
Within Heaven's Realm, a Great War is currently ravaging the paradise of the Immortals because of a single object. This object is neither a simple heavenly treasure nor a powerful cultivation method.

It's a medallion of proof that piled up a mountain of dead geniuses and shattered thousands of worlds. This happened for one reason: Obtaining this ordinary looking yet a mind-boggling item.

Every single entity knows about the existence of this medallion of proof. Even recluse powerful ancestors that can destroy worlds just by snorting are crawling out of their caves. Mysterious yet unrivaled divine beasts are appearing left and right just to participate in this war for the ownership of this object that caught everyone's eyes.

What is this medallion of proof that makes people's eyes red in greed that they will even kill their own family just to acquire it?

Three years prior to the Great War, a Divine Kingdom's divine army marched to the greater part of the void and discovered an ancient realm created by an unknown existence that defies the natural law that can even affect the equilibrium between space and time.

Even the mighty cultivators that lived for over millions of years can't avoid the cruelty of the heavenly law called 'Time' and no one can truly call themselves as one that can control "Space" because they only use it for movement most of the time.

After the discovery, the whole Heaven's Realm outraged and almost every space can be seen being ripped apart just to shorten a path to the Realm discovered.

There are many realms and Heaven's Realm is one of the realms that can be considered as one of the great realms discovered by ancient people from the lower worlds that attained the pinnacle of their life and break apart the restrictions of a mortal. These ancestors proudly created their own divine kingdoms that are now ruling the realm that they are currently standing on.

'History repeats itself.' Now, everyone wants to try their own luck on discovering heavenly treasures that can lead them to the highest point of power and authority.

Entering the realm through various uses of heavenly treasures was still not enough. Even the old geezers that had deep enmity to each other needed to cooperate just to create a small opening to the realm. Everything changed when they entered the ripped space.

They were sent to a vast desolate place and they can feel the absence of the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth. They noticed that they stood frozen on the spot when they arrived. They felt extreme fear because they didn't know what to do at all.

Suddenly, the whole space at the sky was split open and humongous two hands carrying a medallion almost as big as a house slowly floated to the desolate lands.

"Strength and wisdom will be shown through actions and choices. Acquire the 'Medallion of Proof' and show dominance by standing above all. This shall be the path to the throne of the Heavenly Emperor."

A shockingly powerful voice can be heard that caused every entity to kowtow to the medallion of proof at the center of the hands. Not even monstrous ancestors that lived countless of years could withstand the crushing pressure of the voice. Those that tried to resist forcefully had their bodies exploded to a muddle of fresh meat.

Millions of cultivator kowtowing stayed there for almost three years to ponder about the heavenly truths and insights obtained by hearing that powerful voice. Just that voice was filled with the heavenly dao that enlightened their minds and strengthened their souls. How about the entity that spoke? Is it the god of everything? Nobody knows.

They were sent back to space where they belong but that didn't change the boiling blood of all beings in the realm. After everyone was teleported, the ancient realm collapsed but a sudden powerful bright light came out of the entrance.

The whole realm suddenly turned silent for a while then all the mountains seemed like they bowed down to the direction of the medallion and the seas roared to welcome this grand heavenly item of history.

Thousands of gigantic flying artifacts started flying on the sky like locust swarms going to the same direction of the bright light.

----- The divine armies of every divine kingdom marched.

----- The divine beasts that are extremely rare were seen piercing through the void with inconceivable speed.

----- Every ancestor of their respected clan can be seen flying with their heavenly armaments followed by the most successful geniuses that they can send out.

Everyone met their rivals on acquiring the path to greatness. No one can be still patient on being the most powerful cultivator since the proof of being the greatest is in front of them.

Everyone resolved that this is the most critical chance of conquering above everybody. Once they succeed and stood up above others. They will be at the most pinnacle of their life and they will be the most powerful and greatest person in all history. They will obtain the power of being one God that controls everything with a flip of their hands.

The Great War started, Heaven's realm turned into hell where rules cannot control them anymore because every rule will be created by the future ruler. No one knows when this will end neither do they know who will become the Heavenly Emperor.

The Heaven's Realm became an extreme desolate place.

The lands are burning, the sky is crackling with thunders and lightning snakes flew over every land. There are even places where the whole place is shaking intensely because of the fight between ancestors. Shockwave of annihilation is sent to every corner that even the cultivators near the spot died on the spot.

Thunderclaps are produced in every hit, the whole place is shaking so badly that even space are deforming by hurling two heavenly treasures to each other. Using godly techniques would even produce space rifts that will need time and energy to be fully restored.

The sky is colored in crimson for blood is spraying everywhere.

There are no safe places that even the frail royal nobles are fighting just to stay alive. The woman that doesn't have the strength is played to death by ruffians.

Even royal princesses are not left untouched. They are only used as toys by lustful men to vent their anger and frustration about thinking of dying because of the undergoing blood tempest.

In this times of Heaven's realm, there is only one constant rule that never changed.

"Strength and wisdom will decide everything."

That is the rule that everyone believed. They live with this words ingrained in their souls. Lack of strength and wisdom will result in their fall.

After thousand years, the scene of carnage finally stopped but the thing that happened next is something that no one in the entire Heaven's realm expected….