Prosperous Young Nodus

Inside the car, Lati and Naire quietly sat together in the back as their daughter told them about her adventures.

"Then, we went through the dimension gate to see what was going on and saw a huge ship in the far black skies!"

The group quickly arrived at the city's gate, and the guards who saw the brand on the car let them through without taking a penny from them.


Lati and Naire gave the guards a puzzled expression as the car slowly went through the gate.

"What was that all about?"

"It's because..."

The parents couldn't help but laugh at their little daughter made it sound like Nodus was a nouveau riche.

"It's true! Big brother Nodus has millions of gold; he is even richer than us in the kingdom!"

"Dear...It's alright; we believe you hahaha."

Naire stroked her head while Kathrina chuckled with the girls on the front.

"They will be surprised."


The two girls tilted their head at Kathrina, wondering why she would say that as she drove slowly up the road toward the new mansion of Nodus.

"We're here!"

The two little girls cheered loudly as soon they arrived at the neighborhood.

Kathrina also felt the same sensation as she felt sick of sitting down even though the seats were comfortable.


Naire looked at his wife as he was confused about the different street that they were on.

"Sister, you moved up here?"

Although her sister came from a prominent and resourceful sect, she knew that her pride wouldn't allow her to borrow money from those old geezers that she ran away from in the first place because she did not want to be revered as a sect elder since it makes her sound old.

"Nope, Nodus built a house around... Here it is."

The gate automatically folded open as the car approaches, and the couple turned deaf to the cheers as their attention was glued to the beautiful tall villa.

"Amazing... Nodus built this?"

"He is wealthy... I feel like I wasted my childhood...- Ouch!"

Lati pinched Naire and turned her head away in dissatisfaction.

"Hehehe wife, I didn't mean it, please don't be mad."

"Hmmp, I am mad at you for wasting your childhood."

Naire pouted in defeat and sought his daughter for pure comfort.

"You are on your own dad."

Lulu shook her head and made her way toward the front of the vehicle to be with her friends.

"So...Where would Nodus want me to park."

Other than the grassy field and the cobblestone road, Kathrina was at lost for a while before she decided just to leave it where it was initially was, in the middle of the walkway.

"Wonderful...How many floors is this?"

Lati and Naire followed the girls behind as they made their way toward the door of the villa.

"Welcome home!"

C1 opened the doors and welcomed them with a smiley face displayed on his face.


"I miss your cooking!"

C1 laughed as Ali and Mimi greeted the robot when they passed through the doorways.

"This is...?"

The couple stared at the white robot before it suddenly shot a ray of light that scanned them.


"You must be miss Lulu's parents, lady Lati and funny Naire correct?"

"Fun-..!? Funny Naire?!"

Lati and Lulu laughed at the man who was stomping his foot onto the ground.

"Indeed you are, welcome to the white villa, the commander registered your name beforehand and ordered me to show you to your rooms."

Lulu pushed her mom and told her to follow the house care robot that rolled toward the elevator.

"I will bring up some food so just go rest for now mom..."

"What a thoughtful daughter... Mother loves you very much."

Lati kissed her daughter on the cheek before she followed the robot.

"Me too! Daddy loves you very much mua-."

Lulu pinched her father's nose and laughed when she saw the face that he would make with his lips wide open.

"Dad... You don't have to say it!"

With a peck on his cheek, Lulu ran toward the girls and waited for her parents to go up first.

"Have a good rest uncle and aunty!"

In the elevator, Lati noticed her husband acting weird.


"Hehehe, you heard that honey? She said uncle first!"

Lati sighed as she put her palm on her face.

*Ding!* With a little bell sound, the elevator stopped before the doors slid sideways.

"Here we are, the sleeping floor!"

The pair simply chose the door closest to Lulu and were shocked by the bedroom when they entered through the door.

"Oh my god! Is that a bigger soft bed like the carriage?!"

"Why don't you also tell Nodus how you broke the carriage, hmmmp."

"I am sorry... But Nodus didn't ask..."

Lati laid on the soft bed and gave her husband the cold shoulder.

The couple quickly fell asleep as they were drained from the never-ending deadly traps that they encountered in the tomb.