Student Welcome Ceremony(02)

"E rank?You are lying right?There is no wa-"(White hair girl)

Solace didn't look at her and just shrug his shoulder and then cut the wyvern head into two. See this some people found it disgusting and look away,some even throw up when they see the scene where wyvern brain begin leaking out.Solace immediately put his sword back and then move his right arm. A small round disc begin to floating in front of him and he immediately catch it. Then Solace take out a PDA then insert the disc. Then his right hand quickly press button which is so quick that make people he just randomly press it.

"What?what are you doing?"(White haired girl)

Hear that solace stop for a moment then put his PDA away. He then begin to write something on the wall.

"If you want to pass this entrance exam,please kill the next wyvern that will be out in span 10 minutes and secure the disc inside of their head which contain password for passing today exam.For anyone who want to keep their live it's recommended to form a team to defend yourself and wait for another 3 hours inside this room by the white haired girl who beat the wyvern."(Solace)

Once he write that ,he then walk through the door that have been opened for a long time.He kept walking on the long hallway.After ten minutes suddenly someone bypass him and stand in front of him.It was that white haired girl.

"Just what are you planning? "(White haired girl)

He then take out his notebook and write something and show it to him.

"Because it's more convenient .Since you are famous,it will make more people read it and do as it said."(Solace)

"I know that,but I didn't ask why you use my identify. What I ask is,what is your purpose for helping the rest of people?"(White haired girl)

Ezax write another line below it and once she read it,he immediately leave her.The white haired girl who read the last line immediately said to herself.

"An order?by who?"(White haired girl)

As the white haired girl think that,she immediately start follow behind him. On other hand Ezax remember a task that was given to him yesterday and immediately sighed inside of his heart.He then recalled the order given by his mother to save as best he could.Deep inside his heart he hate this.

"Everyone will betray me in the end,what's the use saving my enemy.Mother just what are you thinking?But for now I must do as she said and end this exam as soon as possible."(Solace)

Right now the school turned into a maze,and you need password to enter the inner maze itself. First, he must find the entrance to the inner maze itself.

The white haired girl silently follow behind him. She slowly analyze the guy in front of him . The guy in front of hold a white gun which clearly a self customized weapon .The pistol itself is semi-automatic pistol and can hold around 20 bullet if she didn't miscount the size . Based on her judgement ,She think there is Module attached to it,the same as his sword as she see the edge of sword rapidly spinning like a chainsaw.But based on the size ,the sword is rather smaller compared to sword that is commonly sold outside and the edge is spin much faster than ordinary sword. With 2 module on 2 different weapon she was sure that the guy in front of him have private blacksmith and Module Master with him. After all the material that used to make these weapon are not common iron and you need Module master for inserting all of those module into his own weapon.

"This guy,there is no way he is an E rank with this kind of weapon with him. He must hiding his rank."(White haired girl)

Solace didn't know what she is thinking,even if he knows he won't care anyway. The reason he let her follow him is because she will be useful if there any battles. After all he never know what lays in the end of labyrinth.It's better to be safe after all.

While both of them walking through the labyrinth. 2 Woman is eating potato chip while watching both of them.One of them is Solace mother,while the other one is her friend and the head teacher of the school itself.

"So how much your school pay to buy this Training dungeon module D(Rank D)?"(Solace's mother)

"Not much,just 10 million credit. Isn't it cheap?"(Head teacher)

"Heh,only people like us that said it cheap.Hmm?Looks like Solace already found the entrance to the inner maze."(Solace's mother)

"That's fine,it's easy to figure the password anyway.After all I am who designed it.See even your son struggling to open it."(Head teacher)

Solace didn't struggle to open it,It just he felt someone mocking him and stop. The designer of this password is sure petty,after all not everyone can't solve this password. You need university level math to complete it and if you enter the wrong password. The password will be reset,which mean you need to kill another wyvern to get new password. What a hateful person. He then immediately entered the password and the door open. Both of them entered the inner maze. The maze didn't look that different from before.

"Something's felt wrong."(White haired girl)

Just as the white haired girl said that,Solace immediately noticed something moving again him and push the white haired girl away at the same time a cut appear at Solace left shoulder ,but solace immediately swing his sword . A goblin head immediately appear from nowhere and at the same time the headless body also fall to ground at the same time the head touch the ground. The goblin blood covered the floor.Solace immediately stab his sword to the floor and the sword immediately begin to drain the blood on the floor. The white haired girl flabbergasted as she saw the sword to do that.A custom sword with 2 modules?Just who is he?

"Thank you for saving me."(White haired girl)

The white haired girl expect for the guy replied but Solace didn't say anything and look to in front of him while point his gun toward the long hallway,He then fired 3 bullet which disappear in the long hallway. But soon 3 goblin corpse appear along the way with a hole in their forehead. After that Solace point on the wall. Then he quickly take out a note book and write.

"Please be more careful next time,if this happen again you better go back to everyone else. I don't need burden."(Solace)

"Hey,you know who am I right?"(White haired girl)

Solace write another line below the previous line ,when the white haired girl read this she become so pissed.She never felt so pissed before.

"Yeah,you are a burden.Super burden"(Solace)

"I have name!!!My name is Lily!!Lily Snowfall!"(Lily)

Another line appear below the previous line on the note book.

