The New Shop - 1

After gathering enough water from the lake, Nodus drove the car back to the village, and the girls were baffled by the new towering structure that replaced the empty area.

With four black metallics on each corner, the house was suspended high above ground thanks to sturdy frames.

Nine meters underneath the house was a smooth cobblestone flooring that also acted as the foundation of the entire structure, and if one paid close attention to the floor, they could see a dozen of round circle tiles.

The house above will obviously be given to Kana while the floor below will act like a little store that would elevate up the items from the foundation itself.

"Teacher! That was amazing, the entire process sped up as soon the foundation was finished!"

Helena ran around the cobblestone foundation while Kana and the rest of the girls looked at the house above in confusion.

"Boss this is...?"

The young man signaled Kana to open her palm before giving her a wrist bracelet.

"That button is to close and open, and the other one is for your house."

Kana listened to his instruction as she stared at the smooth brown bracelet that had two tiny buttons on each side of the wrist.

The young girl was still confused, and before she could inquire any further, she noticed that Nodus disappeared.

"Go to the center or stay away from the house."

Kana quickly ran toward Helena with her little sister while Lulu and the rest stood beside the car with their chin up.

With a wave of his hand, Nodus carved the dirt around the foundation and filled it with water that sprayed out from the trunk of the vehicle.

At first, he had the simple idea of decorating the surrounding with a small pool, but now he changed his mind and thought that it would be even more helpful if they could raise their own fish for food.

With the pool bigger than he had planned, Nodus finished up with a simple hardwood plank that acted as a temporary bridge.

"Amazing... As expected from the commander."

Evelyn nodded as she stood beside the little girls while the two siblings were touching the water in the pool, just to make sure that it wasn't an illusion.

"It's real..."

"Of course it's real sister, the water came from the waterfall behind our village!"

Everyone but Nodus and Evelyn crossed the small wood as they were all curious about the function of the brown bracelet.

"Quick sister, Kana, use your bracelet!"

Ali urged the poor girl who never used it before since it was unlike the ones they had.

"Let's see...This is the house one."

Kana could easily distinguish the two buttons because of the unique icon on them.

One was a round circle while the other was a square with a triangle right on top of it.


The girls could hear the quiet hum of the engine and tilted their head upwards toward the sound.

"Wow, it's coming down!"

A small platform that was part of the ceiling came down until it reached the foundation.

The platform was part of the house floor and could fit at least 8 adults on it if they squeezed together, so it wasn't a problem for the all the girls to fit on it.

"It came down!"

"Just like the elevator at home..."

Ali and Mimi stared at the gap on the ceiling before standing on the platform.

"Sister Kana, make it go up! I want to see the house!"

The siblings were still shocked by the platform and woke up only after Lulu dragged them to the platform by hands.

"Huh? Uhm... Let me see..."

Kana noticed the house icon glowing in green and decided to press it again.

Suddenly, the lift gently levitated upward and went back toward the gap on the ceiling.

"Are you not curious?"

Nodus questioned his curious apprentice in-name who was always excited by every new technology that came from his universe.

"Mhmm, but I am more curious about these!"

Helena pointed at the black pillar that used to be the particle transport tube.

"Then I shall teach you."

"Yay! Teacher is amazing!"

Helena wrapped her arms around Nodus and rubbed her cheeks on his glabella while the young man himself was distracted by something else.