Buying a Mansion

While most of the crowd began to leave through the school gate , Kathrina led the children toward the school instead because she wanted to complete the registration now. After the tournament , most of the parents would spend their last few days with their children as they couldn't leave until the 2 month vacation unless they advanced grade earlier.

"Alright , Good news , Lulu you are in the same class as Nodus while Ali and Mimi are also together!" Receiving a little piece of paper with some information written on it , Nodus saw that he was in the grade 4 along with Lulu's special circumstances. ' I see , she put us in the same class because Lulu is going to breakthrough the beginner rank and become a enlightened magician.'

The girls were rejoicing as Lulu and Nodus obviously knew that the teacher probably did some secret changes. "Isn't that great Nodus?" Lulu looked at the young man who stood beside her. "Yes , we can do many things together." While Lulu face reddened , Nodus was thinking about forming a adventure group with her as an excuse to leave the school often. 'Nodus doesn't mind spending times with me..' Looking at her niece , Kathrina laughed and told them that they are free to do whatever they wanted until the official school day.

"What should we do now?" Lulu asked Nodus as they reached the gate of the school fences. "Ah! Isn't it Nodus?" His thoughts were interrupted by a voice that came by the school gate and went he looked at the person , it turns out to be the young adventure group he first met in the guild building. "Nodus! how are you.. I didn't see you in the foundation exam but those two.. Aren't you Mimi the champion of the foundation year?!" Mason was surprised that the little girl was part of Nodus's gang. "Mason why don't you ever pay attentio- Nodus?! We were thinking you didn't register because we didn't see you in the exam!" Diana who caught up to Mason exclaimed in surprise. She would never forget the little magician who easily took care of the enlightened warriors at the guild house.

"It's because I will be in the 4th grade and these are my close friends." Nodus nodded with his arms crossed as he introduced Lulu and co. "Wa...Nodus will be in the same grade as me.." Theres , Diana's best friend was surprised as the two little children who were so young would be in the same grade as her , who is already 18 years old. "Hahaha don't mind it! Don't you see miss Mimi is their close friends! As they say , flock of geniuses stick together!" The handsome but clueless Luke tried to cheer up the cute Matheres. "Oh oh , Luke , do you like Theres?" Diana chuckled as she teased her two friends. "What! Diana what are you talking about! Luke is solely focused on his family situation , right Luke?" Seeing the cute girl opposing it that much , Luke could only nod with a tearful expression. "Yes.. Matheres is right."

Seeing the funny and down to earth group , Lulu became more at ease as she interacted them with. "Lulu , you can just call me sister Diana and if anyone bullies you , you can come to me hmmp." The group all said the same thing as they expressed their concern and asked them if they wanted to go eat together. Lulu looked back at Nodus and saw him nod. "Sure! Let's all go eat together!" Ali and Mimi surrounded Theres who was a honest looking girl. "Sister Matheres! You are also a magician?! What is your specialty!" Thinking that Theres was not that much older than them because of her height and looks , the girls felt more at ease around the healer of the group.

Around the table filled with empty plates , Diana and the group left right after they finished lunch , saying that they had a mission to do for today quota. "A quota is the timer during the mission , some mission require you to finish in a set amount of times when you start it , the stress is high but the reward is really good!" Lulu was explaining it to Ali and Mimi but Nodus was mainly the main concern. "Why don't we form a group? " Lulu was happy to hear that and immediately agreed. Feeling left out , the two girls felt a sadden by the fact they can't adventure with Nodus and Lulu. "Don't worry , I am sure you can finish your foundation in a couple of month , by then you will be in the same group as us no matter what!"

Even though they could get into the first grade within less then a year , the problem still lies that their ranks are too far apart and not wanting to slow them down , they would understand why they wouldn't be wanted. "Lulu and brother Nodus is the best!" Ali stood up and held onto both of them with a big smile plastered on her face. "Silly , we would never leave you behind , right? " The young man also nodded and led the group out of the quiet restaurant.

"What now?" Nodus seemingly became the leader of the group as they all waited for his decision. "I want to buy a house close to school as I don't want to live in the dorms. "Hmm... I know! I think the agency is this way.." Lulu pondered quickly before leading the group along the crowded road. "Welcome ..?" A gentle looking lady who wore a formal uniform that tightly wrapped around her body stood up as she saw the door opening. After opening the door into a tall wooden house , Lulu ran behind Nodus and let him do his things. By simply looking around , he could see a bunch of house painting and drawing hanging onto the walls. 'They have a sales representative here too..' With a flash of ideas , Nodus decided to keep them for later and walked forward. "I would like to buy a house that is close to the academy."

