The First Mountain Base


My new novel, The Dream Phantasm is out!


On the side of the wall at the big open space gap of the workshop, Effiel and Rolly stared at the demi-human girl who was wearing a normal pair of clothes fading away into the sea of people.

"Uncle...Did the customer even..."

Effiel turned her head around and saw the robust man shrugging his shoulders before going back to work.

The young girl was curious after all, the person just came in and threw a bag of gold at them before leaving.

"Is our reputation that good?"

She tilted her head and heard many laughers coming from the back of the shop.

"Hahaha! What should we do first then? Remodel the shop or expand or..."

Before Ola could come up with any more ideas, Rolly stopped him and told everyone to resume their job.

"We have to at least forge a grade 3 Iron first then we will talk about it later, everyone, back to work and hustle up!"

Rolly wanted to get it done as soon as possible to get their rank 3 blacksmith certificate and then with the money they would earn from Evelyn, they could use it to do a complete renovation to boost their image.

"The Denom existed for over 1000 years and were famous before...Now we can finally get back on track!"

Rolly told every apprentice to purchase more storage units so that they can load up the minerals that they stored for the past millennia in the basement level of the store.

"Go home when you are done, everyone has to fill at least 5 storage and remember!!! Metals!!!"

*Clank, clank!*

The sound of hammering echoed through the shop.

"Uncle Rolly... Uncle Ola... They regained their flame once again."

The young girl with two ponytails smiled at the two sweaty robust men before going back upstairs.

'I will try my best to help them!'





In the blistering cold blizzard, a dozen flashes of light penetrated through the walls of snow and surrounded a tall frozen mountain.

"It's here commander, the exterior is hard and durable, with the low temperature reinforcing it, making it even more hard to penetrate even for the drones."

Bu One swiped across the windshield of the car and the image of mountain split into two appeared.

"This area here is hollow until the bottom, and the mountain itself is rooted deeply along the earth and snow."

The image showed a tall volcano-like mountain that sprouted out from the 1000 feet frozen snow surface.

"Let's go inside."

After flying the car all the way up to the mountain, Nodus and Bu One went to the center and found a big open gap that was hidden by a thin layer of ice and snow.

The mountain itself was so big that the hollow interior could fit at least half of mount fuji in it, which saved Nodus hundreds of hours of digging and excavating.

"Put 3... No, 1 hatch and a plasma shield on top of it."

Remembering that he was in the rich land filled with ores, Nodus did not hesitate about the energy cost and came up with an entire plan for his first Sem Plant.

"And lastly, put a few sentries on the top, I leave everything else to you."

Bu One bowed before flying back to the city by itself because it was still in charge of receiving the metals from the mission.

After taking a few samples of the inside of the mountain, Nodus left with the car and flew toward the village as it was the one thing he wanted to get done before anything else.

Followed by the drones, Nodus spread the birds everywhere around the forest and after making sure that there was no unsupervised area, he left a little memo with a tiny usb on the foundation of the new store because the siblings weren't home yet.

"This should do."

After waiting for 5 more minutes, Nodus couldn't see a trace of their shadow, so he returned home and sat in the living room by himself.

'If only I had my soldiers... I wouldn't be this busy.'

The young man sighed and closed his eyes as he leaned against the couch.






"Are you okay princess...?"

"Mhmm... It's not cold so someone must be talking behind my back!"

The woman in pink glared at every individual around her.

"Very funny princess."

A man in orange shook his head and looked down at the transparent tablet he was holding onto.

"So back at the result... We have concluded that these are indeed the cultivators."

"Peh, the same as those scaredy cats?"

An entirely black and red armored man spoke in a mocking tone as he stared at the window of the room.

"We are not sure...Since we can't study them any further thanks to you."

"And you have a problem with that Opac?"

The room became tense as the two men stared at each other and before the situation got worst, the blue-haired lady who looked like a secretary coughed.

"It's fine Opac... I am sure that we can find another planet and Genos... Try not to overdo it next times or else I will consider it as hindering our search for the commander."

Lydia adjusted her glasses as she gave a sharp glare at the black armored man before leaving the dark room.

"Huh? Wait for me, Lydia!"

The girl who was dressed entirely in pink ran after Lydia, leaving the rest of the generals by themselves.

"She is right, we have to find the commander as soon as possible."

Another man spoke before leaving the room, and shortly after everyone left, Opac sighed before turning off the hologram that displayed a shiny flaming core with thousands of fragments rotating around it.

"What a waste...I didn't even have times to take some pictures of the scenery."