New Squad - 1

In the early morning , the basement ceiling lights turned on as it imitated the brightness of the sun. Beep , beep , hearing a pattern of annoying beeping that repeated for 30 seconds , Evelyn and her squad were already standing outside in front of Bu One. Seeing the lines up through the door-less house , Lili hurriedly woke up her friends and ran to the field. "I am sorry Mr Bu One." The android shook his head and told Evelyn to start the daily warm up. "Today will be your first day so I will explain the training in details but first you will need this." The android handed out 4 syringes to Lili who had a puzzled expression."It's a... magic elixir that will fuse with your blood and boost your strength and it will also heal your wounds faster without leaving a scar." After hearing the scar part , Cucu snatched a syringe from Lili hand and poked the needle onto her arm. "Slowly and gently push the white top part." Bu One instructed them on how to use the syringe.

"I can get hurt without leaving a scar behind.." Cucu was more concern about her skin than anyone in her group. "It will make me stronger!? Thank you Mr Bu One!" The blonde Amy also injected the blue liquid without any hesitation , leaving only Lili and Reih who could only follow after them with a sigh. "If you don't feel any discomfort then please follow me." Leading the group to the black board , Bu One slowly drew a number of set. "3000 push up , heavy lifting that will gradually increase in weight and 65 miles around the forest by the end of the day or no food!" The elves were simply surprised by the amount of exercise that they would have to do.

"This is the scoring system , we will pick one of you who has the highest points to try out our new magic enhanced armor , the shortest you finish the task in a day , the more points you will get." After showing the video of the armored exo suits , the elves became even more motivated with Amy who already started doing push up. "I will be first hehehe." If one could finished everything within 30 hours , they are considered as passing but if one could finish with hours left over in the 30 hours , the left over will be added into the score. Not wanting to lose , Lili and the rest also joined up the push up with everyone.

With the additional squad , Evelyn and the slaves became even more competitive as they heard that there is two more slots for the upcoming week reward. Evelyn who was always first was getting easily caught up by Amy who was also a peak beginner warrior like herself. 'I can't lose to her!' The two girls increased the weight on the sides of the barbells. After 100 set on the barbells , the next step was to run until the edge of the forest and push a giant boulder back and forth 200 times , then they would have to run 65 miles right away without any rest.

Meanwhile , Nodus was meditating early in the morning with Kathrina guidance. "Not every spells magic graph start with a circle , the circle is what we call the foundation , the foundation can be triangular , square , rectangle and many other different shapes.. who know if we discovered all of the foundation yet." The teacher thought Nodus that rotating the square slightly could even be called a foundation and that is where the magic staff or tools that the magicians use comes handy. Most of the magic tools have a foundation inscripted into it so if you were to cast a spell with the same foundation as the magic tool , it would be two times faster than usual depending on the quality and magician.

A strong magician with a dense amount of experiences could cast a spell five times faster with a beginner wand while the beginner magician would barely feel the differences unless the tool is a high grade one. With Kathrina teaching the common knowledge until lunch times , Nodus flew to the old man balcony and started his first day of mana cultivating. The tower was really high in the sky , reaching around 90 meters so people could not tell who was the one flying even if they spotted Nodus. Although real flying is for the prestigious supreme ranks , the rich and strong expert could always rely on expensive artifact to help them travel in the air for a few minutes like Langon. With his immense mana pool , he could only fly for around 20 minutes at most even though he was steps away from being a supreme magician.

"You surpassed my imagination , Nodus , your potential is something even I can't fathom but as I promised , we will start with the mana cultivation.. this is something I found by luck 200 years ago.. I hope you keep this for yourself." The young man nodded as he sat in the middle of the space. "Don't worry teacher , I promise." The old man smiled and sat down before him with a scroll in his hand. "This is called the Five Heaven-All Gathering." Passing on the old worn out scroll onto Nodus , the young man gently rolled open side ways and slowly read the content. "It's one of the five.." The old man grin became even wider as he excitedly explains to Nodus. "As I expected.. your comprehension is on another tier , you are right , I don't know which one it is exactly but it's one of the five , meaning there is four other part of the scroll somewhere , just one was enough for me to become a ultimate magician , imagine what would happen if I could find all five or even one more."

