Wrong Destination

Arriving at the train station, Qin Feng bought the ticket then immediately rode the train when it arrived. He looked around and sat near the door then he retrieved the medallion from his pocket and started looking at it carefully.

"What a strange medallion. I don't know what is written at the medallion but it sure looks ancient and gives that archaic feel that other antiques don't usually have. Maybe I could sell this for money…"

Selling antiques made Qin Feng excited first but after thinking over the matter, his mood fell down to the drain.

Recollecting his past memories about the antiques that his father bought that year that almost made them drown in debts. He can't help but frown a little.

"Well, I will just use it as my good luck charm even though it almost gave me a brain injury."

He didn't know whether he should laugh or cry but he felt that the medallion is special and if it was lost by someone then he could help out by giving it back.

After pondering over this medallion matters, Qin Feng started to doze off. His school is a little far and there are still many stations to stop by. Entering the world of dreams made Qin Feng a little excited because he wants to continue his dream last night.

Contrary to his expectations, he suddenly felt itchy and found himself at the grass fields lying on the ground where his clothes and school bag have tears in many parts. He also has wounds and bruises in some parts of his body. A bit more dirt and foul odor then he could class change into a beggar.

"I thought I will be back in the castle with my shining armor and divine blade but now I'm here at the grass fields looking like a beggar. I also have bruises everywhere my body and when I touch it. Ow, it hurts!"

Qin Feng angrily said while looking at his wounds but then he suddenly came to a realization.

"Wait… It hurts? Is this really a dream or what? I'm on the train just before and now I'm in the fields. What now? Argh… First, let's walk around and see what's happening in this world."

He checked all his items in his bag first. He saw his three books and some pieces of paper about unnecessary things. Next is his money and there is not a single coin missing. His mobile phone and earphones are also in the bag.

He immediately turned on the phone. Although the battery is still full, there is no signal coming to the phone. Other miscellaneous things such as a cutter, ball-point pens, pencils and such are completely in the bag.

Qin Feng is confused on what is happening. He thought that he is only dreaming but waking up in the middle out of nowhere is definitely not normal. All of a sudden, he thought of the new item that he obtained while walking to the station.

He searched every spot of the bag and even searched his pockets but to no avail, there is not a single clue about the shiny medallion. This made him frown because it should be in either his pocket or in the bag.

After pondering a little more, he raised his two hands up as to symbolize that he is giving up but what he didn't expect that the thing he is looking for is already in his hands. Literally speaking it's in his palms tattooed. The left hand has the front of the medallion where there are unfamiliar words and the right hand has the back of the medallion which is the sword.

"What is happening to this world? The medallion's symbols are now in my hands and it looks like this tattoo is permanent. After trying to rub it off through different methods for several minutes, there is still no sign of it disappearing."

Qin Feng said. Lost in his thoughts, he had a deep sigh because realization hits him again.

"Maybe… this is that ridiculous event where the heroes are summoned to another world to save the world from the hands of the Demon King? But why am I in the fields, lying with bruises, and everything I own seemed to just survive a storm?"

He thought about those stories about heroes being summoned in the royal castle. He wanted to be like one where a princess would beg her to save the world, however, at his current situation, even a dog won't come looking for help from him.

After pondering a little, he shook his head. The main thing he should think of right now is to understand more about what is happening and ask information about this place.

He walked around for several minutes and found himself already far but he still can't see a single life.

"Man this is so troublesome! I've been walking for like an hour and still, there are no people around to ask. I'm already dead-tired and not only that, this really gives me that feeling of solitude that I'm the only man in the world."

Qin Feng said while frowning. The tiredness and anxiety are slowly eating up on him but he still managed to look calm outside and kept walking.

All of a sudden, he felt a gust of wind brewing around that made him felt chills running up in his spines. He felt something humongous coming right at him and he can't help but slowly turn his neck.

A gigantic red-scaled dragon is currently flying straight to his direction that made all the hair on his body to stand up.

He thought that he will be a goner and started reminiscing about the past and the things he did until now.

"Mother and father, I will never forget you all! Novels and games, you were my savior and I thank you all for the fun moments you've given me. Although I will never be able to see you guys again, I was satisfied. Goodbye, sweet world."

Qin Feng closed his eyes while shedding bitter tears. The dragon was just one meter away from him but unexpectedly, the dragon flew past above his head without touching a single hair on his body.

He felt his two legs turned into jelly after knowing that his story will continue. His legs can't handle it anymore and he fell on the ground kneeling. He saw the dragon flying through the Heavens like the sky is its backyard.

"What… what … what was that!!??"

Qin Feng almost peed in his school trouser due to the intense fear that he felt just a second ago. The fear of the unknown is the scariest but suddenly discovering something that you know but shouldn't exist in the world is still scary.

"It's obviously a divine beast called 'Dragons' but those crazy monsters should only appear in games and novels. The hell is happening in this world or did I go full retard after getting hit by the medallion on the head?"

Qin Feng said while having a doubtful look at his eyes. He doesn't think that he is now a retarded but after seeing things that should only appear in the fantasy world is basically the evidence of him being crippled.

"Maybe I'm just tired and I'm seeing things that I wanted to see in real life. It's because of this wild imagination that made me this way."

He massaged the part of his nose in between his eyes and wandered in his thoughts.

"When I was reading the novel called 'Exalted Immortal Emperor', the protagonist is seen riding his legendary mount, the Divine Scarlet Annihilating Dragon while every people are kowtowing to him with reverence and fear. This made me hype the novel that I started to daydream that I'm the one riding such powerful mount."

Qin Feng said to himself while nodding his head that the novel was really good and he wanted more volumes to hype.

The thought of this suddenly made his face frozen solid because if he really is transported to another world then he will no longer have the chance to hype the updates ever again.

"No… This can't be happening! Wake up, Qin Feng. This is just a nightmare that happened many times before. Maybe I just got into a comatose because of the early events and I just need to concentrate to go back to reality because I've finally discovered that this all just a bad dream."

Qin Feng said to calm himself and he wiped the cold sweat off from his forehead.

"Phew, that made me sweat a little bit but after learning the truth about what is happening made me more relaxed. Now, Qin Feng, it's time to go back and thank everyone that helped me grow up and I still need to hype the upcoming update of my favorite novels."

Qin Feng affirmed his thoughts and started concentrating his thoughts on waking up. After the time for an incense stick to burn, a rumbling sound can be heard. He can see that the world now started blurring.

"Am I finally waking up from this vile nightmare?"

After the long rumbling sound was heard, he looked at his stomach area and frowned.

"It's just my stomach rumbling because I'm so hungry! And you even feel hungry in this vile nightmare? That's unfair!"

Qin Feng furiously said while stomping his feet. He started walking again while cursing everything that he can think of.

A random unique-looking rock can be seen in front of his direction. It's a bit transparent yet shiny and it looks very different than the other rocks. Qin Feng also noticed its distinctive appearance too but because of that, he had that sudden wave of irritation.

"This useless rock that doesn't have anything to do with me is standing up with its upright structure like it's looking down on me!"

Qin Feng made a wide motion with his right foot to create momentum and drop the force in this innocent rock but after he hit the rock, his expression greatly changed.

A jolt of pain run from the bottom to the top of his body that made him jumped around and tripped pathetically to the ground. Due to his incredibly bad fall, he hit his head on another rock that made him feel going unconscious but before going down, he shouted furiously,

"Just where the f*ck in the world am I?!!"

After Qin Feng said those words loudly, he fell unconscious in this unknown land.