The Star

The continent disappeared from the view of the plane because not only it was going very fast, it was also flying slightly low since Nodus wanted to scan the sea while he was here.

Shortly after, a gray mist started to appear, and as soon the plane got closer, the wall of clouds became precisely like how it was in her dream and when they looked around, they couldn't see the wall stretching sideways at all but just the ocean.

"That is weird..."

Lulu felt even more puzzled than scared when she stared at the blue ocean behind the edge of the gray wall and when Nodus drove his plane sideways, the first wall disappeared as it seemingly followed along with the plane.

Nodus focused his eyes and pressed a button on the side of his seat that deployed a square drone from underneath the plane.

The drone slowly flew around the cloud and sent live feedback to the hologram display that appeared in the middle of the windshield.

The wall of clouds appeared in front of the drone that was 1000 meters away from the plane, but from their point of view, the two couldn't see anything but the ocean from the window.

"As I expected..."

Nodus was still puzzled, but he knew now that the wall was everywhere even though they couldn't see it.

'I can't risk it and research without White Jade...'

Nodus looked at Lulu and remembered that the wall would disappear by itself, so he didn't really have to do anything.

"Lulu, I heard that the supreme ranks will leave the continent?"


Lulu knew where Nodus was going and explained to him everything she knows.

"When one breakthrough into a supreme rank, a gate opens into the sky and if those who chose to go through the gates never came back... And-."

"It's unknown whether they appear outside of the continent or not correct?"

Lulu nodded, but anyone could think logically that any kind of door always separates you from something.

'The order of laws are fascinating.'

Nodus decided to fly back home, and during his way there, he thought of the worst scenario that could happen in the near future.

"If, if they really left to the other continent, there is a high chance that they this continent itself will be in danger."

Nodus felt like he had to explain to Lulu that things would busy for him and the young girl immediately agreed with him.

"Should I tell my parents to come back?"

"No, I am sure if it happens, it will be at least in 5 or 6 months."

Lulu nodded and remained quiet while Nodus was already thinking of the most suitable counter for the possible invasion.

Even if they the supreme ranked people did not go to the other continent, it was still highly possible for a random encounter with the tall wall also thought it was invisible from far and with more than 10000 years, Nodus already concluded that an invasion would happen.

'Even if they did not find it, they must of know the battle that happened during the invasion of those insects or the dragons.'

With that in mind, Nodus stood up from his seat and made his way toward the rear of the plane with Lulu who ran right after him.

"Z1, show me all the blueprints of the P-BSF."

Thousands of hologram box appeared in the empty space and surrounded the young commander.

While Nodus was focused on the details and abilities, Lulu could see a bunch of oddly shaped structure that came with a second or third form.

"The arrow here is pointing at another structure... Does it mean it can shapeshift?"

Nodus nodded without turning back and flicked his fingers through the blueprint images.

'Wow...A castle with wheels?...'

Even though she knew something dangerous was going to happen, Lulu still felt excited as she thought that Nodus could handle everything because he was mysterious star child in her view.