Student Welcome Ceremony (04)

"So I passed out again?Looks the white flame is too much for me."(Solace)

"Haha,so you didn't heed my words at all.So what did you use for this time?"(???????)

Solace then take a seat and said. Toward the girl in front of her who kept appearing in his dream since that day. The girl never tell her name but she knows about him inside out and tease him ,mock him but at the same time praise him. To be honest Solace have mixed feeling about her,she is devil and angel at same time he guess?

"Devil and Angel?I don't know I should be happy or not."(???????)

"You read my mind again?"(Solace)

"Of course,My beloved stupid Cael. I already told you not to ask the question you already knows the answer."(????????)

This make his his head hurt ,but he kept aside his foolish thought and then ask the Mysterious girl.

"So,Why did you call me ?Didn't we agree to meet on weekend?"(Solace)

The mysterious girl pretend didn't heard that and than took out a huge book and then the book open on its own.Then a bunch of flame lit above the book,Gold,White,Red,Gray and Blue. The last flame it the first time for solace to seen it.

"A new flame is created,Looks like you have make another friend. So tell me is it girl or a guy?"(???????)

"It's a girl,that's why stop glaring at me!"(Solace)

"A girl?I see A girl ,You have you charmed your big sister and your little sister,now your childhood friend?Are you an harem MC??"(??????)

"No !! let me correct you!!First My older sister is my blood related sister,So it's impossible for love to bloom between us!! !!!Second,my little sister ignia hate me and she never smile toward me either after entering middle school!!Third,Lily Is not my childhood friend!!She just a girl that I owe because she returned my pendant and I sure she never look at me that way!!"(Solace)

"Yes,yes I believe you!Happy?"(?????)

The girl only put smug smile and look aside,Solace immediately have a headache !!She is really his natural enemy!!.!!The girl's smile become wider and make Solace more pissed but what he can do?He once try to fight and is bullied by her.

"Well,Don't mind me for being too Strong~~~,Cael. I will just remind you one thing,don't trust others except me or your sister. One day they will betray you and this is the truth"(???????)

"I know.You don't need to tell me twice."(Solace)

"Good then wake up."(????????)

Solace nodded and then close his eyes soon he disappeared ,The mysterious girl then said.

"Even thought I said that,He obviously ignore my warning. His stupidity is too much,but because he is so stupid I can trust him ."(????????)

Solace then slowly opened his eyes and found himself on his own room. looks like once again he refused to be taking care at hospital. Well it's normal,after all E rank like him isn't disdained and treated like he isn't human. He then get out from bed and open the windows. It's already morning. He then check his phone and found a day have passed and It's 1 P.M.Solace then sighed as he missed second day of school,Today is second day of school and he planned to deal with examiner to show some his strength so he won't be bullied. Solace then sighed and someone entered his room.

"Brother stop sighing,You annoy me!"(Ignia)

Solace who heard this wondered where the fact the mysterious girl think she is love with him. The kind of love between brother and sister only exist in Anime and such.Solace then pick up his notebook which on table beside him and then write something on it.

"Thanks for taking care me."(Solace)

"Hmm.Get changed ,You need to participate for the second exam today.Just don't get hurt brother."(Ignia)

Ignia already left the soon as she said that. Solace then quickly get changed and go to school.Unexpectedly ,when he arrives the school is closed.Solace then quickly check his phone and found a message with key attached to it. Solace quickly used the key and the gate in front of him opened. Once he entered the gate immediately closed,and a new message appeared. This time the message told him to enter the classroom 1-1. Solace immediately entered the classroom. When he opened Lily was there sitting on her seat. At the same time solace noticed ,His seat is at the top left which is just beside lily and window.


Lily immediately sit up and walk toward him. Solace take a look of her and realize the scarf he make already stabilized and good for a week or so.Solace took out his notebook and then write something.

"What do you want?"(Solace)

"I want to thank you for making me this scarf,This-."(Lily)

Solace quickly write something and show it to Lily.

