Chapter 3 The Aftermath

Marconi is checking his social media while he's crossing the street and behind him is this large commotion. He doesn't look back because he doesn't want anything to do with shopping or this discount war that has emerged. By the time he gets to the gelato shop, it's closed and he sees an ice cream truck headed toward the direction of where the kids headed off too.

Oh well, no ice-cream today. Marconi plays some mobile phone games to kill time. Eventually he's at 10% and the sun is starting to set. Finally the store has closed and everyone is starting to leave. At this moment, Marconi calls his father to pick him up and he heads over to find his mother.

His mom is chatting with another parent and she sees Marconi.

"Marconi, this is Edgar's dad, he's head of security at the Opportunity Academy of Everything".

"Nice to meet you sir", Marconi says while giving him a firm handshake.

Next to him is a kid slightly shorter than him, and he's just an average joe like he is. They hit it off as they wait for their rides to head over.

"So how was the battle royale?" asked Marconi.

"It was hilarious, I haven't seen so many nerds fight over stuff since that comic book convention" said Edgar.

"Same, I was more interested in getting gelato so I didn't stay", said Marconi. "What's your favorite flavor?", Edgar asked.

"It's a long one, I enjoy the medium fudge, double dipped, -", Marconi started. "extra chocolate, vanilla milkshake, sundae", Edgar finished.

"A fellow gelato connoisseur I see" said Marconi, "nope, just a sugarhead" said Edgar. "So are you going to the Opportunity Academy of Everything?" asked Marconi, "Yep, and you?" Edgar replied.

"Same", said Marconi.

"My advice for you is be wary of Nigel, Chubbs, the Janitor, Shark, the fixer, teacher's pets, the principal's kid and that odd kid that hangs out in the second floor restrooms".

Marconi gave Edgar a disbelieving look. "They all have their own stories, but seriously don't mess with them. Plus I heard we have a few more oddballs entering this year".

"Also on your phone add to the list, the adults you don't want to mess with are in increasing order, The Principal, the lunch ladies, the librarian, Mr. Munch, Mr. Wineholt, Mrs. Mills, the Janitor and of course, my dad, the head of security" said Edgar.

"Thanks for the advice" said Marconi, "mind if I get your phone number. In case you have anything else to tell me about."

Edgar agreed and said something odd to Marconi, "The Opportunity Academy of Everything literally means what it says, and you can never have too many friends". With that ominous note they parted and Marconi got some time with his mother.


AN: Needed to split this chapter, way too long, too many references, and too many lists. Oh well the benefit of hindsight...6/2/19


"So what did you get?" asked Marconi.

"I got you this average backpack, like you suggested a binder, a few notebooks, a box of pencils and markers, a pencil box, the study books and reading materials, a new pencil sharpener, calculator, math equipment (protractor, circle tracer), paper clips, erasers, pens, paper, notecards, poster paper, expo markers, a laser pointer and more. I also ordered a whiteboard, highlighters, a keychain, a newer laptop, lab notebooks, a folder, and a few mechanical pencils. It also came with a complementary flashlight, swiss army knife, chalk and a pocket mirror. (long list I know, just covering my basis) "This costs one whole year of chores Mr.", said his Mom.

AN: This was leading up to some real Mcgyver stuff shame I never finished the story and got to use it. I didn't really have an ending in mind.

"Fine, but I want my sundae", Marconi retorted.

"That reminds me we need to go to Fashion Atelier to get some clothes, P.S you can get your school uniform there" said his mom.

Marconi's Dad pulls in to the parking lot, "So how was it?" he asked. "Hectic" said Marconi's mom, "where were you?".

"I had an emergency at work, it was something about the regional education computer system went down and we were called in to help fix it", said Marconi's dad.

"We need to go to Fashion Atelier to get Marconi's uniform", said Marconi's mom.

"Don't worry", said his Dad, "I went and picked up his uniform and I got his school uniform and some clothes", he winks at Marconi.

"Thanks dad, you're the best!" (Marconi's dad knows the clothes he likes. Whereas his mom has her "own " style).

"Speaking of which, I met a lot of your classmates and faculty at the Opportunity Academy of Everything. They're really serious, so you better watch out kid".

"Don't worry", said Marconi "I can do this".

"I also met the Janitor, the Principal, and the Librarian. I asked them to look out for you, so be sure to get on their good side. It'll make your school life a whole lot easier".

"Thanks Dad", Marconi said.

"Nice job, Honey", Marconi's mom says

"We got all the school supplies Marconi needed. So let's go out at eat dinner at "Antichi Sapori, tonight. how does that sound?".

"That sounds great, thanks mom", said Marconi.