Discussion and Plans - 2

With the Flare being pretty straight forward , it could be used as a signal or to illuminate a area from far away without taking any risk. Even though Kathrina told the young man that almost every magicians could use a spell that resemble the flare , she added that it would be definitely a popular tool for the warriors.

With his showcase successful , his next step was to remodel the shop and create a sign for it. Then he would have to go on a materials hunt since keeping the Ether gate open consumed too much energy. He planned on having a general income as he focused in his studies about mana while also storing more energy into the White Jade. Normally his space ship could just absorb the energy from the environment but for this universe , he would have to invent a new module with trials and errors. 'Forget it.. That is too far ahead , I will just focus on the current situation.'

Arriving at the dinner table in the mansion , the maids served the meals and left the room as the girls and Nodus ate. "Did you make this Luru? It's amazing!" The teacher complimented on Luru as she cooked half of the dishes. The girl happily nodded but Nodus still felt something was odd about her. Standing up from his seat , the young man made his way to the side of Luru. "Nodus..?" He held her wrist up and placed something on her palm. "A gift for you." Looking at the button in her hand , she noticed that it was a pink color unlike the black button he show cased in the restaurant. "Thank you!" The little girl returned to her usual cheerful self as she quickly ate her.

During the night , the parents of Luru quietly returned and snuck into their daughter room only to find it brightly lit by a small object. The little girl happily held her family and began to tell them about her days. Seeing the family together , Nodus jumped down from the tree and flew away to the dark sky. "Full Nano Suit" The magician robe changed into a pitch black suit that had a metallic luster. Bu One had a ring of fire coming from his back as he flew beside the young man toward the district.

"Build the store like I designed , make sure no one see you and report any incident right away." Nodus flew away after leading the android to the shop. 'One side is the snow , the other is summer..' The reason why the city was warm and had no snow even thought half of it was in the winter lands is because of the academy. At the highest peak of the academy , there was a gigantic magic graph with condensed energy that created a thin barrier that acted like a transparent roof.

Knowing that most of the area filled with magic beast , huge mountains and deep ravine remained unexplored , Nodus was filled with expectation to seek any richness he could find within those places. Reaching at the height of the walls , Nodus pushed his hand toward the sky and felt a invisible wall. 'Hmmp..' With the device in his hand on the *p* setting , the black device shot out a purple laser at the magic barrier. As soon Nodus drew a circle with the laser , the barrier within the complete circle disappeared and revealed a clearer sky as he felt the cold breezes of the night.

Flying through the hole , the purple circle disappeared as he put away his phase matter gun.'Good , it regenerated.' Looking toward the lands hidden by a blizzard storm , Nodus flew to the opposite direction , toward the highest mountain he could see. Passing above the giant gates , he could see that unlike the northern gate that was already closed , the south gate was filled with a traffic of people who were going in and out. Landing into the forest on the side of the road , the young man began to scan every vegetation he could see as he make his way deeper into the wild.

From the black visor , he could see many outline of small creatures that were running back and forth , wanting to scan all of them would be too much of a hassle for him so he gave up on the idea and set his visor to possible threat only. After a long walk into the woods , he encountered many wild magic beast. Killing them and harvesting the crystal cores , he decided to store them into his big blue box.

With the stainless black sword in his hand , he was surrounded by a pack of wild magic wolf that growled at him as they slowly enclosed the young man. With a twist on the hilt , the blade became loose as it extended onto the ground. The black blade began to release a dim pink light as it slowly floating back up like a snake. Psss , The blade flew like a whip as the young man slashed all around him. Leaving only a dozen of death corpse , Nodus finally realized that if he had Bu One here he could of save more times with the crystal harvesting.

'Should I take the bodies too..' As it was too much of a hassle and also the fact that he didn't know how much he could of sold the corpse for , Nodus decided to leave them behind and finally reached the bottom of the mountain. "Scan , 1 KM." With 1% gone and 19% left in his watch , the hologram map shortly appeared. Nodus noticed a huge hole that led straight down with many nodes on the side of the hole walls. '100 meters this direction...' As he made his way toward the hole , it turns out that it was a gigantic ravine that had the shape of a scar.

