Chapter 21 Sunday

I'm going be honest, I don't know how kids watch sports, but Marconi did on Saturday. And Of course he procrastinated even though his mother set up time to do homework.

Marconi just played on his mobile gaming device and watched videos on his computer. Nothing like a good video game on this new website called newgrounds. It's a ground for new video games. Although there are gaming applications that host games, Marconi has an attachment to browser URL games.

Although Marconi plays a few .io games, he's still interested in URL servers minclip, nitrme, crzymnky, and stckpage are all fun websites he visits. A bit outdated of course, but Marconi still finds them fun.

Saturday, Marconi got no work done on his homework, but then again with that much homework on the first week who wouldn't do homework on a Sunday.

Sunday came around and Marconi wakes up late at 9:30 am. He walks downstairs and pours himself a nice bowl of cereal and a glass of milk (yeah that's right, he's not a soggy cereal person like all you weird folks).

After a bowl of generic sugar-filled cruncho's Marconi puts his semi empty bowl in the sink and stays in his nice and warm PJs. He heads to his laptop and plays a few video games before he hears his parents wake up its 11:00 (late sleepers OK).

His mother comes in the front door from his morning jog, while his Dad heads downstairs to get coffee. He's still wearing the bunny slippers mom bought him for his birthday and a slightly dirty bathrobe.

Marconi starts to head downstairs and pretends he actually did the homework.

Oh hey Marconi", his mother pants.

"Hey Mom, just studying. So how was your run today", Marconi asked.

"I ran 5 miles and I ran under 12 minutes a mile...", his mother responds, but Marconi stands to zone her out.

"That's nice honey", Marconi's Dad responds "Do you know what happened to the coffee?".

"Looks like we're out then, I got some at the store as I ran past, Marconi could you get it out of my car", Marconi's mom asks.

Marconi heads out and gets the packet coffee and throws it at his dad.

"Thanks Marconi", Marconi's Dad tiredly says.

"Your Welcome, Marconi responds". "So, lunch….Brunch", Marconi starts. "

Fast food", both his parents respond. Marconi's mom heads to the shower and his dad makes coffee. It gives Marconi just enough time to slip into the garage and pull out a can of lemonade.

He plops himself in a rocking chair and a small setup of a book called "My new order and Zweites Buch combined". Quite a good book by a notorious politician. A small history interest of Marconi. This lasts for an hour before they head off to lunch.