
Surrounded by the clouds and many giants celestial bodies , a small floating island that only had a single house with a small river that felt off on both ends.

"Sister! You are back!" A young girl who was doing the laundry let the clothes go as it fall back onto the wooden basket and ran toward the edge of the island.

With a big pair of white wings folded into her back and disappeared within her skin , the white haired woman held her arms open and welcomed her younger sister.

"Did you miss me?" The taller woman rubbed her hand on the young girl's hair and made a messed her hair."Ah big sister ! I have to comb my hair again.. boo and uncle is arriving soon." The young girl let go of her sister and ran back toward the two story house while holding onto her hair.

"That silly girl.." The woman opened her palm as her smiling face changed into a serious expression. " This is not powered by mana.. Could it be a ancient technology?" She clenched her hand and stared toward the brightest sun in the dark skies.

"Where did you get this?" A old man with white hair held onto the small silver chip as he sat around a wooden table that was filled with empty plates."I.."

"You wen't down didn't you?" The uncle looked at the woman with a worried expression and a hint of disappointment could be seen in his eyes.

"I am sorry uncle... It's Ry'ia birthday soon so.." The woman looked at the back of her younger sister who was crouching beside the river as she washes the dishes clean.

"Ah.. I understand.. but Ri'va , what if something happened to you? Isn't it enough aslong you are there with your sister for her birthday.." The uncle shook his head and placed the silver chip onto the wooden table. "Yes.. but..but.."

Although the old man wasn't her real uncle , the sibling respected him very much because he gifted them a private island that helped them keep out the lousy people who kept bothering her and Ry'ia.

"Sigh.. It's fine..I know that your sister means everything to you but if something were to happen , Ry'ia and your parents will never forgive me.." The uncle stood up and gazed up the stars in the dark space. "Uncle Pri'la?"

"You are right , this not from this world but I also don't think it's the same from those invaders..The style and shape is too smooth and beautiful , I doubt those ugly bugs could craft something like this." With her doubt cleared , Ri'va picked up the chip and smiled at the uncle.

"That means.. I can give this to Ry'ia?" With her uncle confirmation , the young woman quietly celebrated as she looked forward to the upcoming birthday. "But.. What does it do exactly?"

The uncle turned around with a puzzled expression as to why would she be so happy to give something small to her. "Uncle Pri'la... This is has a spatial space inside , it's called a silver unit box , I got it for 10 gold.."

The uncle eyes popped out as he heard about the price for the item. "What?! 10 Gold??? Little girl , you better be telling the truth." Ry'va pouted as she felt wronged by her uncle. "Hmmp fine , I won't tell you how I got it then since you don't believe me."

With her face turned sideways and arms crossed , the uncle could only admit defeat as he pleaded her. "Ai... I am sorry , please forgive uncle for being muddleheaded.." The young woman turned her head with a smile and explained to her uncle that she followed a trail of the falling star but ended up with nothing and so , she decided to go to the biggest city beside the northern land to find some clues.

"Hmm.. A falling star?" Seeing her uncle sudden change of expression , Ry'va couldn't help but to think about the old tales. "Uncle.. you are not thinking it's related to the vanquisher's tale right..?" The uncle shook his head and asked if he could borrow the chip for a few days.

"Only if you promise me you will come for the birthday in times." The uncle nodded and kissed the forehead of the younger girl as a farewell before flying away with his pair of white wings that was noticeably smaller than Ry'va's.

"Sister , why did uncle leave already? Isn't he on vacation?" The younger sister knew that her uncle was busy most of the times with the royal council and was looking forward to spend some times with him before he went back."Don't worry , uncle just forgot something , he will be back soon , I promise!" Stroking the black and white hair of the younger girl , Ry'va gazed at the stars before going into the cozy house with her sister.

"What!? Teacher is coming with us? Yay!" Ali and Mimi celebrated with Kathrina as they heard the good news while Nodus was helping Lulu store the groceries away. "They are just like children hehehe." Lulu chuckled as she got distracted by the three girls spinning around in circle as they held hands.

"Mhmm , they are children indeed." Nodus was also smiling as he reverted the blue storage unit into a chip and placed it in his wristwatch socket. "We will leave at 6 AM so don't be late." The young man warned the girls before leaving through the gate with Lulu.

While Ali and Mimi were ready , Kathrina still had to go back to her mansion and pack more clothes before returning back to the villa for the trip tomorrow.

"Are we going to pick a mission?" Lulu who followed along could of guessed what the young man wanted to do during this late night time. "Yes , mostly some delivery , discovery or easy ones."

Arriving at the guild district at around 11 PM , the street felt empty as almost every store and stands closed down with less than 50 people in the entire street.

Nodus pushed the door and held it open until Lulu made it inside. "Welcome to the guild house!" The middle aged man who wore a simple green soft fabric uniform greeted the two children that walked directly toward the mission board.

"We will both pick 3." Nodus already let every one know that they would be gone for at most 1 or 2 month so Lulu knew that she couldn't pick those long distance delivery missions. "I have three missions." After quickly choosing 3 missions , Lulu let him know first before registering it at the front desk.

"Young lady.. three mission requires.." Before he could talk , he saw the little emblem on her beautiful magic robe and revealed a shocked expression. "*Gulp* I am sorry young miss , I will register these missions for you , your name and badge please." Lulu gave him her pin and wrote down her name on a small piece of paper with a feather pen.

The middle aged man turned around and placed the pin on a magic array that was on top of a short wooden tower while the paper was placed in the cabinet that was right below of the array ceiling. *Woosh* The array lit up in red and after surrounding the blue pin with a red aura , a tiny drop of liquid felt through the wooden ceiling and landed onto the paper beneath it.

After the drop of red mana felt onto the paper , he quickly removed it and proceeded to do the same with the 3 missions pamphlets. "Here you go young miss , I registered the missions under your name , is there anything else I can help you with?" Lulu shook her head and gathered the papers before going back to Nodus who was still debating in front of the mission board.

The registering method was to mark a aura from the pin onto the paper so that no one could steal away the rewards and eliminated the situation where someone would kill someone and steal their mission after completing it. That is the only reason why a group has to be formed with trust and a strong bond.

"I am done , let's go." After 5 more minutes , Nodus did the same as he shocked the middle aged man even more with his middle enlightened rank. 'Oh my gosh.. these two are young geniuses.. Must report to boss!' The middle aged man who stared at the children who quietly left through the door turned around and ran up the staircase.

"Quick , send this letter to the HQ , it's a emergency!" The middle aged man ran all the way up to the roof and gave a tiny rolled up piece of paper to another man that had a big hawk-like birds on his shoulder. "It will take about a day with the fastest Wind Hawk." With it's long wings spreading out , the bird quickly disappeared as it flew toward the south giant gates.