The old man was talking about his past experience , being a mage was horrendous and achieving the ultimate rank was even a harder task. It would take a normal warrior around 60 to 70 years to reach the pinnacle of the advance tier but for a normal magician to reach the same tier would require around 100 plus years. Unless the magician has a high comprehension and luck , he would most likely remain a advance magician until the end of his lifespan. "Then magicians are stronger than warriors?" The young man curiously asked. "In term of strike power , yes , but in the long , long path , I believe they are equal.." Nodus also agreed , in the end , who ever has the better strength or strategy will always win no matter if he or she is a warrior or magician.

"Mhmm , I believe magician simply has a huge advantage early on but the downside is hard to advance further." The old man nodded in agreement and resumed the mana cultivation. "You are very bright Nodus , now onto the cultivation , even if it's the first , it will still be useful for you." With a simple hint , the old man left the space to let Nodus comprehend by himself on the Five. 'It took me 2 month to understand and 12 years to fully comprehend the technique.. I wonder how long it would take for my main disciple.'

Reading the scroll in the complete silent space , Nodus kept repeating every single words as he was trying to memorize everything by heart. "The genesis of the heavens... five goddesses births many worlds.." 'So the goddess are the creator , the beings in the worlds are the subject and things like mana , qi , energy are invisible object , power left over by the goddess..What kind of introduction is this..' Reading the other half side of the scroll , Nodus could see 5 small pictures."Two wavy lines.. that's water , a spiky cloud.. fire , this look like a volcano or mountain.. so it's earth and lastly this should be wind , the Z lines." After finishing reading the scroll , Nodus was confused about the history and about why there was the 5 symbol randomly drawn in the bottom corner of the scroll. Throwing that behind , he began to meditate and breath just like the scroll instruction. 'One point.." Picturing a cyclone like silhouette in the middle of his forehead , Nodus saw the image getting clearer as he felt a warm sensation from the scroll. 'What is it... The affinity? My flames..?' Nodus could see the top of the tornado spinning even faster as it gradually gained a fierce orange color."My flames.." With the intense heat from his head , the worn out scroll suddenly caught on fire. Nodus hurriedly released the scroll and before he could put the fire out , the flame disappeared and revealed an entire new page filled with new paragraph. "The symbols are gone.. leaving only the flame... Is this really about mana?.." The young man picked up the scroll once again and stared at the new phrases.

On the round field that was surrounded by trees , the slaves and elves were lying on the ground. With loud breaths , the group were all trying to catch some air as they just finished the entire course. "Ah.. we finished at the same times.." Amy who was on the grass , turned her head around as she stared at the demi demon with short horns. "Evelyn was it?.. You are strong." The demon simply nodded as she gazed at Amy. After a few minute of rest , Amy sat up and saw Cucu and Lili sitting beside the house. "Hey you! How come you are not sweating at all?!" Lili chuckled as Cucu suddenly stood up and pinched the cheeks of Amy. "Excuse me.. you were addressing us? elders?" "Mhmmha sorry miss Cucu." After teaching her a lesson , Cucu simply pointed at Lili and Amy understood that she must of used her recovery magic. "Miss Lili , please!" Amy was praying in front of Lili as she begged her to use the spell that recovered fatigue.

"Done! You are welcome!" The blonde elf held onto her as she rubbed her face against Lili's leg."Lili is the best!!" Lili laughed and saw a cute little girl approaching her with a shy expression. "Uhm.. Pretty Sister.. could you also use that spell on me ? please!" Erica tried to copy Amy but was quickly held up by Cucu who was behind her. "Don't imitate her , she's a bad example!" With Lili recovering everyone , including the cold faced Evelyn , the group then gathered around the fire as they introduced themselves. With Elli and Amy matching attitude , they easily became friends as they chat around the quiet Evelyn about the upcoming reward they saw from Bu One. At around 10pm , the android came down into the basement ,carrying a huge plate through the forest , he placed the food on the tree stump and left. "Hurry Amy! The meat are the best part! So filling!" Racing against Irvin , Amy and Elli arrived first and took the biggest plate of meat.