Chapter 19 Marconi’s dream

In Marconi's dream he's flying high in the sky. Marconi's no hero and he doesn't really care about having responsibilities.

To Marconi it's like experiencing a pre-scripted movie.

He's not a lucid dreamer so he's watching himself just having fun flying around. Marconi favorite superpower that he wishes for was to fly.

There's something special about having a power that no one else has and he wants to be able to fly. He doesn't care about super strength, super speed, telekinesis, or time travel. He's especially wary of time travel because of the butterfly effect, causality and worrying about space time.

Flying has much less strings attached, of course he ignores temperature when flying and oxygen, but it's a dream. He sees himself flying straight up into space. He's looking down a blue marble called Earth as he speeds around at like 50mph.

Although Marconi doesn't have any actual control in his dream it's a really enjoyable experience. He doesn't have to worry about traffic and he can visit cities around the world. (Marconi's perception of the world in the dream is really small).

Marconi visits Italy and has some pasta, he goes to Asia and visit pandas, he then goes to Africa and finds a small gemstone, finally he heads to South america and visits the Amazon. Right before he heads back home Marconi flies to the moon and performs the moonwalk.

He takes a few steps and visits the American flag, he then tries to pick up some moon rocks before his dream goes to black.

Marconi then wakes up and realizes its time to go to school. Marconi had such a good dream he wants to go back. In order to not fall back into that warm cozy bed he walks to the window and a bright ray of sunlight hits him in the face.

It's so cold that Marconi gets back into bed anyway. He has to roll out of bed so he doesn't fall back asleep. Marconi gets dressed and goes to school.