Bunch of no Good - 1

With the new dispensing machine in his hand , Nodus quickly left the ship and went upstairs. Seeing the change , Nodus nodded and told Bu One to gather all of the tools from the vault so that he could be ready to quickly transfer them. With the 5 vending machine on the wall was almost 3 meters tall with the buttons slightly lower on the right side of the glass. The inside of the glass had 5 floors with a decent amount space for the tools and the coin hole looked like a half bowl sticking out from the side of the machine so the customer could drop a hundred of coins at the same times. The coins will then go through a size and laser scanner to catch any fake currency.

With the wireless power , the vending machine had a dim light bar on all side so the customer could see the number indication underneath each items. "Bu One , Fill it up in order and spread them evenly in these 5 machine." The android quickly gained access with Nodus permission to open the front glass panel as he filled up the empty slots. With all 4 slots on each floor , Bu One filled the entire bottom one with the current items in all of the vending machine. The customer could simply press the number and the green confirm button to dispense the items that they wanted while also receiving back the excess amount that they put. "It is done commander , shall I announce it to the crowd? " Turning around , Nodus could see hundreds of people within the front of the store and saw 3 old man who wore a unique distinctive clothing. Two of them had a glowing linens on their magic robe while one of them had a glowing sword on his hip with a blue armor that covered his entire body except for the head.

'They are still waiting behind the crowd..' Without a single care , Nodus told Bu One to let Sasha into the shop and announce the new storage unit to the crowd. As the big leopard went into the shop , the crowd slowly made their way after the announcement from Bu One. "New spatial storage in stock and for sales!" Seeing that the big magical beast was sleeping behind the counter , the customer felt a sense of relief as they switched their attentions to the five vending machine. While Nodus was back in the basement , Bu One was showing the crowd how to purchase the tools from the new vending machine. "So magical... If I had one like this then I wouldn't have to supervise my store.." "Yeah.. Now I don't have to line up for half a day!" The vending machine made the crowd even happier as it divided the lines by 5.

"It is a success commander , should I remain and take care of the restock?" The android stood beside Sasha as it send a transmission to Nodus. "Yes , I will buy more of mineral ores soon and I will let you take care of creating a automatic restock system." The young man was sitting on the chair in his room as he browsed through a thin laptop. "My sister should of put the files somewhere here.." With his thoughtful sister writing down many of his home town recipe , Nodus thought it would be a good idea to have one vending machine placed beside the long bench solely just for food while the customer waited. The city had over hundreds millions of people but the shop could only fit at most a hundred of people."Found it! , Z1 transfer folder 1982x1azbv9023 into omnivo database." The folder was entirely about the food ,drinks and snack from his town and since he never thought he would be separated from his Black Wing mothership , Nodus never bothered to transfer some food recipe into his personal essential wristwatch.

Looking through some of the most popular curry and drinks , Nodus knew that he would have to replace most of the ingredients since this planet was slightly different on vegetation level."I can find some chef and give them a description that match the ingredients.." With that out of his mind , Nodus decided that it was times to go visit the slave market. With his magician robe slightly ajusted in look and changed from black to white. Nodus quietly snuck out of the shop with Shishi in his hat and left the district. "You can come out now." The young man pulled his hat and let Shishi rest on his shoulders. After asking for direction from the stands owners , Nodus quickly arrived at a red district. Going through the big pillar entrance with his magician robe already reverted back to black. Nodus saw many pretty women with loose clothing standing infront of their perspective brothel.

"Oh my , cutie , are you interested in playing with big sister?" Many girls surrounded Nodus with their lustful eyes but was quickly scared off by the small cub. "Roarr!" The little howl only held them off for a short seconds as Nodus sprinted away deeper into the district. "Good work Shishi , I will personally cook you some tasty food tonight." The leopard gently purred as it rubbed his face on his."Don't worry boss , I will protect you too!" As Nodus got deeper into the road , he could see young girls and even male brothel worker who was trying to lure potential customers into their shop. "My..my.. what is a young child like you doing here?" A long haired woman approached Nodus along with many other women behind her. The woman had long white hair and red eyes with a black fluffy scarf around her shoulders. She was dressed in a long black dress although the dress only revealed the side of her tights , anyone could tell she was quite a curvy lady. " Aww.. a cute pet , young magician must be rich." The woman crouched infront of Nodus as she gently smiled at him while supporting her chin with her hands. "Mhmm , I am looking for a slave shop." The woman was slightly surprised as she said. "What a coincidence , I own a slave shop and these girls behind me are my new product.. how about it , do they interest you?" The woman stood up and waved her hand toward the 8 tall girls who were following her.

