue liquid and when the water reached the top of the bottle , a cap was placed and shut , not allowing the water to overflow. Then the full water bottle was exposed to heat , making the water boil as it slowly expanded the bottle to the limit. Upon reaching the limit , the bottle blew up and the body quickly reforged a bottle , this times it was bigger and a more durable material that could resist to the heat. " I see , Fill , Suffer , Expand , simple enough." Changing out of his uniform , the fiber suit changed into a cotton pajamas with Shishi sleeping beside him.

Now I just need a way to cultivate this mana fast enough . The young man sat in cross legged as he imagined a big jar in his mind. The galaxy in his dantian slowly begun to rotate and a newly emerged white grail emerged on the bottom of the biggest star that was the core of the galaxy. The galaxy rotated slowly as it refined mana and released a droplet that felt into the grail. This should be good enough as the foundation , now I just need a better vacuum. The young commander wasn't hailed as the youngest throne owner for nothing in the entire galaxy , in 10 minutes he did what most children would do in 6 years just to set up a foundation with the guidance of a teacher. The couple and Sasha arrived 30 minutes after Nodus. The sudden change in size of the carriage shocked Naire while Lati gaze was focused on the big butler. Seeing the rest of the group arrived , Bu One simply knocked on the door to let the girls inside know. " Mom you are back! " The little girl ran from the carriage and dove into her mom as she landed on the ground. "I am back dear.. who is that? " Luru knew who mom was talking and quickly explained that it was the transport artifact that can change into different shape.

Lati was still puzzled but knowing that it was something from Nodus , she stopped worrying and led the elves into the carriage. "So cool!!! Luru what happened to the carriage? What is this on the wheels and why is there a big glass window on the front?!" The dad threw a barrage of question non stop as he was snuggling the carriage with his face. With a hint of red , Lati quickly led the elves and Lili into the carriage and told her daughter to pacify the husband. "Aunty!" " Sister Lili!!" The two young girls came out of the room and while Mimi was holding her sister , Ali was dragging Lati into the room to show her the new softer beds. "Amazing.. 3 people could fit in one bed! Ah so soft! The pillow and blanket are sooo soothing to the touch!" Lati refrained from rolling on the bed as she inquire about Nodus wherebouts." Ah! shhh aunty , Nodus is sleeping on the top bed!" Ali held her finger in front of her mouth while the other was pointing on the highest leveled bed.

The pair daughter and father were still outside. When Naire finally calmed down , he asked Luru to tell him in details about the new carriages but Luru decided instead to let Bu One to explain in her stead. "Bu One could you please." Said the young girl as she got permission from Nodus to give simple orders. "What! This is a super resistance glass !? The roof can be lifted?!" The father quickly tied the horses onto the carriage as he ran inside and into the front room that has more space and seats. I can spread my legs and with this wall shelf I can put my food there and .. and.. While the dad was going crazy in his thought , the daughter snuck out and went back to the main room where everyone was sitting except for Bu One and Nodus of course. The mother brought out some food from her ring and placed onto the table , the vegetables and dried rations were quickly gone. After finishing their food , Mimi introduced them one by one , the short blonde hair elf was Amy , the mature looking one was Cucu while Neih was the youngest and her older cousin , Raon , the only male elf that was captured while the rest were slain during the kidnap. Amy had a fierce look of a warrior with her sharp brows while Cucu most noticeable aspect were her overly large breast , it was the size of Ali's head , no wonder she got kidnapped. Roan who was the oldest , looked also like a female with his long white hair while his young cousin also had short white hair and Neih had a petite body with a uncaring expression just like Nodus.

"This carriage is amazing.. it look more like a moving living room!" Cucu was admiring the window and how the table could be put away to create more space while Amy was saying how great it would be to have this for setting up camp after a good hunt. "Hehehe , this carriage is not just a living room , it also has beds! 6 of them!" Ali was confident to blow their minds away as she led them toward the back of the carriage. " Ah , aunty Lati , this door is for the storage room" Said the little girl as she walked past the door in the hall. Lati opened the door and it revealed a decent space , enough for a small kitchen , with a flick of her ring she brought out many pots and tools and placed them around the room. "Mhmm like this I can cook easily!" The blue haired woman was happy as she got a kitchen now while the rest of the elves were shocked upon seeing the bunk beds." The best part is the bed!" Everyone was amazed on how soft the bed are , especially Lili since she knew this must be all done by that little child , Nodus.

As times went by , It was already night times , Lati came out with Luru , holding a big silverware that had many plates on them , placing on the table , Ali quickly remembered her promise as she ran toward the room followed by Mimi behind her. "She is probably waking up Nodus." Luru knew that the elves were curious as they always wanted to properly introduce themselves to the person who saved them and made this carriage."Ah , the beautiful child who release us from those life collar." Cucu eyes glittered as she remember that cute face through the helmet visor he was wearing. Naire who sat on the opposite side of the wall coughed "Ahem.. you shouldn't call him that.. he will get angry at you." The middle aged man shared his experiences while Cucu was still in her imaginary dreams without hearing him. Amy and Neih looked at each other and shook their head as they knew their friend was gone for now while Raon admired Nodus for saving them.

"Nodus , is time for dinner!" Ali head was right on the side of the bed as she held onto the ladder , screaming at the young man sitting on the middle of the bed. Nodus opened his eyes and nodded. Jumping down from the bed which was about 10 feet high , he landed softly on the floor with the cub on his head , right in front of the little elf who was slightly shorter than him. "Big brother Nodus!" The elf held her body around his arm as she happily drag him toward the main room. " Is it ok if I call you that? " The young man nodded as he was too lazy to bother anymore on what people should call him."Yay big brother , you know you are really beautiful." As Mimi , Nodus and Ali arrived at the main room , Naire and the rest were shocked that Mimi commented about the forbidden topic.

Seeing the young man in his loose pajamas just slightly nodding his head , Naire broke down in tears while the rest just laughed at him. "I am sorry Mr Nodus.. my little sister is still young." The elder sister stood up and apologized to Nodus but the young man wasn't bothered and only said 'It's Fine'. Seeing that Nodus did not bother greeting the elves and went to the table beside them , the group of beauties were a little disappointed while Cucu shiny gaze focused on the young man with the cub on his head.

Nodus sat down beside Luru and Ali while the couple was in front of them. Nodus looked at Lati and asked " L- Aunty , Could you teach me a mana technique? " The blue haired woman was surprised and asked if Nodus has a solid foundation yet. Seeing that the young man was unsure and just nodded , Lati carefully explained the requirement of being a magician.

When the children of this planet were born , they had to go through a aptitude test that could figure out whether the child meridians could handle mana or other energy depending on what they wanted to be , if not then he could only become a fighter like a warrior and such. If the child passed the test , he would slowly be guided into building a foundation in his dantian as he practice the technique passed down onto them for mana gathering. At 12 , when most of the children finish their foundation , the would take the third aptitude test which was called the proficiency test to know what element suits them the best and after passing the test , they could start going to a magic academy. The other children who can gather mana but have no proficiency element will be rejected from the magic school and most of them would just become a teacher who guide other children to build a foundation or find another job that involve mana such as magic craft , inscription and such..