Tree Tunnels

Theo sighed as Phrixus stood up and left the room without saying anything.

"We can't blame him , he has a wife after-all."

Another middle aged man who wore the same uniform with 3 white lines said as he leaned back against the hard metal chair.

"You are right.. Anyway , Eos , what would be your theory?"

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the 3 stripes man.

"From what I have read and seen so far... It would be either a spatial displacement , multiverse or a alternated space."

"But , aren't those dangerous then..?"

Eos was the main brain of the group as his ancestors were the main researcher of the technology and therefore , ever since he was a child , his father would read him some scientific theories to sleep.

"The First and last one has a dangerous potential... A displacement could be caused naturally but in this case , I think it was purposely and if it was a alternative space then I doubt that we could be able to find with the map sonars."

The rest of the generals remained quiet as they looked at each other.

"Dangerous or not , we , the Herox race are not cowards and never will be! Take the 49th floor as a example of our ancestors bravery!"

A man with a V on his cape slammed the solid table before standing up from his seat.

"Hurgos is right , we will go separately..."

Theo planned out a rough plan before the other generals returned to their ship to rest.

"Phrixus , you are the brain of our race so.. Are you sure you will be alright alone?"

Eos stood in his room as he chatted with his friend on the hologram screen.

"Yeah , don't worry , out of all the ships , mine is the best one and you know that already."

Eos lifted his metal cup up and drank with Phrixus before taking a nap for the upcoming missions.

After seeing their friend off , the rest of the generals prepared to go into the huge 3 stars system as they coordinated their hyper tunnel exit in different places.

While most of them would exit close to a planet , Theo and Eos would arrive at the edge of the system and send back up in case something happened to the ones who went in the inner circle of the system.

"Remember , scouts and if you think you can't handle it , just flee , we can always come back when we are stronger after beating the trial tower."

Theo was giving his last words of encouragement before the 7 mother-ships disappeared into a hyper travel tunnel.

Ever since they suddenly appeared within the planetary system of the 3 suns , Theo received their reports and knew that they were all safe until Bacis , the descendant of the 4th leader disappeared on his map.

"What happened?!"

Seeing that the mother-ship signal disappeared without a fight caused everyone to be surprised.

"General Theo , the signals are bouncing back , I think something is interfering our sensor with general Bacis."

Theo was relieved and sent half of his fighters toward the last known location of Bacis.

Normally when they encountered an enemy , they would report directly through a message which made Theo thought that Bacis was just unlucky to be in such situation but the man himself didn't think of the same as he slowly turned his head and saw his soldiers slamming onto their transparent keyboards one by one.

"Damn it! Mine has been had!"

"Me too!"

Hundreds of soldiers who were tasked with managing the communication and plans through their computer were standing up one by one as White Jade quickly hacked into their system without a warning.


"General! After the first encounter , we thought that it was simply a fluke since it was such a small signal but now.. It seems like our enemy has a better technological ai than us!"

A man who wore a silver vest stood behind Bacis as he held onto a tablet looking device.

Bacis sighed as he stared through the gigantic glass that acted as the main windshield of the bridge.

"So we can't communicate with our scouts?"

"I am afraid so!"

Bacis slammed onto his throne before standing up.

"If something happens to the scouts , focus on defending until our energy is restored!"

"Yes general!"

The soldiers on the bridge shouted in unison before running off through a sliding door , leaving only 5 soldiers left to handle the hacking situation while the rest went into their positions.

In a dark tunnel that was almost made out entirely of roots except for the dirt floor , a young man who held onto a dimly lit up piece of glass was making his way deeper into the passage as it angled downwards.

'The core reading is close... But it's moving.'

As he went down further just to find a place to hide , Nodus found out that the roots of the island was bigger than he thought and after scanning straight down , he could see a outline that looked like a tree on his 3 dimensional map.

'A tree..?'

Suddenly he heard something coming from behind.

'The passage was hidden in the chamber..'

Without a doubt , the steps that he heard from far away should belong to a very important person that was either the queen or someone related to her.

Nodus stood flat against the walls as his suit quickly blended in over the textures of the roots.

"A...ah... Why is it so long!"

He heard a familiar voice approaching and found out shortly that it belonged to Green.

"No.. I can't take a rest here! I must wake up the fairy!"

Green ran past Nodus as she was panting for air and because he got curious , the young man quietly followed her.

'She must of been here often.'

After a short while , Nodus could tell that she always took the right passages that led down further into the moving core and then after a while , Green almost felt onto the floor as she supported herself against the wall.


The roots shook a little bit as the war on the surface started.

"No.. I must not rest.."

As soon she pushed herself away from the wall , the young girl felt too exhausted and before she fainted onto the ground , Green felt something holding onto her.