So sister, what's the plan?

Chapter 19: So sister, what's the plan?

•Jackson Hospital•

"Zier, Zier wake up. I'm sorry. Sorry." She cry and cry until Zier's parents are there in the scene.

"Oh gosh dear, it's not your fault." Zier's mother said worriedly and she hug her tightly.

"Bro is fine, but this girl is a bad luck to him. She's lucky but a bad luck to us." His brother said to them. He knows girls because he is a playboy but never been kiss anyone. He is more cold-heart to everyone except for his brother. In short, he loves his big brother. He didn't admit it to others.

"Stop! Did you even know that their injured? I know you hate woman but that is your future sister-in-law! " Father said with an angry look.

"Fine." He sit down and wait for the doctor to come out but he was so irritated and he wanted to leave.

"I go first. Tell me what will the doctor said." He tells everyone.

"Where are you going?" father said.

"Outside the hospital." he said without looking and he left.

"That son of ours, why can't we understand him?"


Ring! Ring! Ring!

He frown and didn't want to answer but this was the 5th time. He decided to finally answered an unknown phone call.

"What do you want?"

[Meet me in Won Restaurant ASAP! If you want to know the truth behind this car accident.]

toot. toot. toot.

A woman? It looks like she's serious. Well, i want to know the truth so... i will go.

But dammed. This must be a trap!

It was almost midnight when he entered the restaurant that the woman who called awhile ago. When he entered they are no one here except for that woman who seats in a hidden place. He almost didn't see her there. He walk closely to see who she is.

"Seat." He was shocked when he saw the woman who wants to meet to her. He just saw a lovely angel! He seat down and look at her.

" My name is Lyricie."

"Flynn is my name. What do you want from me?"He said to her.

" Read this." He frown. One word and next two words? The hell! It's like my brother! He thought. He open the envelope and read on what's inside. He was shocked when he saw a marriage certificate.

"Y-you're married t-to my... brother? Is this real?" He fluttered and raise the certificate.

"If you do not believe it. Go to the municipal tomorrow. Go with me, but that's not more important. This is the more important and i need your help. Zier's family do not know about me and your so-called-future-daugther-in-law has this secret." Lyricie said and she get her marriage certificate and give the most important detail to him. He read it silently and little by little his eyes had finally full of disgust.

"This. Is this also true? How did you get this? Are your her partner in crime?" He asked in a cold tone to scare her off but it didn't work.

"Yes, i open Zier's email and find the original email of hers and i hacked it. Her family and herself are really mysterious. Their details in the public is not complete. It looks like complete but some of them are lie. What your holding is the truth." She said.

"How did you know my brother's email? Did you also hack it? Where did you learn how to hacked? "

"He gave it to me last month and i am his w-wi-fe." She didn't look at him because she is extremely shy to say that word. "I learn it from my mother when i was young and i secretly study Science Mathematics Physics and more." She continued.

He chuckled. This woman is interesting. I heard that my brother was always looking a girl but in secret. Maybe this woman he's talking about. From the look at her eyes, she is not lying.

"Stop staring and laughing." She coldly said. "Sorry. I can't help it. Your too similar to my brother." He smiled, this was the first time he smile for real in front of a girl. In fact, he was happy for his brother.

"So sister, what's the plan?" He said with a serious tone.

"Believing me on our first met? Are you an idiot or what?"

"Don't mind me. Continue, please." He said.

She smirked and she explain everything.

A plan to ruin Amella and show her true colors.