"I just repaying you,That's all. There is no need to thank me."(Solace)

"I understand,thank you for your help Solace."(Lily)

Solace who heard that doesn't know what to reply,as he purely helped her just because he didn't want owe her anything.But in the end ,he become too soft and help her way too much. To be honest,the reason he wanted help her isn't just to repaying her but because he wanted to help her. After all Lily is one of people that kept being friend with her and visit him secretly so often when he forbidden to go outside of house.. Thought she never visit him again after 3 month.Solace won't ask anything regarding that as he understand why Lily never secretly visit him again. Solace sighed a little then sit on his seat.

He take out his PDA and then quickly type something and draw a blue print. It pique lily interest and make her look at him. Slowly a list of material is written ,Most of them is D and some of them is E rank and then he immediately ordered it . Then Solace quickly finish the blue print and katana is drawn on it.Lily can't help herself and question him.

"Solace,Do you use katana?"(Lily)

Solace didn't replied and continued to draw the blue print. 30 minutes later,the blue print is finished and beautiful red katana appeared. Based on Solace blueprint it can held up to 2 module,One is Red chip and the second one is Blue chip. Lily didn't understand about this one ,solace then immediately stopped. Then took out his notebook and write..

"It's for my sister."(Solace)

Lily didn't expect this close her eyes twice but then she smiled a little as she was happy that Solace answered her question from before,Lily then can't be helped and ask more question from him.

"Solace,can you tell me more about module?"(Lily)

Solace then nod his head and took out his sword.He then press one button and the sword handle quickly separate in two. From the piece of handle,2 Red chip with a small red gem on it can be found on each side of piece.. Then the on the sword edge there is a green chip slowly resurface. Then Solace pointed on the red chip first and write something on his notebook.

"The red chip and the green chip you see are Module,Or Memory Module to be exact."(Solace)

"Memory Module?"(Lily)

Solace nod and then write the explanation on his notebook. Lily then quickly read it.

Memory Module,Is chip that made with certain material called memory crystal and other material.The memory crystal is one of common material that can be mined in many Gate. The reason why it's valued highly was mainly because it able draw power from living material depend on the rank of Memory crystal.For example rank D able to draw 1,5% power from material,while C able to draw 5% power from material. Thought it just based on theory...After all in process making module it's common to lost some part of it's power and usually only retain 50-70% of it's usefulness. So in in reality D at most able to draw only around 0,9 power of material. Also it's only happen if you use the best part of living monster or plant.If it didn't then you can say at most it only retain 0,75 for rank D material. The memory crystal also have limit and it can only draw the power from the material with same rank or below.

Once lily read this ,More question enveloped and want to continue to question him. Why there is 3 module within one weapon?Won't the module conflicted with each other?What the color mean?She have so many question that lead him to question solace more. Solace answered her patiently and explain it more. For the reason why 3 module or less ,It's too troublesome to explain to beginner,But about the color module it's easy.

Red :mean physical enhancement .(Common)

Green :mean support effect.(Common)

Blue :mean magic enhancement.(Super rare

White :means heal(Rare)

Black :Illusion and curse enhancement.(Rare)

Gray :Durability and Sharpness enhancement.(Uncommon)

Silver :Burst enhancement (Legendary rare)

Reading this Lily,Can helped to ask another question.

"Burst enhancement?"(Lily)

"It's one type module that enhance other module in exchange it break other module.The reason why it's rare to be seen is because all of silver module have rank A and higher,not many module marker can create it as well."(Solace)

"I see,Thanks for your explanation Solace."(Lily)

At the same time Lily thanking him,The examiner from yesterday come. Lily immediately sit on her seat and regain her icy demeanor,While Solace take out his PDA and start reading something. The examiner then begin explaining about the school. The school start at 7.PM and end at 2.AM. Then the examiner begin to explain the rule completely and it's punishment. But as he finished he grit his teeth.As both of Solace and Lily didn't care and busy with their own matter. Once it's finished they were allowed to go home. Solace escorted Lily home and then go home on his own. Surprisingly both of his mother and father wasn't there. Her sister also wasn't home. Solace didn't think it about it further and then go to his father workshop and start making katana for his sister. Once a hour passes ,Solace got a message that both of can't go home today and they are with her sister. Since it is common like that Solace continue making katana for his sister. Then after finished creating it he immediately go to play a game for his father and mother. While he doing that,a danger instinct enveloped him.