The lady was surprises by the 4 cute children especially Nodus and Lulu who wore a expensive looking material robe. "Oh..! Right , please come this way , we actually have a few houses and mansions around the academy." The dark haired lady with red lipstick lead the children into a 300 square feet office that had a desk and many chairs. "Please , I will be right back with the information." The lady waved her hands at the chair and left the room. "Would you like something to drink?" A maid with a short cat tails on the top of her head entered the room. The maid was short and the black uniform fitted her perfectly. "Just water for me." Nodus looked at the girls to know what they wanted. "Can I have that sweet milk?" , " Me too please!" Ali copied Mimi as they both ordered a cup of milk while Lulu simply also said water.

"Ah so good!" The two girls were holding onto their cheek as they dangle their legs back and forth while holding the cup of milk. "I am sorry for the wait , here are all the available houses and mansions." The lady sat behind the desk as she spread out many wide brown papers on the top. Looking at the most expensive mansion , Nodus concluded that he could easily afford any of these places. '400 000 gold is the highest while the lowest is.. 60 000 gold.' The lady could not read Nodus poker face and was worried he would be frightened by the price so she went into a detailed explanation. "Every properties here have a rich land and soil so you can easily build anything on the empty lands that comes with the house and not only it's close to the academy , it's also the most quiet neighborhood so you can meditate in peace and it also has a transport service station right at the end of the street."

The transport service was simply a smaller carriage with a driver and one magical beast pulling it to go through every part of the city quickly. 'So it also has a taxi services huh..' With another flash of ideas , Nodus decided to take the most expensive mansion that had a artificial hill with a water fall built in it. "I want to see this first." The lady smiled happily and led the group to the side of the tall building. With a personal carriage on standby , the group soon reached the mansion as they passed by the quiet neighbor. "The mansion you chose is slightly above the neighbor but is still a quiet one because of the noise array so please don't worry!" Nodus nodded as he sat back and enjoyed the rest of the ride.

'I saw the Silence Array on the paper but it was actually a invisible sound proof barriers?' Arriving at the front of the mansion gate , he turned his lock on eye and could see a invisible walls around the mansion. It was like a giant cube that covered the entire land and reached 50 meters tall. "This is the Mansion number 7 , it has 24 bedrooms , 10 bathrooms and 4 dinning rooms. Of course , it also has a many other hobbies rooms like a study room , a entertainment room and such , the mansion has 3 floors and one basement with 1 giant kitchen for chefs and 1 small private kitchen." The lady was giving a quick introduction as she pulled out a bronze key and unlocked the metal gate.

"The mansion is totally secured and private with a magical array set by a rank 4 Inscriptionist that also block any sound passing through so you can be as loud as you want!" With the last sentences , the girls tilted their head sideways as they were confused as to why they needed to be loud. Seeing the reaction , the lady awkwardly coughed and resumed the touring. The smooth cobblestone marble road that led straight into the mansion doors was so beautiful that the girls were still impressed by it.

In the middle of the marble road , there was two fountain that was surrounded by a pool filled with beautiful sea creatures. "Wow! So many color!" Ali and Mimi stood on the tip of their toes as they watched the fountain aquarium. The fence was made out of green bushes that was 15 meters tall and the open field around the mansion was mainly empty except for some few tall trees and the big swimming pool in the back yard. "The waters in the swimming pool came straight from the south oceans!" Lulu was also surprised by the fact as she explained to her clueless friends. "It is rumored that the south sea changes temperature that is opposite of the weather! So if it's hot , the water will be slightly cold and refreshing and if it's cold , the water will be warm and the main part was that it could make your skin smoother!"

The lady eyes shined as she heard Lulu introduction. "That's right! Miss is really smart! I am so jealous of who ever posses such pool in these northern side of the continent..ah.." The lady was stroking her cheeks as she pictured herself owning a mansion like this just because of the pool. "With the protection array , no one could come steal your sea water so don't worry!"

The young man nodded and took out a blue storage chip. "I am content with the mansion , I would like to buy it , now." Nodus simply wanted to walk around to measure the plot as he wasn't truly interested in the mansion itself.