They all looked clean and all wore a pair of new clothes. "I treat my slave fairly and I hope Mr magician could treat them the same too." Without any suspicion , the young man shook their hand one by one as he stared at the watch. 'They are indeed in good health and one of them is even a warrior..' The girls slightly blushed as they stared at the short cute boy who was shaking their hand. "Can I have her?" Nodus pointed at a girl who had a pair of short brown horn growing from the side of her forehead. "My.. Mr magician is interested in demi demons? I have more of them if you want to visit my shop.." The 7 remaining girl showed a slightly sadden expression while the demi demon remained the same with her stern face. "I am more interested in anyone who can fight." The woman chuckled and held out her hand toward Nodus. "My name is Qing and I have plenty of warriors in my shop , but they are more expensive.." Nodus shook her hand while simply stating his name.

"Mr Nodus doesn't talk much I see.." Qing tapped her fist onto her palm as she came up with an idea. "How about it Mr Nodus , if I can hold your hand and lead you to my shop , I can give her to you for free." The young man was confused as he held his hand toward Qing. With a bright smile , the woman led Nodus and her slaves toward an alley that was in between a quiet brothel. "Most of the slave traders are behind of the brothels , that is why you won't find an shop on the main street unless it's a official one." Qing explained that a official shop was regulated by the city government so the slave there was overwhelmingly more expensive for some particular reason.

After walking past two robust men , the woman gave them a nod and they opened a secret hidden door that was part of the brothel wall. "Welcome to Mrs Qing shop!" The woman led them into a brightly lit store that was covered in red carpet. The candles were everywhere and some of the slaves were doing chores. "You.. take care of these new girls and Mr Nodus , please come with me to the seconds floor.. You may bring your slave with you." The young man nodded and followed Qing along with the slave behind him. The woman led him into a small room and told him to relax as she gather the most healthy slaves. "What is your name?" With nothing to do , Nodus questioned the purple haired slave that he gotten for free.

"My name is Evelynn , master." The demi demon kneeled on one knee as she faced Nodus. "I see... From now on I want you to call me commander , understood?" "Yes Commander." Evelynn nodded and slowly made her way behind him. After a minute went by , Qing opened the door and came in with 10 different slaves that lined up before Nodus. "These are my youngest warriors like you asked" The woman sat on the chair as she stared at Nodus. With 2 males and 8 females , Nodus was slightly surprised with the gender ratio. "The males warrior are highly in demand for gladiators dead matches." The young man nodded and stood up and repeated the same hand shaking method as he analyzed their body with Z1 help.

Looking at the last robust male who gave a familiar sense just like Naire. 'Is he dumb and honest just like that idiot..?' The young man sat back down and Qing introduced their names and background to Nodus one by one. "This is Irvin , he was caught stealing chicken.." The young man slightly nodded with a obvious expression ' As I expected.' Looking at the 4 chosen people , Nodus inquire the price for each of them."Other than Irvin who is 20 , the rest are all 100 gold each." Nodus paid the total amount right away as Qing ordered a maid to bring their perspective slave contract. "With this you will become the official owner , just stamp your thumb over here.." The piece of paper had their names written with their blood inside of a magic inscription while leaving the bottom completely blank. With a sharp pointy device , Nodus pressed his thumb onto the scroll that left behind a bloody print. "Thank you for shopping with us Mr Nodus , I hope you come again to visit.. or to play with me sometimes." The woman chuckled and winked at Nodus

"Will do , thank you." The woman led them out and gave an air kiss to Nodus as a farewell. "Evelyn , you will be the leader , Lanny , Elli ,Erica and Irvin , you have to follow her instruction in the future if I am not presence understood?" The girls and Irvin replied in unison"Yes Commander!" as they curiously follow their master who was soon going to put them through an intense training session. "Z1 , prepare some nano suit blue print with potential adjustment and Bu One , expand the basement by another level , make it wide enough to fit in a yellow training camp." Other than Evelyn , Irvin and the rest felt a sense of crisis approaching in the near future as they heard their commander talk to his wristwatch.