"So?Burden why you told me your name?Don't tell me you will use your family to pressure me?What a petty burden."(Solace)

"You think I am that petty to use my own family against you?(Lily)

Then a big yes appeared below the previous line which make her nearly lost herself in anger. But she swallow it instead as he is the person who treat her like a normal person would. She grow with no friends and no family to take care her. Because of her power no one can touch her and this including the monster. That's why she is careless and the monster nearly kill her,no...even thought the sword touch her. It would freeze and broke.Regardless of that she appreciate the guy in front of him and want to be become a friend with him.

"I will be honest,I want to become friend with yo-"(Lily)

Since the notebook have the page pull,Solace move to another page and write .


Once Solace write that he continue to walk.Like nothing happened. But Lily who were left alone ,make area nearby freeze.She then tilted her head and wondered why she can't use ice at all nearby him?But because of her experiment she lost him after and took different part from him.

White on other hand,the watcher become curious.

"Hey,Is your son really an E rank?"(Head teacher)

"Before he was an E rank."(Solace's mother)

"Was?"(Head teacher)

"I don't know much how his power grows but let me tell you one thing.If Solace use his power,then you better erase the footage.."(Solace's mother)

"Sure,but why you take that far?You are too overprotective."(Head teacher)

"Overprotective you say?If you know what is his power you will understand it."(Solace's mother)

"I see,by the way about his weapons. Is it one of your husband creation?"(Head teacher)

"Wrong,It is Solace creation including the module."(Solace's mother)

"What a talent for 16 years old kid to be able create this kind of weapon with 2 module injected to it. No wonder you are so protective."(Head teacher)

"It's isn't 2 module,it's 3 module."(Solace's mother)

"0-0,Are you sure your son isn't using cheat engine on game called real life?"(Head teacher)

"-_-"(Solace's mother)

Back to Solace side. Right now Solace is cleaning his sword with the water from the river nearby. While he cleaning he noticed the underground area here is illusion ,A training dungeon made by 'that' family who is famous for being illusion user. Still for illusion to be this extend.It's like he is in another dimension.Still the limit for this training dungeon is C rank and he can't wake from the illusion itself . It must be because the badge on his left uniform which make him can't do so.As he thought that,the river slowly become cooler and then become frozen.

"As expected you are lying about being E rank right?(Lily)

He turn around and found lily who emitting cold aura around her.

"It's your ability right that make my cold aura didn't work when I am around you. There is 2 reason for that,one you have SS rank ability the Absolute Zero which absolutely nullified any ability,but Absolute zero won't work my ability because my Rank is beyond that.Which is leave us to the second choice,you have natural counter of mine and it is Fire ability which rank isn't that far from mine. Right?Th-"(Lily)

Suddenly a bullet fly just beside her and Solace have a gun pointed at her. Then he took out a notebook and write.

"You better be careful next time."(Solace)

"So you want kill me to keep your sec-"(Lily)

But before she finished said,suddenly a 1 meter long snake with hole in its head fall beside her. When she check what kind of snake is this,she immediately trembled for a moment. it's water snake which usually live in underwater. It's must come out because she freeze the lake. It's one of the worst enemy because it's resist to cold.But before she could thanks him,He already turn around and left her alone once again.

"Just what is he thinking?I don't understand him at all."(Lily)

On other hand solace calmly Analyze the monster all he fought,Invisible green goblin,green wyvern and water snake. All of them were considered bottom tier in strength . You just need to be alert as they attack without you noticing. To begin with ,looks like he misunderstood one thing. The inner core of maze...maybe it's closer than he thought. Usually,the core itself located in the maze and protected by monster whose job is to protect the core itself and far more stronger than the opponent he faced. If he make of it ,he understand that he only circled around the core itself.Solace then touch the left wall in front of him .

The core is beyond this wall...but his strength isn't enough to break it. Which means there is another way to enter the core room. The core itself...It's located below the school gym hall. After all if he think about the wyvern looks like run from something .wyvern usual habit is opening it's jaw and tear apart the prey before he grab the prey itself and bring it to his home. The wyvern from before didn't open it's jaw and only intended to move him away...But no matter what ..It's just speculation in the end.He need to go back and check it. As Solace turn around he found lily who running toward her, once she stopped he quickly write .

"Let's go back to podium."(Solace)


Solace then immediately run toward gym hall. Lily also followed behind him,even thought she asked to explain,But solace didn't stop to tell her anything and kept running once he arrived podium once more. He found the wyvern he killed still in there...with its corpse on the floor. On other hand ,only 1/3 people left at podium the rest is already left the podium while the 1/3 people here all of them have their back against the wall. Than he noticed there is a single podium at the top left corner.

He then walk toward it and then slash the top of the podium itself, and there is password vault appear from it. Solace then entered the password and it begin moving and slowly sink to the ground and at stair to underground area is found. Once he do that he check around and found no one care about it. There is also number 30 on the left of stair and went down each second.He the walk through the stair while lily followed behind him. After 2 minutes go through the stair Solace found himself standing in front of throne room with something shiny on top of the chair.

"Is that the core of dungeon?."(Lily)

Solace turn his around and want to nod to her,but then he noticed something fast moving and aiming at her neck,immediately solace pull her and parry it with his sword at the same time something appeared before throne . A dullahan.

"Question time,What is the most dangerous exist in gate?"(?????)

The person who attacked Lily immediately kick Solace stomach and push him away.As the person give a smug look toward him ,he noticed a paper stuck on his sword. A paper with 'human' written on it.

"That's right. This the last test student...can you win this fight ?A fight against assassin and the monster who aimed at your life?Let me see how strong you are!"(??????)