Fierce Test - 0

After witnessing the chaotic scene in the kitchen , Nodus could see the young miss weeping on the floor while the robot cleaned up the mess and put out the fire. "A egg can catch on fire..?" With that aside , Nodus went back into the ship to see the water result.

Sooner or later , Nodus knew that he would showcase the aircraft to the world so he wasn't bothered if the people her personally knew saw it. With Kathrina and Langon reputation , he was sure no one would bother them in this city , especially because of the White Jade but other than that.

The main plan was to let his mercenary gain reputation before expanding his shop to other places and for that , the squads needed to become stronger first , at least for now , he had Neve that could follow the ship around without any problem. "It's great here Mr Nodus , I can sleep all day long and eat fishes whenever I am hungry!" Looking at his dimension sphere , Nodus was not surprised after hearing that dragons were the laziest being in the world.

"Mineral water is the best one so far with the turtle lake one being the worst." After examining all of the waters , the ship would only require dozen of gallons of dark water before it could charge up to 100% while the turtle lake.. It would probably dry out the entire water body.

"Standby on low." The lights in the plane turned off as the young man made his way down the steps and was in times to see the gates opening. "Nodus! We're ba- What is that?!" Kathrina was the first one to run through the gates as she require her dose of relaxation after processing all of those papers.

Walking around , Kathrina couldn't hold back her curiosity as she touched every part of the aircraft and then after seeing the tall graceful villa , she was even more shocked. "Hehehe teacher is acting funny." Seeing the teacher with her mouth open , Ali and Mimi started making fun of her as they laughed quietly. "Is that what mr butler was building this morning?" Lulu stood beside Nodus as she stared at the triangular shaped front nozzle.

"It's a aircraft , if your parents are in trouble it would take less than a minute to reach them." The young girl smiled and gently held onto his hand. "Could you show me around..?" With a quiet and shy voice , Nodus nodded as he led the girl into the ship.

Seeing the two children going into the ship , Kathrina decided to quietly tag along as she was already lost for words with many question in her mind. "And I was thinking , what should I put in this open space." After showing them around , the young man could see that they enjoyed very much sitting on a soft foamed seat that was build with a solid metal frame.

"Uhm... Maybe a small table and chairs with a small bed in this corner?" Nodus nodded as he almost thought the same , they could just sit in the passenger seat to eat so a table wasn't required but a bed in case someone is hurt from the hunt as this ship will be mainly transporting his squads to the missions. "Good , I will add some bed." Lulu smiled as she was complimented by Nodus.

"Sister Kathrina , I have something to discuss with you." Although he didn't mind if Lulu stayed , the little girl decided to go out and stay around with her friends so that she wouldn't bother him. Upon hearing her name , Kathrina woke up from her thoughts as she looked at Nodus. "Nodus! It been 3 days!" She resumed her usual self as she dove into the young man and rubbed his face. "Ah it been so tiring and then I heard that you moved out when I came out of my office made me very sad!"

Nodus couldn't help but to smile as he heard the adult lady complaining while hinting something. "Teacher , I made enough room for you in the villa if you want." The teacher revealed a bigger smile as she stroked her cheeks against his. "Aww , Nodus thought of me , I am very happy!" After returning back to her adult self , Kathrina and Nodus sat in the pilot seats before the serious talk started.

"If this aircraft fly that fast then I am sure no one can bring it down and besides , there is some flying artifact in this continent so if someone saw it , they would probably think it came from a ancient hidden sect or family." Nodus was overly worried about the sudden appearance of it but not for himself since he has no ties to the planet. "But if this thing is easily made then , that would be another story." Nodus nodded and understood that he was right to add a stealth module into it.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem to have 2 or three of these." Kathrina was slightly puzzled by the young man after telling him that having more would be bad. "I will show you." With the plane stealth mode on , Kathrina couldn't even see it even when she stood right by the aircraft. "Oh my! Nodus.." She had many question but she also did not want to pry into the young man as her sister also warned her.

"It's called the P-0 because is a prototype , you can use it whenever you want after I finish setting up the auto pilot." Although she did not know what was a auto pilot , Kathrina still smiled as she held onto the young man. "Nodus is the best!"

After leaving the plane alone to let it charge , Nodus went around the villa with Kathrina with the intention to show her around but met up with the group of girls who were playing with C1 and Shishi. "Did she fail..?" Seeing Helena amongs them , Nodus thought of the charcoal eggs and went toward them with the teacher. "You even have a pool here.. How nice and who is she?.." Nodus almost rolled his eyes after hearing the teacher's words. 'I already said you could stay..'

"Ah! Teacher!" Helena who first spotted Nodus stood up and waved her hands before running towards him. "Teacher?" Kathrina was slightly confused as she never seen her before and was surprised after she spotted a cloud emblem on the side of her sleeves. "Are you done with your first test..?" The young miss shook her head before telling him that she is just taking a short break. "Mhmm alright , this is.." Although the house wouldn't burn down , he still didn't want to take the risk with her magical eggs frying and introduced Kathrina to her.

"Hello! Teacher Kathrina , my name is Helena and I am senior commander's student!" The young missus shook her hands before running back to the girls. 'Ah! Everyone is so cute around here!' With another reason , Helena was more motivated now to get her apprenticeship. "She must be the cloud pavilion next headmaster , the young genius magic crafter is your apprentice huh.." Kathrina gave a suspicious glance to Nodus before asking if she would be staying here.

"No , she did not pass the test yet so I didn't accept her as my apprentice." Kathrina chuckled before she dragged Nodus back to the front. "I want to see my room!" After going up to the 4th floor , Kathrina was engrossed with everything in the house and especially by the bed in her room. "Wahh so soft!!!" With the key on her wrist , the teacher told Nodus that she has to go back to school to do something and told him not to worry about his absence. "I will come back here to rest whenever I can! And old man Langon asked you to look for him during the weekends."

The teacher went to see the girls and went back to school to prepare for the upcoming events. "Finish the exo armors in a month times and add modular slots , I will take care of the rest." After sending out his order , Nodus went down in the backyard and enjoyed the scene. 'It was just like that in school..' The image of 2 girls and 4 boys that he became good friends with appeared in his mind.