Enlin City - 1

After the group finished their breakfast , Amy thanked her savior as she led her people to the city. The young warrior has been to Enlin once before to deliver a mission and now she was planning on settling in for a couple of years while Raon goes back to Azael. "We cannot bother them anymore , I will find an old friend who owns a inn then we can start doing simple mission first." Amy told her plan ahead to her friends while Cucu was the one who get into more details. "We can rent one room in the inn for tonight and by tomorrow , I am sure we will have enough for more rooms if everyone took a different easy mission." The two girls who were discussing turned around and looked at the sibling. "Mimi , you can visit us any times but before that , you must become a magician first!" The girls were encouraging the little girl who had tears on her cheeks.

"Mhmm! I promise I will become a magician then I will be more useful to the group!" The elder sister poked her forehead. "Silly , you have to become strong for yourself first , then you can do what ever you want." After everyone gave the little elf a hug , they walked away while waving at her. "Don't worry Mimi , Luru and I are still here!" The young elf turned around and saw her 2 new friends standing by the gate. "Thank you ! Please take care of me." Mimi ran and wrapped her arms around their necks. "Of course Mimi , I am already a intermediate magician so no one can bully you at school with me there!" The young girl was indeed a genius by advancing twice in one year and was almost a peak beginner magician.

"My my , who ever bullies you all will have to answer to me !" The beautiful teacher came up behind them as she held Nodus hand. Kathrina was ready to burst into their homes if anything happened to the children and knowing she was one of the strongest in this city , the little girls laughed and told her by talking would be enough. "I am bringing Nodus around the city and academy , do you girls want to tag along?" The little girls jumped in joy and followed right beside Kathrina as she walk down the small slope. "This is exciting boss! Without you I could never explore a human city." The cub was so happy that he rubbed his face on the young man's head while his paws was squeezed around the cheeks.

Arriving at a busy but well maintained street , the teacher was introducing the little children to many different stores. "This is where you can get herbs or potions , if you found rare ingredient , other than the auction , this store will offer you the best price and beside , you can tell by the logo on the wooden sign board." Almost every store had a sign board with their store name written on the front while some did not have any signs. "This is the best restaurant around the academy! So many students come here to eat during their lunch break and it's a good way to make friends!" The teacher was very much looking forward to teach these little kids as she dragged them into a store with a wand and staff logo.

As they opened the door , the sound of a bell could be heard. "Old Bas- JACK! Bring out your best magic equipment." The teacher shouted loudly as soon she got through the door and after a few seconds , a middle aged man quickly ran down the stairs. "Well...Well.. Isn't it Mrs Elliyan with.. Oh my.. many children.." The man could already picture how he would be smuggled in front of the children if he didn't give a good discount to the bandit , Kathrina. "What is with the odd face , you will get more wrinkles than you are so stop stalling and bring out the best equipment for beginners." Jack sighed as he went into a door that was in the back and came back out with a big piece of clothes wrapped around something.

"Hmm? You were already prepared? How did you know I was going to come today?" The man rested the items on the big front counter as he unfolded the clothes , the man looked at Luru. "You must be Miss Luru.. It is nice to meet you , this ban-Aunty of yours told me alot about you.." Noticing that she was already close to a peak beginner magician , Jack was surprised and took out a hat for her." My wife made this with intense care , this is a magic hat that will increase your senses and alert you of any enemies approaching you , even the stealthed ones." The young girl looked at her aunty , receiving a nod , she happily took the hat and thanked Jack. "T..thank you so much Mr Jack! And I am pleased to meet you as well." The little girl bowed continuously with a red face as she held the hat , making the shop owner laugh. "Hahaha what a good lad , you can just call me uncle." Jack was happy that the little girl wasn't like her aunt at all. "Little Luru , at least try the hat on first , I want to see how my cute little niece will look like!"

The girls around her nodded and Luru gently wore the hat on her head. The hat a bit too big but it magically shrunk and fit the head of the little girl. With a blue textures and a white snow flake , Luru looked like a real magician with her already high class magic robe and wand. "Wahh Luru! You look so beautiful!" "Mhmm! Just like a real magician!!" Most of the old magician kept their magic equipment in their rings as they are more confident while the young ones were always excited to show their status as magicians were rarer than warriors. "Perfect! My little Luru is so cute! Now show me the rest!" The old man could only nod in defeat as he folded out 3 magic robe and placed a short wand beside each of them. One of the magic robe was white , one was green and the other was a dark blue while the wands were all made out of wood and metal. The middle aged man eyes shun as his pupil spiraled into motion. "Don't worry , he is just making sure you get the most suitable equipment." Kathrina reassured the two little girls that was confused. "Mhmm very good , you have a good but special affinity." Jack handed the pair of green cloth to Mimi."While you have a dense amount of mana..Do you cultivate a family heritage?" The man handed the dark blue clothe to Ali but the little girl was still confuse and shook her head as she held the cloth in her arms."I don't think so.. I never cultivated anything and I come from a small village."

Kathrina was already told my her cousin that Ali was a little bit special so she was not surprised by the news unlike the little blue. "That means you can surely become a magician!" Luru held her friend tightly while Ali began to cry out of joy.'I will become a great warlock!' The girl cried as she thought of her family. As the two girl took the wand and inspect them , the old man looked at Nodus , who was still holding hand with Kathrina. "I am assuming this.. young man is the last one?" Jack did not want the bandit to go out of her way and make it hard for his old bones by telling him to get a equipment for the leopard."Hmmp I will let you off for today since you made them happy." 'I knew it!' The shop owner released a sigh of relief as he began to inspect Nodus with his glowing eyes as the young man barely revealed any mana unlike Luru. 'A pink cloud filled with shiny dots?' Before he could get any closer to the galaxy , the old man felt a sense of danger as his ghost image stared at the biggest star in the middle of the galaxy. The star released a wave of heat that surged out of the galaxy and pulverized the image of the man.

Cukkk , The shop owner felt on one knee as he blood leaks out from his mouth. Seeing the scene , the teacher vaulted to the back of the counter and helped him up. "Hey ! Jack , What happened , are you ok?!" If it wasn't for the fact that she was helping him , he would of thought that he was being prank on. "I am fine.. Who and how old exactly is this person." The teacher furrowed her eyebrow as she looked at the shop owner. "What do you mean? Nodus is only 16 , are you playing a prank on me and to escape?!" Jack shivered and pointed at the young man."What! Did you not inspect the young lad before bringing him here!? I need atleast a month to recover my mana essence!" Seeing that the old bastard freaking out , Kathrina was curious and looked at the young man. "He was just too weak." With his brutal honesty , Mimi and Ali chuckled secretly while Luru was shocked. 'Doesn't that mean Nodus is stronger than uncle jack..!?' Knowing that the shop owner was a intermediate advance magician , Kathrina eyes flashed brightly as she ran to Nodus and held him."Wahh Good job Nodus!" 'Lati brought me a mysterious genius!' Knowing that her cousin wouldn't pry into people affairs , she found that it was normal the cousin did not inspect Nodus who especially saved Luru and Ali.

'Hey! What do you mean good job ! I am hurt here!' Jack held onto the counter to keep him standing as his gaze met the young man."Is this how the school uniform?" Nodus finally spoke once as he stared at the middle aged man. "N..-No .. any clothes is considered a uniform as long it's marked with their emblem." With a nod , Nodus walked out of the store with Shishi on his head as the girls followed his sudden departure , Kathrina threw a bag of coins onto the counter "Tell your wife I say hi!". The owner shivered and felt down onto his chair. 'What a monstrous young man... Is he from those legendary moons..'