Proxi Shop - 2

Looking around the shop , Nodus was satisfied with the modern interior , the bright white light from the ceilings , the beautiful smooth wooden flooring and the strong resistance fiber glass.'Hmm.. I should add more decorations..' While Bu One was setting up the factory cube in the basement , Nodus was going around and placed a rectangle black frame onto the walls. After placing 4 frame on each wall , Nodus decided he would return and put some green plants around when he get the chances. With the wristwatch , the young man quickly typed on it and pointed at each frame. The frame suddenly displayed a picture of beautiful waterfall , planets and stars. Each picture rotated in order and most of them were from different places he visited as a child.

'Mhmm.. Looks better now , back to the mansion.' Nodus left the shop and reverted to his magic robe as he slowly walked around. 'Now I can focus on my new spells and elements.' The young man came up with many ideas with his mana manipulation and from the experience he got on different planets , the only thing left to do before school is to get used to his newly discovered , fire magic. Arriving at the wealthy neighborhood , Nodus heard a sound coming from behind him , with his head turned , he saw a group of mounted horses striding up the marbled road. "We are almost there captain Tim !" The group turned out to be the young miss Ivy and her guards. " The group quickly passed Nodus but the young miss noticed something odd and stared at the young boy before she went slightly further.

"That aura.." The young miss murmured as they arrived in front of the wooden gate and surprised Nodus. 'Kathrina acquaintance..?' The young man decided to wait and see. Just as expected , the young girl pulled out a golden key and opened the wooden gate into the mansion field. "We are late.. hopefully sister Kathrina is still awake.." The young girl hopped back onto the horse and held onto Mr Tim tightly as the went through the entrance. "Ivy! Tim , what happened to you?" The teacher who was sitting on a chair beside the mansion door stood up with a worry expression. Mr Tim felt on one knee as he landed on the ground and with the support of the guard , Ivy quickly ran toward Tim to support him."Sister Kathrina , Mr Tim has been poisoned..." The teacher approached the guard and casted a blue spell with her hands. "I removed the poison but you will still have to rest and slowly recover from your wound." Mr Tim gave a bow as he thanked the teacher. "Thank you senior Kathrina!" The guards shouted in unison ."Shhh! My children are sleeping!" Ivy chuckled as she held onto her arm. "Did you finally get married sister Kathrina?" Kathrina rubbed her fist onto Ivy's cheeks."What do you mean finally! I am still young and beautiful hmmp."

After a few laugh , Kathrina invited them in the mansion and told the maids to show them their rooms. "Don't worry Ivy , I am not that sleepy yet so just wash up and bring your people to eat something alright?" The girl in white dress nodded and ran toward her room. 'Finally gone..' Nodus entered the door after the group left and tried to sneak into the stairs. "Nodus!" Feeling two soft cushion on his back , Nodus sighed and let them teacher hold him. "You suddenly disappeared from the mansion and made me worried!" Kathrina rubbed her face against the young man while he was paying attention to something else. 'Magic robe..? That's why I couldn't feel her presence..' Knowing that her friend was late , the teacher geared up and was about to leave on a search for Ivy as soon the moon reached at the center of the sky.

Feeling the gaze of the young man , Kathrina smiled as she spin around. "This is my magic robe , does it look pretty?" Nodus nodded and held back the urge to scan the mysterious robe that cloaked her presence. "Ah! I know , my good friend just arrived , would you like to meet her?" Nodus pretended to yawn and rub his eyes."I am sorry , would tomorrow be fine?" With another round of hugging , Kathrina finally let him go and happily ran to the kitchen. Closing the door of his room , the young man jumped on the bed as his robe went back into the watch. 'It's ok.. my sister told me she was also short until she became an adult..' The young man comforted himself and felt into deep meditation.

"Sister!" Ivy who changed into a new white dress was tackled by a shorter girl with blue hair. "Luru! I missed you so much!" With her hair wet , the young miss crouched down and held Luru tightly. "I missed you too sister!" Luru came out from her room and just as she was about to enter her parent's room , she met Kathrina and the aunty told her about Ivy. "Sister , you are getting prettier!" The beautiful lady who was around 20 years old , with fiery red hair and golden eyes chuckled as she held Luru hand and sat onto the table. "Thank you for the dress sister Kathrina." As times went by , the entire guard squadron came back down and ate dinner with the girls and every of them then went back to their room and felt asleep. "Little Luru.. Can sister sleep with you tonight?" Luru happily nodded and pulled Ivy into the bed.

