Silk stared at his hands, blood was dripping from them. He looked up to see the right hand was scrambling against the wall in fear. There were no glass shards in the room.
"What…what the hell are you?" she stammered.
"Why do you ask?" He said smiling warily and tried to gain an understanding of his surroundings. The room was the same one that he first entered after going up the stairs.
"Your eye, it grew back," she said horrified.
"That," Silk paused. "I'm a demi-human, half demon. Where is the eye I lost?"
"You threw it into the mirror," the right hand had regained her composure.
"I don't remember that."
"You did fly into a sudden rage and it ended with you clawing out an eye."
Silk started considering the facts. "Wait!" he shouted. "My eye went into the mirror?"
"Yes." She confirmed.
"I don't know, you did it. You are a magician; these things are beyond me."
"That standard of magic is beyond me as well. You can't make something disappear into nothing."
"You can't? I've seen magicians do it," she argued.
"I do it with a little trick to do with different dimensions and energy, its complicated and needless to say I stole the method from a very smart person in a war. Turning something into nothing is impossible so that eye must still be something."
"Is this just conjecture?"
"My work usually is," Silk proudly stated and ran to a mirror. Clutching into space he picked out a random object, the sword came out. He used it to lightly hit the mirror to hear a sound come back but it was like the mirror was hollow. He put the sword back.
"You made your sword appear and disappear just there, so why do you think you couldn't do it with the eye?" the right hand questioned.
"Slightly different." He picked up the mirror to find that the mirror did not have a hollowed bit of wall behind it.
"Interesting." He took the frame off the mirror and threw it at the right hand shouting, "catch!"
The mirror was flat with no room for I noticeable hollow part yet when he tapped it with his fingernail it still made a noise that made it sound hollow. He then threw it to the ground and it shattered like a normal mirror, there was no hollow inside. Silk decided to tap another mirror to find it also had the hollow sound without a hollowed-out wall behind it.
"What have you figured out?" the right hand asked.
"Something disturbing, look at the mirror." He said pointing at the opposite mirror. The mirror showed two reflections of Silk and the right hand holding hands when they were not doing that themselves. All the mirrors in the room showed this.
"We need to get out of here." He burst out the room kicking down the door. He rushed down the steps into the foyer and stopped to look behind him. The right hand had followed but so had the two reflections which walked through the wall like a moving two-dimensional canvas.
A screaming was heard roaring through the building, Silk started running to it. He burst through a kitchen, dining room and another hallway finally making it to the bedroom the screaming came from.
"Are you sure you don't want anything, this world has much to offer that I have been given permission to give you on the grounds of peace," Adam was bargaining. Charles the knight held two eyes in his hand while giving off a threatening presence.
"What's going on?" Silk asked.
"I think he is possessed," Adam answered quickly with a slight tremble in his voice. "You're a mage, can't you dispel it?"
"No, I'm a pretty bad mage."
Charles dropped his eyes on the floor and roared. Taking a step forward he drew his sword and attacked attacked, Silk acted quickly stepping in front of Adam and drawing his thinner sword and blocked the great weight with great effort.
"Thank you," Adam said and backed out of the way.
Silk took up a fencing stance holding his white rapier in front of him confidently. Charles waved his massive sword above his head and splitting the ceiling open easily, let it tear open the space Silk was standing.
Silk sidestepped out of the way and using this chance lunged forward piercing his side and ultimately heart. He unsheathed the blade from the body and flicked the sword to discard the blood and put it away in his space.
Charles suddenly roared and using his side pushed Silk through a wall.
"Come on. I don't have another suit," Silk shouted angrily getting up and brushing the fragments of wall from his suit.
Charles turned to face Silk to find him doing a hand stand against the wall.
"Toodles," Silk smiled and activated an enchantment, it was an inverse law enchantment which could change a force of Silk's choice into the opposite direction within ten meters, in this case he chose gravity.
Suddenly Charles and Silk were propelled to the roof but Silk landed on his feet while Charles landed on his head. This enchantment took a lot of energy to use because it had such a wide area of effect and affected so much in the environment.
Not being able to use the enchantment for too long Silk let it go and they dropped back onto the floor.
Charles picked himself up from the floor, and roared yet again. He started growling and barking to try and intimidate him.
"Shut up!" Silk shouted. He took away the air around Charles to stop the noise travelling. Charles kept moving unhindered by the lack of air.
"Interesting," Silk smiled viciously.
He focused on Charles and activated yet another enchantment to take away energy from him and focus them into the surroundings. Charles launched a punch at Silk which he couldn't avoid properly with the focus he was using so his right arm took a big blow.
The air became increasingly hot while Charles became increasingly slower which made dodging easier. After a while Charles stopped motionless but Silk kept going with the enchantment. He tiptoed up to him cautiously and kicked him causing Charles to shatter into tiny pieces.
"That was kickass," A voice admiringly said from behind him.
Silk turned to see that Sarah was watching from the side.
"Thanks, I think?" He said back.
"You aren't from around here. That was science and magic put together, please tell me how to do that." she requested.
"No." He firmly replied. "We should probably see how the others are doing."
Silk started scrambling back through the wall and where he came from which was quite easy considering the giant hole he made while being thrown.
"Why won't you show me?" Sarah persisted.
"Because this magic is my own and no one else's."
"Magic and science, it's beautiful."
"Where I come from it is normal." He threw a particularly large wooden plank blocking the path away. It most likely came from the ceiling.
"Where do you come from?"
Silk stopped, he had said too much. He smiled, "nowhere important."
He slammed his body through the door and managed to find Adam and the right hand. Adam was in a bad way, he was halfway absorbed into the wall. The right hand was rocking from side to side in the corner.
"What happened?" Silk asked the right hand while approaching her. He soon noticed something was off, the right hand seemed distorted. He ran up worried to find out what happened, she seemed weird and not at all natural. He looked closer to see that she was in the wall, she put on a vicious smile, before he could pull away a hand grabbed him and pulled him to the wall.
"Stop," Sarah shouted but that accomplished nothing.
Silk quickly activated an enchantment which provide enough energy to tear through space and used it to cut the arm which was grabbing him. The space closed after a while as Silk couldn't maintain it.
"That was too close," Silk stammered. He turned to find that the reflection had a strange expression on its face, it turned out it had changed form into the silhouette from his illusion and but looked terrified.
Silk ran into the bedroom from before dragging Sarah behind him and closed the door behind him.
"What was that about?" Sarah asked.
"They are not from this universe, don't you see," Silk ignored her and was talking excitably.
"What are you saying?" she asked confused.
"It's so simple, those things in the mirror are travellers from somewhere else and are trying to force their way into this world. Those reflections are just scouts, the real problem lies in the wall. Don't you see it, there have to be things in the walls," Silk rambled.
"What on Earth are you saying?"
"I have a plan is what I'm saying. If I am right it will be epic but I will need your help."