That girl is relentless

Chapter 4: that girl is relentless

12 years later

From the door of dreams

Light comes pouring out

Somebody calls my name

So I knock, knock, knock, knock~

Many people cheer and shout for their idol. They raised their banner and applause. Their male idol is indeed handsome and cool but emotionless, but they can feel the emotion even though their male idol didn't show it in his face. It is in his songs.




"No one will escape! Find him!!!"

"Yes boss!!!"

Many people frightened and trying to escape but in this crowd, the exit door are been trapped by the bomb. Many screamed and cried.

Some of them are now dead by the sudden show.

"Please follow me now!" she said to the male idol who is scared and he follow the girl who wear a cute mask but cool. They ran in the back stage and enter a secret small exit that nobody knows except for the owner and the other idols and actress.

"How do you know this secret place?" he asked the girl and she raised her gun and shot the man who is following them.


"Jezuz! That is scary."the man said and he look at the girl. The girl in mask frown.

"Stop acting. You're a gangster too so stop like you're afraid. Stupid." she said to the boy while they run. The idol was impress that he was been found out.

"Okay, and tell me. What was that all about?" he asked the girl.

"They know that the Bad King is here and I already know that is you and you also know me too." She said to the boy seriously. They ride in the sports car and drove very fast.

"Butterfly, I am impressed that you found out that it is me." He said to her.

"Correction. Invisible Butterfly." She said and he laugh.

Like I didn't know that he is you. It's the same for the eye, like duh. She thought.

"Of course, why not? Remember, those eyes." She said coolly.

Now I know why she discovered me. I am really falling for this hot girl. Smart and brave but not that kind. She's cold. She should be called Ice Princess or so whatever. He thought.

"And how about my fans? Are you also my fan?" he said and smirked. She point her gun to him, warning him. "Woah! Put that away. " He raise his both hands saying 'i surrender' and she put down her gun and he calm down a bit. The famous Gangster in the Underworld, Invisible Butterfly- by her name invisible, she always out of people's eye and popped out if she will going to kill now or save somehow and her speed was amazing dreadfully. Her profile is always unknown and no one ever know her real name or her life here in this world where normal people lives. In her name 'Butterfly' means a girl who always wears mask have a good charisma, hot, cool, and her hair sways perfectly as she moves.

"Stop asking." She said and stopped the car and threw the man in the side walk. " H-hey! Why are you throwing me here?!" he asked her but she already left.

That girl is relentless. Tsk. He wear his cap and he left. I will definitely going to find you ,Invisible Butterfly.


Finally, I can rest. She thought.

"How's that male idol? Is it him?!" he sister asked her and she answered yes. She smile ear to ear and I laugh. I am the woman who saved that stupid man. He is Bad King. The sixteenth strongest gangster and he is really stupid in real life. Now I know his weakness.


I stopped being an actress I only need it to control my emotions and hide it but still, I continued being an idol with my another identity. My grandparents are the one who manage our mother's company but I am still the CEO and my sister is my right handed but she's still learning and it's because I am the eldest. If my sister graduated maybe I will pass this to her or not?

I change my clothes to normal clothes and went to the kitchen. I felt someone is gazing at me, a killing gaze. I guess someone is here to kill one of us so I went upstairs after I drink water quickly. I call my sister and my grandparents and I said to them every detail in the room. About this male idol and awhile ago.

"Someone knows my identity." Grandmother said worriedly. "Not yours only mine. He is following me since last night." She continued.

"Then lets-


No way, they are planning right now!

"Please, my granddaughters. Do not act like you're also one of us. Act innocent. It should be only us. Go to this place with your sister and send this letter to Young master and keep this bank card. It will keep you survive." She give me the letter and card with password. "Also, you need to follow it. He didn't know your identity so act like your not a gangster, and my last wish. I'd in here. Open it on your next birthday. " He continued and give me the small golden chest and grandmother hurriedly went there.

Me and my sister went to a secret passage exit and we succeed. We run and find to this place. We follow every they said to us, so we did.

Mo Empire~

We went to the counter and asked.

"Where is the office of Eldest Young Master?" I coldly ask, i have no time to chitchat.

"W-what's your name and your appointment?" she asked.

" Lyricie bermudes. Tell me where the hell is he?" The girl is now shaking.

" S-sorry but he s-said n-no visitors-" She said however she was stopped.

"Never mind." I said emotionless and went upstairs but she stopped me.

"Y-you can't enter, you are not part of this place and not a visitor... He also said that he should not disturb him." She said.

"Done speaking? "I innocently said and give her the card of my business. When she saw my card she bow to me.

"S-sorry Ms. Bermudes. I don't know that you are the CEO of Vanada."she said and she leave me alone. "Guard, please take them to the CEO."

The guard show me the way with my sister to young master's office. Many people stared at me and my sister.

They are young.

Who are they?

Beautiful and hot!

Visitors of our CEO!

Who? Them?

"Sister, they are talking about us." She whispered to me. "don't mind them." I answered her unaffected.

We knock at the door and we entered.

When we entered they saw a man sitting in the chair. He has a cold gaze and every gaze can cause a dead meat. So this rumored is truth and real.

I look at my sister and she is incredibly scared at his gaze.

"Speak." He said in a cold tone. Then I will also speak in a cold tone will gazing at your eyes. This is an amazing challenge. It's my first time, actually who is as same as me but in an opposite gender.

I walk towards him and I saw him raising his left eye brow. I gave the letter to him that my grandparents give to me.

"Read it."I said in a cold tone and emotionless face. I have no time for him but I know my grandparents can survive to that hell.

But still, I am worried.

He read the letter and he smirked after reading this.

So you're accepting it already. He thought.

Lyricie make a confused face when she saw his reaction change into a spring.

What the. Lyricie speak to herself.

I wonder what is written in the letter. My sister is really brave to look at his eyes. I am scared!

Jiaxyn thought.