Taking a look into the dark hole , he could see some living creatures crawling on the walls with many magic ores on the the surface of the rocky walls. Feeling a sense of danger , the young man twisted his upper body side way. Woosh , a enormous gray shadow flashed right past his original position as he twisted around. "Here for revenge huh." Seeing that it was a big dark gray wolf with three furry tails. The wolf had a bright yellow eyes with many scar on it's face , making it look more ferocious.

"Come." The wolf who was slowly walking around the young man suddenly pounced at him with lightning speed. The young man extended his arms as he clenched his fist. The claw landed on the chest as it made it way down , pushing the young man slightly back. The wolf saw that the black suit had some kind of tiny scales that moved with the nails as it glided down the surface of the suit.

"You are too weak , what are you going to do now." The wolf seemingly understood the taunt of the tiny human began to show it's fang as his fur stood up. Grrr , with his sharp fangs revealed by the trembling lips , the energy around the wolf began to surge out as it slowly grew in size. The gust of wind spread around the wolf , knowing down some trees and left a small crater around the beast. The creature was now almost twice as big and had 4 tails instead of 3.

Feeling the increase of power , Nodus analyzed the wolf with his device. 'I just witnessed a magical beast evolving..' The main difference for him was that the energy node within also grew bigger. "Very good , but you are still too weak." The angry wolf blended with the wind as it disappeared from his original position. The visor was blinking with an arrow pointing toward the sky , indicating the beast position. "I shall showcase your energy core in my shop, hmm.." He quickly switched his vision from the wolf to the ravine as he felt something odd. A red blur came from the hole as it quickly made it's way toward the wolf who was diving from the sky. Wrapping around the wolf , the thick red whip pulled the creature into the dark ravine.

Nodus heard a bone breaking sound along with the painful yelp of the wolf. After the cries died down , the ground trembled like an earthquake. A huge black claw appeared within the ravine and held onto the edge of the rocky hole. The ground could not handle it's weight as it crumbles down into the ravine. Seeing the 4 sharp black nails that looked like a eagle claws , the young man suit began to glow in pink as his expression turned serious. After another tremor , the giant beast howled loudly , creating a tornado wind and blew away all of the trees in the surrounding. "Trying to scare me?" The young man was rooted from his spot even with the quick gust of tornado. Nodus made his way toward the ravine as his qi extended from his body.

At the edge of the cliff , Nodus looked down and saw a pair of red eyes that was glowing from within the pitch black ravine. With the flare in his hands , the young man threw it toward the pair of eyes , revealing a huge four legged beast with two arms with eagle claws that were underneath the pair of wings. 'What is a flying creature doing under the ground..' As the flare landed on the ground and bounced behind the beast , the creature moved toward Nodus as it tries to grab him with it's claw. The beast was abruptly pulled back by something and it's short movement revealed a gigantic black chain that was wrapped around one of it's back leg. Failed to reach the young man , the beast opened it's beak and the big red blurry tongue flew toward the human and wrapped around him.

With a mocking expression , the mutated griffin pulled Nodus toward his beak and half way through , the creature felt that it couldn't pull the young man any closer. Nodus was surrounded by his qi as he flickered his hand and destroyed the long tongue by pulling it out with his psychic power. Falling onto the ground , the tongue squirmed around like a cut earthworm as it destroy the rocks around the area. A few seconds after , the tongue ceased to move and transformed into a rock , crumbled into power , leaving behind a piece of stone that radiated a dim green light. The griffin head tilted around like a drunk person , after overcoming the dizziness , the beast eyes went from red to it's normal orange eyes with black pupil.

Looking at the green stone , the griffin gulped and switched his vision toward Nodus. "Thank you human , you have freed me from the chaotic stone." Nodus ignored the beast as he slowly floated down with his arms crossed. Landing in front of the stone , the young man scanned the green rock with his device " Chemical radiation , Unknown source...Analyze with the White Jade is recommended" The young man disintegrated the stone with his device and it floated into the white bead underneath his wrist. "What is a chaotic stone?" The quiet gigantic beast looked at the tiny human with a puzzled expression. "It's a stone that hails from the dark green clouds during the Chaotic season.."