"You know.. someone saved me today.." Ivy began to tell her about the chase from the bandit and about Nodus who saved her. "Although he sounded very young.. that senior was really strong and he was also wearing a weird black helmet that had some kind of dark window on it.." Hearing the description of the nano helmet , Luru felt a little bit surprised. 'It couldn't be Nodus right..?' After a long conversation , the girls felt asleep while a shadow snuck into the young man's room again.

Waking up by the sun light , Nodus felt something soft on his neck and arm. Turning slightly around , Kathrina was holding his arm as she slept while Shishi planted his face onto his neck. 'Ugh.. these two' Nodus slowly left the bed and seeing that he didn't wake both of them up , he quickly went out of the room. Walking down the hall way , his robe slowly materialized as he decided to check on Bu One with the omnivo watch. " 16 Button light , 12 Hook Gun and 4 Flare has been sold in the past two hours for...7 Gold and 80 Silver , 86% of materials remaining." Nodus smiled with the result as he walked down the stairs and encountered Ivy who was coming through the entrance from the outside.

"It's you!" The beautiful Ivy smiled as she ran toward the stairs. "I am sorry.. Although I saw you last night , I did not introduce myself to you , my name is Ivy , close friend of Luru and sister Kathrina , pleased to meet you." Hearing the young lady who apologized for nothing , Nodus simply nodded and said his name. "Nodus." Walking past the girl , Nodus planned on supervising the shop today for future references by studying the customers. The young girl was surprised and decided to follow Nodus with a bright smile on her face. 'Mhmm.. What a cute young boy.' Walking on the road with his pointy hat tilting back and forward , Nodus shortly arrived in front of his shop with Ivy behind him. "Wow.. What a beautiful store.. and the glowing colored sign.." With a pleased expression , Nodus nodded and went into the Proxi store.

Looking around , Nodus could see a dozen amount of warriors who were eyeing the button light and the silver hook gun. 'I should consider taking out the flare from the display..' Lifting a wooden plank , Nodus went into the back of the counter and stood beside Bu One while Ivy was studying the foreign shaped tools. "Owner! Can this button light really last forever?" One of the warrior who stood with his friends asked the android with a doubtful expression on his face. "Certainly not forever , but for at least 1000 years. " Bu One brought out a light button and pressed on it. "Wow.. so bright for a small thing! I would like to buy one!" " Me too!" Bu One pointed at the white box machine on the counter and instructed them to simply place the coin on top of the wide box.

The warrior dropped a gold coin into the box and a hidden panel came out from the side with a dozen of silver coins. "90 Silver coins is your change , Here is your light button , stay safe and come again as we will have new tools soon!" The android acted like a real happy clerk as it took the button from the counter shelf and gave it to the warrior. After going through all the customer , Ivy decided to come last and buy some tools for her personal guards. "May I please have 10 Button Light , 10 flare and 10 Silver Hook Gun.." The android nodded and replied after a quick calculation. "That would be 6 gold and 50 silver , please." The young lady nodded and took out 7 gold coin from her wallet but was stopped by Nodus.

"Just give her the tools for free." The android nodded and placed all the tools on the counter for Ivy. "But..but .. It doesn't feel right If I take these useful tools for free.." The young man shook his head and insisted on giving it for free. "In return , show it to your friends or family who might be interested in these tools." The girl finally gave up and took the tools into her inter-spatial ring. "Thank you so much Nodus.. I was going to show them off to my friends even if you didn't ask." The lady stood in front of Nodus with a graceful smile and seeing that the girl wasn't going anywhere. "Is there something else?" Ivy said she was fond of vising the city so she wanted to accompany Nodus around. "I see... Then wait up here.. I have to go get something from downstairs." The girl happily ran outside and sat on the wooden chair that was on the front store porch. "Bu One , analyze the customers." Nodus gathered his gold in the basement safe that was connected to the white box and left the store property with Ivy.