Grandfather is sick and his request

Chapter 37:Grandfather is sick

When Zier got a call, he stands up in the bed. "What?! Grandfather is sick?" and it makes Lyricie wake up too...

"I'm going." Zier said and hurriedly went to the bathroom, so did her. "I'm going too."

Zier frown. "Fine. " He didn't heard any questions from her and she just follow him, like a loyal dog. DOG? No, she's not a dog. She is... never mind. Leave it in your imagination.


Lyricie and Zier hurriedly went to the hospital where Grandfather is hospitalized.

"good morning." Lyricie bowed to show of respect to other.

"Good Morning." They bowed at each other. "You've come too." Katrina hug Lyricie and she wipe her tears. "Me too." Angela said pouting. She came over and hug Lyricie too.

When they saw their daughters with Lyricie, they feel comfortable warmth.

"What's his condition?" Zier asked.

Zier's mother, Neona weakly smile. "A Kidney Cancer." and it let Zier in gazed, so do Lyricie.

"What's stage, Mother-in-law?" Lyricie asked worriedly. She was also worried at Grandfather cause this was her new family and she loved it, she cared for it.

"Just call me mommy, Dear. He's in Stage 3. He hid it from us in fact." She explained.

"M-mommy, is Grandpa smokes?" Lyricie shyly asked. Mommy worriedly smiled to them.

Uncle butted in. "Actually, he hates smoking." They nodded.

"Then is it because of high blood pressure and he is old. I also saw some symptoms from him. He always look tired and his back always in pain. " Lyricie said and it made everyone stunned.

"Are you a doctor? How come you knew these? Even myself don't know it." Auntie amazingly said. Zier look at his wife in stunned.

"It's because of my Uncle. He had same disease." He honestly answered and that made everyone in shocked.

"...and he survived and now... I wanted to help Grandpa cure his."She continued while staring at the room where grandfather is.

"I'm glad that your Uncle survived and i wish father will survive too." Auntie said.

The man who is around mid-30s and wears a white coat went outside the room. "Doctor Yoo. Is father is alright? Is he okay?" Zier's father hurriedly asked.

"The patient is stable. He needs to rest for a week to observe and in the least, let him eat healthy foods and please don't make the patient mad or sad. It can make his blood pressure high. Please maintain a wealthy exercise for around his age. Basic exercise will do. We will put him in the room in a minute. Then you can see him. Please excuse us." He said and bow. He look at Lyricie and smile. Lyricie taken back a little when she remembered him.She smiled back and bow. He left and it make Zier a little suspicious.

"Did you know him?" Zier asked her. She look at him and nodded. "He was the one who took care of my mother when she was hospitalized, i thought he forgot me and i was shocked when i saw him here. He was in the other hospital back then. It's been more than ten years already... More than then years veritably..." She explained and she remembered the past.

It make her angered however she still remain calm. Not showing any signs of emotions.

Zier can't read her this time but he knows what she was thinking. The Past.

It was indeed more than ten years now.

"I guess, he's free. He's totally going for a revenge." Lyricie said when they are alone. They already left cause they have something to do and that was business.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you." Zier said and he kiss her hair. "No need for that. I know him, he will surely kill me and you, if he found out about you... I will surely protect you no matter what. I will never going to let you hand over you to him... I will surely not. Same with my sister too." She seriously said to him straight. She is honest with her feelings towards him. She can't let her love hold him from another's hand.

Zier is speechless.

Zier felt like their character in life had switch.


Grandmother is taking care of Grandfather, wishing to cure his sickness. his eyes. Grandmother is happy that he had finally awoken.father hold her hands. "I w-want to see my grandson, Zier." His voice is rough and dry. "Okay. I'll call him immediately." She replied. The doctor entered the room and instantaneously check the patient together with the nurse.

"... Also his wife." He continued. Grandmother nodded and grab her phone right away and message everyone at once.

Lyricie is in the middle of the meeting when her phone vibrate. Everyone look at her to answer the phone right away. Lyricie open in inbox and read the message. She suddenly stands up.

"Sorry Mr. Hwan and everyone. It's an emergency. You can continue without me. My assistant will be in my place for now. " They nodded. "It's fine CEO." She smile and left the company.

She hurriedly went outside and look for her car. She is about to ride when she saw Zier waiting outside the Company.

Lyricie smile when she saw him waving at her. She wave back and walk towards him. Zier kiss her in the lips and it startled her.

"N-no kissing in the public. Let's hurry." She blush and immediately open the door and enter the car. Zier chuckled and wen inside.

The people who see their Cold Big Boss together with the Devil King the CEO of the Mo Empire, they were extremely shocked. The big news scattered the whole company, even Pierce and Pierre heard it.

"Are they planning to announce it to everyone?" Pierce asked.

"I do not know, maybe yes." Pierre answered.

"Uhm excuse me. Can i have a picture with you?" The female worker shyly asked.

"Sorry but this is not the time to take a picture. If my boss know this, i'm dead." Pierce coldly said and smirked devilish. The woman skip a beat and bow to leave immediately.

"Right. Good luck with your career." Pierre make a death glare and laugh.

"But i also quit. The salary here is much bigger than my past career. I need to work hard." Pierce laugh and continue to work.

Zier and Lyricie went inside the room and saw Grandfather half lying in the bed and everyone.

"You're here. Grandfather is looking for you." Mother said and they both nodded.

Angela and Katrina smile childishly and Jiaxyn is also here. They brought her here. Zier and Lyricie went to Grandfather and greeted.

"I want to see you getting married. I want to be there, so do everyone else and announce it to everyone proudly." Grandfather request happily. They startled. "Married?" Jiaxyn suddenly asked.

"But they are already married." Father said.

"Yes. So it means their going to married again?" Mother said.

"Yes." Grandfather replied.

"But first, Halaboji [1] you need to rest. Think your health first." Lyricie worriedly answered.

"Aboji [2] she's right. They can married again anytime you want but think your health first." Auntie said, nodding to Lyricie's request.

"I'm okay. While i recover, prepare for the wedding. It should be special, Lyricie's dream wedding should appear and make it reality. We're family after all." Grandfather happily said.

Lyricie was touch and her eyes are teary that everyone startled especially Zier.

Her teardrop drops little by little. "Lyricie, what happened? Is something hurt?" Zier worriedly asked and wipe her tears.

"What happened? Why are you crying, Dear?" Mother said.

"I-I am happy that i met Zier and i found this family. I never thought that i will have family again." She smiled. Jiaxyn smile and hug her sister tightly, so do Katrina and Angela.

Everyone was touch by her.

Grandfather and Grandmother smile widely.

"Same with us, Dear. I am happy that i met you. In our first meeting, you help us that we can't do. It's just our first meeting but you treated us like one of you." Mother said and Father together with Auntie and Uncle, they nodded in agree.

"Then, my dream wedding is only simple." Lyricie said. Everyone listen to her patiently waiting for her answer.

"What is it and we will do it." Grandfather said.

"Family. I want the one i love is all present there. Friends i treasure, family i treasure, and a husband i treasure. I don't care if the place is small or not, the important of the wedding i want is happiness. That's my dream wedding i had in mind since i was young." Lyricie answered.

Everyone smile in warmth. They didn't expect this that this will be her final answer.

Uncle and Father thought, she want luxury type. An expensive wedding gown and a place and a reporter all over, to make her famous and known to the whole world, however it was different.

Auntie and Mother thought almost the same cause this is what they want except for having high profile. They hate to be known in the world. So they keep a low profile.

"Then, that's settled. Halaboji please rest and the day you've recovered will be my and my wife's wedding day. " Zier cheerful said.
