Discussion and Plans - 0

After playing around with the keyboard on his watch , Nodus saved the blue print of the button flash light and ordered his butler to print out one for testing purposes.

"Bu One , Print out one V.0 Button Light"

The android opened his palm as laser shot out from his fingers and after a short 5 seconds , the laser left behind a small black button on his metal palm. "It is done commander." " Stand by and report any strange occurrences." The robot gave a small bow as it walked back and stood beside the carriage that was parked beside the mansion. 'If it doesn't work out , I will just finish missions on my own and save up enough gold to buy my own land.'

After eating dinner with the group , Nodus was the first one to leave and sat on the bed in his room after changing into his pajamas. Knock , knock. He stopped meditating , opened his eyes and sat on the edge of the bed." Come in." Kathrina closed the door as she took a step into the room. "What did you wanted to discus little Nodus?" The teacher teased the young man as she sat beside him on the bed. "This." Nodus took out the small black button that was the size of a thumb. Click , the entire room was illuminated by the light from the button. "How is this possible.. What is this thing?" 'As expected , she is very smart.' The fact that Kathrina did not assume it was a artifact was as Nodus predicted since he expected that much from a researcher like her.

"I call it the button light , the light reach up to 50 meters and 5 in the waters, It can last 100 hours and charges by being exposed to the sunlight , I think it would be useful for the adventurers and mostly warriors." Nodus hooked the pin on his pajamas chest as an example. "It can be hooked anywhere and it has a magnet for people who are wearing armors." The young man passed the flash light to Kathrina as she tries it out by pressing it on and off. " This is amazing Nodus , it will certainly be useful for warriors and magicians as it will save them mana , how is it actually made?.." The young cut her off before she could even finish her questions. "If I could borrow money to rent a land , I will pay you back ten times the amount."

Kathrina put the button away as she stroked his hair. "Don't worry dear , I actually own a piece of land close to the guild district , it has a small book shop but I set it up just for a hobby so you can do what ever you want with it." Nodus saw a image of his sister flashed and suddenly , he embraced her and smiled. " Thank you." The teacher was delighted and held him even tightly as she rest her chin on his head. "What about your studies..?" "I don't think 6 years of academy would be required." Hearing the odd reply from the young man , the teacher smiled and thought that she could just personally teach him at the manor but she also wanted the young man to make friends.

Even thought Nodus just turned 16 , his short height made people think that he was a tender 13 years old so Kathrina treated him like a child. Nodus was mature in everything else but when it came to relationship , he was really clueless based on how he communicate with everyone. "How about this.. exceed everyone in the exam and get first rank in the tournament.. Then you don't have to attend classes every day." Kathrina made up her mind as she came up with a plan for Nodus. "Mhmm , I shall do as you say , thank you." The teacher laughed as she lay down onto the bed with Nodus in her arms. "You don't have to thank me." Kathrina closed her eyes as her breath became softer. Seeing that she already felt asleep , Nodus also decided to sleep to wake up early and prepare for the long days ahead. The cub who didn't want to lose , left his spot and slept against the back of the young man.

With the sun shining through the glass window , Kathrina sat up with her eyes closed as she quietly yawned. "Hmm..I haven't slept this well for a while.." She felt something warm as she placed her hands back down. 'Oh right.. I slept over..He is soooo adorable when he is asleep..' The teacher gently poked his cheek with her finger. After feeling satisfied , Kathrina quietly left the room and went to find the little girls. "Practice first ! Then breakfast after!!" The teacher started her drills as she dragged the two sleepy girls to the chilled field during the early morning. The two little girls were meditating as they were guided by Kathrina to build their foundation. The young Luru felt a little bit bored as she watched them from her room. "Sigh.. What should I do today.."

Since she visited this city plenty of times in the past , the young girl knew almost every popular places like the guild building and the every famous restaurants. Hearing a meowing sound coming through her door , the young girl ran from the window and opened her door. When she peek her head out to look in the hall way , she saw Nodus in his black magician robe and Shishi walking down the steps. 'Yesterday Nodus went outside of the mansion.. Maybe I can tag along with him this times!'

Luru quickly wore her magician robe as she put her sleepwear inside her spatial ring and ran out of the door. After a short chase , she quickly arrived behind Nodus who was steps away from the big doors. "Nodus! Are you going to the city again?" The young man turned his head around and nodded without halting his steps. "Then , can I tag along?" Receiving the same gesture , Luru smiled as she happily walked along his side. "Good morning Shishi." The cub and little girl began to randomly chat about their favorite meals.

As they arrived at the guild district , the road was almost empty with almost no one displaying their items for sale. Most of the stores were closed but that did not matter for the young man as he came here to visit the inn again. "Welcome , Ah it's you Mr..magician and you brought a friend today!" The waitress led them to a bigger table this times and left them the menu as she went back into the kitchen. The inn was less crowded this times with some people coming down from the stairs. "This place is really quiet.. I like it.." Luru commented as she looked at the decorations on the wall. Appreciating the ambiance , Luru happily ordered breakfast while Nodus ordered the remaining half of the menu.

With the quiet atmosphere , Luru decided to have a little talk with Nodus as they waited for the food. "Erm.. Is Nodus planning on doing something today?" The young man nodded as he pulled out a rolled piece of paper from his sleeve and spread it on the table. "Open a shop and sell magic tools." Luru was puzzled by his answer as she read the piece of paper. "This is.. aunty book shop? She gave it to Nodus?" The young man took out a button and slid it toward Luru. "Press it." After explaining how to use the small flash light , Luru was mainly surprised that it charged through the sun light and not mana. "This is amazing Nodus!! It would save alot of lives." The young girl was excited for Nodus as she thought how good of an idea it was. "Are you planning on selling something else?" "Yes , I have 4 more items in mind , 3 of them are magic tools and the other one is a weapon , I will show them to you when we go back to the house."

Luru eyes gleamed as she was excited to see those magic tools. Looking at the button that illuminated light , Luru was sure that the rest of the tools would be something unique! "What kind of torch is that? It's so bright for a small thing!" A middle aged man approached the table as he witnessed the light shining on the ceiling. "Ah! This is.." "It's a button light , the light can reach up to 50 meters and last over 100 hours." The young man helped Luru out as she did not know how to answer him.

"Wow! Amazing! Where did you get one of these young lad?" Just by hearing that the tiny thing could reach 50 meters , the middle aged man was already planning on getting his hand on it right away. "A new shop will open up soon by the district , you can buy it there for 10 Silver." Hearing the price of the button , the middle aged man held his chin as he calculated the value. "It cost 5 copper for a torch and 15 copper for the oil.. I can use the oil at least 10 times so..-" Before he could finish , Nodus interrupted him. "It charges with the sun light , 1 hour of exposure equal to 2 hours of usage." The middle aged man revealed a shocked expression. "What! So I can literally leave it outside my house whenever im not using it!! Young man , when is that store going to open?!"

The middle aged man lost his composure as he took out his little leather pouch. "Please sell it to me for 1 gold!" The man held a gold coin in his hand as he begged Nodus for the button light. "10 Silver is fine." The man happily traded his 10 silver for the button light and with a simple guess , he hooked the button onto his chest. "Thank you lad! I bet everyone will be surprise hehehe." The middle aged man ran outside as he was excited to show the magical tool to his friends. "What a silly person , he is so old yet he acts like a child." Lolo , the waitress who came with the plates of food was laughing at the scene she saw. " Here you go! I hope your girlfriend enjoy the food too hehe." The waitress skipped back into the kitchen while Luru face was red as a tomato.