Planet Dova - 1

Every students remained quiet as the teacher stood in front of the LED screen board with a big smile plastered on her face. "Good morning!" The entire class shouted in unison as they greeted the teacher before the class started as a common courtesy.

"Good morning everyone , today I have a good news to announce , not only you will have a new classmate but the monthly quiz will also be pushed back until next week. "Yay!" "Wahh!" Most of the male students stood up and shouted as they high five'd each other while the girls smiled simply smiled at each other.

"Boys are such silly creatures." The girls chuckled as they passed on the message to their desk-mate. "Ahem! Quiet , The new student should be arriving now and you better not bully him!"

Most of the girls lost interest when they heard that it was a male student while the boys were more excited. 'Another member in our squadron!'

The Zero Star Academy was one of the most prestigious school in the entire galaxy that involved deeply with the military. First Star , Second Star , all of those school were ranked in order by name with the First being the highest while the Tenth is the lowest.

While the First and Tenth always compete to see who has to change their school name almost every year , Zero was the only exception to this because they have won first place ever since the stars academy were founded for military purposes.

As times went by , Zero became the main attention for the military while the rest were secondary , one has to be smart or at least a esper who has a high mastery with their ability before enrolling in any of the stars academy.

Every students who graduated from those academy could be said to have a good future ahead of them whether they are espers or regular people. While most of the graduated espers decides to join the army , some of them who are reluctant to part with their homes could always choose to become a security worker like a cop or bodyguard and lastly , a mercenary.

The salary and prestige rank is what attracts the espers the most so they tend to go for an military position because with a high position , one could be rewarded with a planet or even an entire celestial system. Who ever owned a planet could be called a Lord and Star Lord for who ever owned a solar system.

Of course , such people are the highest among the elites with the entire universe involved and that includes the Proxima family who owned almost the entire universe at one point in the ancient times.

It was once said , without the Proxima , the humanity would still be enslaved by magical aliens aeons ago who could fly by themselves in space without any suit and could manipulate flying swords from millions of miles away.

Even though the teacher didn't know much about Nodus , other than he was really strong , she still felt a sense of duty to protect the young child who would be surrounded by older people than him.

"Nodus , please come in." The young child looked went through the door and stood beside the teacher as he stared at the entire class room of 40 students."Ohh!?" "Huh?" Everyone was shocked upon seeing the tiny Nodus.

"Could.. could this child be our new classmate?" A young girl who wore a pair of steamy glassed gulped as she gently adjusted her frame. "Yes.. Nodus why don'-"

"Wow!" "He is so tiny!

"So cute!" "Come give big sister a hug!"

Before the teacher could even finish her sentences , the boys were discussing something among themselves while the girls were softly shouting at Nodus with sparkly eyes.

"Listen! That could be our ultimate weapon!"

One of the boys who were circled up together spoke as he pointed at Nodus.

"What?.. I mean for sure he is strong but he still need experience..-" Before he could even finish , another boy who was beside gave him a quick slap.

"Dumb*ss! He meant that we could use him to woo some girls , look at how much their eyes are sparkling , you could even use it as a lamp at night!"

*Slap!* "You bast*rd! We won't use him , we will get along with him and ask him to help!" The boys gulped as they stared at their best wingman-child who stood at the front.

"Agree! If we are friendly with him and protect him we can show all of the girls how amazing we are! This is the best!"

After holding onto each other , the dozen of boys shouted a team cry before walking back to their seat as if nothing happened.

"Gehh.. We must protect Nodus from those pervert!"

The girls were smart enough to guess what the boys were planning and glared at them , even the innocent students who weren't part of the group meeting weren't left out from their blacklist. "Sigh."

"Ahem!" The teacher used her power as her voice shook the minds of the loud students. "As I was saying.. Nodus , why don't you introduce yourself?" The teacher smiled as she looked at the young boy who was barely in his teens.

"My name is Nodus...Galleon , pleased to meet you." With a tiny greeting boy , the girls got even louder as they clapped in unison. "So adorable!" "I want to bring him home with me.." Some girls were even whispering their evil thoughts as they looked at the teacher with high expectation. 'Must.. Put ....Nodus at the front!'

Feeling all the glare , Lucy could only sigh as she told Nodus to sit wherever he wants so like that , the students wont be able to blame her.

"....Can I sit here..?" Going toward the windows at the edge of the class , Nodus pointed at the seat beside the quiet girl and with a long pause , as if he was gathering some courage before asking the person who sat alone in the corner. "Wahh so cute.." "Tssk she can't be that heartless right."

The quiet girl who was staring out of the window gently nodded as she moved her books away from the shared desk that could seat four people. "Thank you." Nodus sat on the edge , two chair away from her and stared at the teacher.

"Well.. Great , now let's resume with the gravity manipulation of the Z7X-QOC , the ship small ship can only mount one person but it has enough power to destroy our moon so don't underestimate it's size-..."

As the teacher went on with a simple introduction of many popular space ship that was rotating slowly on the LED board at the front , Nodus pretended to listen as he already knew everything that includes even the classified ones.

Looking at the girl beside him , he could see that she was still staring outside of the window and that the teacher didn't even show any sign of disappointment whenever she looked at them.

'Is she a star ranker?' He could easily tell by everyone reaction in the classroom that no one wanted to oppose her and the teacher who looked like she was praising her whenever her view landed on the quiet girl , Nodus could only think of one reason.

That was the star ranker , epsers who proved themselves in a actual battleground that involved two other universe that were close to each other. The battleground is held in a Dimensional World that was tens times bigger than the three universe combined.

More than trillions of espers joined the battleground every 4 years and only a hundred thousands of them are ranked. Being ranked out of the trillions was like being a child of the heavens.

Each one of them could become a high ranking captain of a space fleet as soon they entered the army with a promise of a lifetimes worth of wealth for their entire descendant.

Even though the fight in the dimension world was a huge thing , no one but the high ranked officers knew who the top 100 rankers were , while the rest could be searched upon on the star net.

'Hmm.. Not in the list..' Nodus was searching with his lenses as he typed in the character by twitching his fingers in a unique way under the table.

'I have to log in my real account to find out...' He decided to let it go and pretended again as he stared at the ship rotating around. With gaze on the LED screen but the mind somewhere else , Nodus pictured the battles within the dimensional world from 4 years ago , a child who was holding onto his elder sister hand , surrounded by millions of people as the elder sister held onto a flag and protected it with her life in line. "Nodus.. Listen to big sister...If I can't protect it then don't do anything alright?" The young child could only nod as she looked at his sister with a puzzled look. "But I can take care of them..-" The sister pinched his cheeks and stood back up as she started to release a gold aura.

"Eternal night , Nyx!" The young girl held a old looking medallions that was engraved with a symbolic logo and suddenly a giant red eyes appeared behind her as it slowly emerged from the vortex portal. "Sh*t! She's crazy!" Most of the people around her quickly ran or flew away from the battlefield as they saw the gigantic monster with 6 legs and 4 arms emerging from the void.