The Silly Bird

After a short walk in the desert , Nodus and his group approached another hill that was slightly smaller than the first one with clouds hiding more than half of it.

"*Sniff , sniff*" Shishi wiggled his nose this times as he moved his face around. "Boss! The scent of my friends... They are up the hill!"

The little cub ran forward with Nodus and Ry'ia who followed right behind him. "Let me know if you are tired."

Ry'ia shook her head with a smile as she looked at Shishi. "Shishi is running toward his friends right?"

Nodus nodded and they shortly stood infront of a hole on the higher part of the hill. "Ah! Old green dug this hole for sure." Shishi has been with Torta , the turtle beast ever since he was born within the tribe and witnessed the turtle digging many holes that even went through mountains.

"Let's go." Seeing the dark tunnel , Ry'ia felt a little scared but followed right behind Nodus as she felt safer that way. "I wonder why Shishi's friends are inside this hole.."

The young girl held onto the back of his robe as they went down the gently slopped down passage.

"Who- Shishi?!" Big yellow shouted his name as he stared at the entrance of the small dome. The hybrid beast stood up and received a pouncing from the little cub.

"Elder Yellow! It's Shishi , I missed you all!" The cub was jumping on the hybrid lion's back while the remnants of the tribe gathered around him.

"It's Shishi!" "Where is your mother?"

"Didn't you left with the young man?"

Seeing that the new arrival was part of their tribe , the dark feathered birds stood up and quickly made it's way to Shishi.

"Kid , how did you get here? The portal should be shut.."

Shishi was puzzled as he saw a flock of feathered beast approaching him from the other side of the dome.

"Don't worry , I am also curious how you came here , is it because of the -" Before Khaarin could finish his words , he noticed two figure that arrived at the entrance.

"Boss made a door and we came here!"

Shishi ran back and rubbed his face on Nodus legs while the lion beast trembled a little bit as he saw the young man.

"Hmm? Humans?!" The dark birds spread their wings to attack and was quickly interrupted by Khaarin. "Stop it , not even us three combined could stop him and he is a friend... That has a solution to our predicament.."

The birds were surprised and calmed down as they stared at Nodus.

'That tiny human can handle those three elders..' The birds were confused but believed in the lion's words since they made their way through the closed portal.

"We meet again young hero..-" Khaarin was interrupted again by Nodus who held his palm open when he approached them.

"You are scary , let's go talk somewhere else.. Shishi , bring Ry'ia to meet your friends."

Khaarin gulped as he did not refute since Nodus was right , a scaled chimera was indeed hideous and made his way toward the bird tribe. 'Ugh.. I know I am repulsive but why would that matter.. sniff..'

Then it came to mind when he saw Shishi dragging a young girl toward the other little beat children. 'Is that young hero partner..?'

"So tell me , why are you stuck here."

The tall crow bird was surprised at it look toward Khaarin who stood beside him.

"Ah young hero is smart.. It is a long story but... This is Briz , first elder and the vice chief of the thunder crow tribe.. this is.." After Khaarin introduced both of them , Nodus pulled out a scanner and analyzed the giant bird while Briz twisted it's head sideways as it studied the small human.

"Nice to meet you little hero.." The bird extended his right wing and waved up and down like a human.

"Likewise , you must be the one who took over the summit."

The crow sighed as he explained that it was the leader's idea. "The leader isn't very wise you see.. We needed to find a place filled with storms and not a comfortable mountain.."

After a short back story of the leader , Khaarin and Nodus came into conclusion that the leader was either

dumb , lazy or both.

"Ahem , so onto the main point.. Young hero , could you re open the portal?" Nodus nodded and both of the magical beast beamed with excitement as they shouted at their tribe.

"Everyone! We can get back home , no need to wait ten years!" The entire cave was then filled with howl of joy as they celebrated the good news.

Ry'ia who was patting a little kitten looked at Shishi and they shook their shoulders at the same times. 'I don't know what's going on.'

"Ahem , So young hero.. When Black crow discovered the portal , he didn't hesitate and dove into the hole... other than his close allies , the rest of the tribe was gone , Briz here , felt like it was too dangerous and flew down the mountain.."

The dumb leader thought he found a new play ground and dragged his entire tribe along with him while the vice-leader thought it was a bad idea and stayed behind.

After a couple of hours of staring through the portal , he couldn't see his tribe flying around anymore so Briz decided to go down and ask for help from Torta with a promise of leaving the summit.

Of course , the turtle wasn't convinced but Briz said he could easily trick the leader and tell him that there was a comfortable mountain filled with thunder.

Still not convinced , Briz swore that if his plan didn't work he would just ally himself with Totar and along with his personal allies , he would bring down the leader.

But then , when they went back to the summit , the group suddenly met one of the crow member who followed the leader in front of the portal.

"There is a huge treasure mountain that is untouched! The weather is clear and the lands are big enough for us--."

Reading the letter out loud , Black Crow found a magical tree that yielded a dense energy fruit but couldn't reach it by itself so he requested an alliance with Torta and his tribe.

"If the land is big enough for us.. That's all we need!" Torta knew that for some reason the dumb leader couldn't fly anymore so he wasn't afraid of being crossed as he could easily handle him then.

After passing through the portal , Briz and his friends confirmed that they couldn't fly for long because of a strange and mysterious force that would pull them down the higher they went.

After a meeting with Black Crow , a member of Torta came in a hurry and told them that the portal was gone.

As soon the bad news was revealed , some foreign people that flew on their swords spotted the group and after an intense fight.

The foreign human escaped after they felt the pressure of Torta divine spell from his shell.

The turtle quickly changed location and dug a hole that was hidden by the clouds.

"He was very exhausted and some of us were wounded.. So we rested here for a while then Big Green , big Brown and black crow went back out , to find the fruit."

With the dangerous situation , Black Crow decided that Torta should have the fruit since he was the strongest among them in term of rank and strength.

Also the fact Black Crow couldn't fly for long made him useless in the fight.

"So the bird isn't so dumb after all.. But I am more curious as to where those group of human came from."

"That's right! Young hero , you are stronger than any of us , maybe you could help them get the fruit.. And with times , when Big Green could reach the supreme rank!"

Khaarin was exicted as he thought of his friend being a supreme beast while Briz shook his head.

"I agree with elder Torta having the fruit but we shouldn't underestimate our enemy.."

Nodus looked at both of them and shook his head as he turned around. "Young hero?" The two beast called out.

"I will handle the foreign enemies , the portal will be open for another 3 hours so hurry and leave... I can open it again whenever I want."

The two beast eyes sparkled as they nodded and gathered their tribe together.

"Aww leaving already..?I wanted to play more!" Looking at the pack of cute little magical beast following their parents made Ry'ia tearful as she expressed her complaints to Nodus.

"I want to have a cute beast!" Nodus didn't know what to do other than using her sister's existence to calm her down.

"What about your sister.." 'She still exist you know..'

Nodus sighed softly as he made his way out of the tunnel and stood on top of the hill.

"The stars...Are moving too fast!" Nodus realized something important that made him definitely convinced to explore the entire place.