On other hand Solace's little sister ignia went to Lily house.She then quickly threaten her.

"Answer my question.What are you planning ?"(Ignia)

"I..I didn't plan anything."(Lily)

"You are lying,You clearly approached my brother because you know my brother flames didn't you?Also I won't believe it's coincidence for you to meet together without any information.Speak!"(Ignia)

"It's really a coincidence!!"(Lily)

"Then who send people seeking information about my brother if it's not you?"(Ignia)

"I ..I really don't know."(Lily)

"....Tch. Even the knife is frozen.Looks like I can't kill you as everyone said."(Ignia)

Ignia throw her knife away and once it hit the ground ,it broken into small pieces. Then her phone suddenly rang and Ignia pick it up . Her body then immediately trembled.

"Big brother!!but,But!!!"(Ignia)

"Ignia,don't make me angry."(Solace)

Ignia heard Solace voice shivered,as his brother rarely speak. If he speak then it will be absolutely important and she will obey it.

"Fine. Count yourself lucky this time.."(Ignia)

As ignia said that,she escaped from window. Lily then sighed and pick up her scarf and wear it once again.She then held her scarf tightly.

"I am sorry,Solace. As I can only depend on you."(Lily)

On other hand Solace is glad that Ignia didn't hurt because of this. Ignia then entered Solace's room and then she asked.

"Big brother why you stop me?You know right?You know she spy on you!!!You know she planned this!!Yet why?Why you stop me?"(Ignia)

Solace write something on his notebook,and he write in biggest font .

"Do you want to die?"(Solace)


Ignia immediately cowered as she found his brother truly angry.Solace want to hit her ,why she was so reckless ?Any wrong move and she will be killed!!!!You should know Lily is one treasured princess of her family!!!!!!!!Even if Ignia success in killing her then Lily body would explode and freeze ignia which will kill her instantly!!If that happen how can he face his mother?Silence enveloped the whole room. Ignia dislike such a thing and try to break the silence.

"Big brother,why you make her a scarf made of saint flame for her?"(Ignia)

Solace then replied toward her by writing another sentence on another page.

"Because I owe her,she return this pendant to me."(Solace)

Solace then showed the pendant that lily returned to him,Ignia who heard that immediately become more afraid as she think she hurt the person his brother owe.

"I am sorry...Brother I didn't knew."(Ignia)

Solace didn't want to scold her and didn't plan to ,Beside..Solace didn't think ignia make a mistake,it just she was too reckless. Solace knows Lily hiding something,but he can't ask for it as he already know what Lily planning and why she seek for his help. He already knew it all.The reason he kept quiet is because it's not time for him to move.Also he wants lily to tell him what happen to his real sister. He just hope..his sister is fine.

Ignia then dismissed and in her own room ,she didn't know what she should do...but then she forgot to tell him about one thing...Well his foolish brother probably knew so she go to immediately go to sleep. But the next day is the third day of student welcome ceremony at the same time transferred student entered the class.

"My name is Ignia,Ignia Elheart!!I am Solace fiance!!"(Ignia)

Hearing this Solace poker face nearly broke while Lily eyes become dot. On other hand the trouble marker only smiled toward him.Solace knows Ignia have many pursuer and it's annoys her greatly even thought it is Solace who eliminate them based on her mother's order.Until one day Their mother decide to do fake engagement between them to redirect the pursuer ignia pursuer to him. Of course Solace can't protest and only accept it,but when he entered school ,Solace's mother promised that he will free of this job in exchange to go to school. Sure,he accept it since Ignia is one grade below her and no one will challenge person they didn't know where his about,1 year free of job how good was that?How good is his live not to deal with those idiotic human?But he forgot that Ignia is honor student,and can skip grade easily.Now all of Ignia pursuer will know about him going to school and he will probably targeted from inside of school and outside of school.Free of job?More like Overwork !!

"I am fucked up."(Solace)

On other hand ignia found his brother expression didn't change and her smile become wider.

"See mother!!Big brother didn't mind in the end!!!"(Ignia)

What Solace didn't know,That Her mother indeed planned to give him break since she know how many people he need to deal in a year.But since her daughter insist to be in same grade with her brother..she can only say yes..After all it's not mother fault to spoiler her daughter more right?