
After turning to the left in the middle of the main road that led straight to the academy from the gates. "We have arrived young miss." After parking the carriage along the shop , Helena hurriedly came out and ran into the shop after admiring the glowing sign. 'They must be powerful to keep the sign lit up all the times..'

That was everyone thoughts after a couple weeks from the opening , including the rich young lady from the cloud pavilion.

Seeing that the small cozy shop still had dozen of people even during the earliest morning , Helena felt that she came way too early with no one behind the counter. 'I should wait!' Thinking about projecting herself as a patient and calmly collected person , Helena decided to stand right infront of the counter.

After two hours later , Bu One finished assembling the ship and returned to the shop. "Morning Boss! Any news on the upcoming tools?" "Are these painting from the otherworlds?" As soon they saw the android coming through the door , the returning customer who could now afford something else were throwing a barrage of questions and greetings.

"Yes they are from.. Other worlds and our newest tool date will be announced in 6 days at lunch times." The customer were surprised as he actually answered their random questions before going behind the counter.

"May I help you miss?" Seeing Helena who was in front of the counter instead of being in the lines , Bu One thought that she probably came here to propose a business judging on her big smile.

"Excuse me for my rudeness , I am wondering if senior is the one who made these tools..?" The girl quietly inquired the senior as she held her hands together above her stomach.

With his eyes flashing slightly , the android registered the young girl and sent the information to Nodus. "Yes , I built the tool with the approval of my commander." Surprised by the answers , Helena breath a sigh of relief for her uncle and teacher. 'Thank god I did not pry any further..'

"Would senior be willing to take me as an apprentice!" As she slightly bowed down , Helena held her arms up toward the android while holding the old stone tablet. "Hmm.. That looks like a Myr fragment.. Interesting , ask her why."

"Because I would like to aquire more knowledge and broaden my technique so that maybe.. Maybe one day , I could invent something that could allow us to travel to the otherworlds!" Helena goal was simply to go around the world and become the best magic crafter in the history.

Seeing her passionate face as she kept going on about how our technology felt fundamentally different from their magic tools , Nodus began to become more interested in her. "Maybe..It will work.. Send her over to my place." The android received his order and wrote down the address number on a piece of paper.

"My commander would like to see you." Helena held onto the small piece of paper like her life depended on it. "Thank you very much senior! Ehm.. Would senior like to have this..?" The android shook his head and went back down to finish the remaining exo skeletons before the 2 days deadline.

"Woah! Teacher and Uncle couldn't even see through the senior and now there is someone even above the senior.." Feeling like she hit the jackpot , Helena told the driver to hurry and promised little Flower a big piece of juicy meat if she made it there fast enough.

"Mansion number 7.. The commander senior likes to live in a quiet environment huh.." Thinking that maybe she should go back to the pavilion to get the rarest tea leaves and candles , Helena was in a distress. 'Arg.. Would the senior prefer the zennit tea or this stone...' Helena just pictured an old robust version of the android before she quickly arrived at the gates.

"Should I knock on the gates?" The driver asked as he climbed down from his seat. "No! Stay here Mr Green and take care of Flower." Thinking of the peace senior , she was afraid that it would bother him if she brought in people with her. 'I can't be rude at all in front of commander senior' With a cough to clear the throat , Helena built up her courage as her fist slowly approached the gates.

*Ding!* With a beeping sound , the gates slowly opened inwards by itself before she could even knock on it. "Huh...?" Helena walked through the gate as she was slightly confused and the first thing that caught her eyes was the beautiful thin space ship in the yard.

'What.. what is this..' Looking toward the ship , she could see a young man walking around with a hand on his chin. 'It's good enough , the waters make perfect fuels and sun particles pass through the barrier.' After checking the power meters , Nodus went around as he ponder where he should place the Proxi logo. "Are you the one who wanted to be an apprentice?"

Seeing the young man after he turned around , Helena was surprised that it was actually the one from this morning. 'Ah , it's that adorable child!' Thinking that Nodus is probably the child or grand child of the senior , Helena happily ran like a bunny and approached Nodus.

"Hello child! We meet again hehe." Helena was a tall lady with her long slender legs , with her height reaching around 180cm , Helena needed to crouch before she could pat Nodus on the head who was in the 150s.

'Ah.. so soft!' As she was enjoying the feeling on her hands , she felt a presence behind her before standing up. "Who-?" Seeing the mean gaze of Evelyn , Helena froze upon realizing that she was a demi demon. "Commander , I have brought 4 different type of waters." Ignoring the young miss , Evelyn threw the chip on the ground and stood beside the young man.

"Commander?" Helena gulped down before looking at the cute little boy. "Ahem , are you the one seeking the knowledge of my tools?" Helena froze upon the revelation as she remained uprooted in shock. "Ah..Y..Yes! Please forgive me." The young miss sat on the grass in front of Nodus as she apologized with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry , I forgive you but to become a apprentice you must pass some test and make a life contract to not leak my technology without my permission." The young miss couldn't hold in her tears anymore as she cry it out while holding onto the young man thigh. "Wahh I promise.."

After a few minutes late , the young missus calmed down and sat on her knees in front of Nodus with a reddened face from embarrassment. Even though her thin layer of eye shadow faded away , the girl still remained beautiful with a more gentle touch to her face.

"Now tell me , why should I teach you." Helena acted like a young little girl as she did not want to give a bad impression to Nodus. "Yes senior commander , I have been fascinated by magic tools and the technique behind it.." The young miss turned out to be a little geek ever since she was young , she would harass her parents to get her a magic craft teacher everyday ever since she was 4 years old and by the times she could start her foundation , she received her first tutelage at the age of 6.

Even though she had a huge potential to become a magician , Helena disregarded everyone's concern to pursue her dream of becoming a master rank magic crafter and possibly unlocking a new tier in the future with a world shocking breakthrough.

"If you promise to not share my knowledge then we can begin the test." After listening to her for almost an hour , Nodus thought it would be a great idea if one day she could fuse the two technology together as he did want to bother himself.

"Is a Blood Oath enough..?" The young miss took out clean looking scroll from her storage ring and passed onto Nodus. "What does it do?" Surprised that the young man did not know what it was , Helena still remained respectful as she explained to him. "With Commander senior blood on the scroll.. I can use it to cast the oath that will make the blood go inside of my hearth which could stop it with a single thought."

With a sigh , Nodus passed back the scroll to her and shook his head. "A verbal promise is enough because I am the only person who has this technology in this entire world." Hearing his words , Helena was both happy and shocked by his last statement.

"That means.. I can the test?" After promising the young man , Helena excitedly stood up with her fist trembling in the air. "Yes , you first test is to... cook something in my kitchen until I find it tasty enough." With a wave of his hand , C1 rolled it's way toward Nodus. "This is C1 , she will show you how to use the kitchen." Before Helena could even say anything , the robot already made it's way toward the tall villa. "Ah! Please wait!"

Today was the first times ever that the young missus touched a kitchen pan in her entire life.